The Thing about UFOs...

Origin of UFOs

  • Extraterrestrials

    Votes: 10 20.0%
  • Man-made

    Votes: 10 20.0%
  • Both

    Votes: 21 42.0%
  • Neither

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
A study in anthropology? I suppose that's possible - but if life IS spread across the cosmos, they've already seen plenty of it and there wouldn't be much that would make us special.

You don't know whether or not we are "special", it could be.
And they may be studying other lifeforms (as well).. why assume we would be the species they're interested in ?

Not that I even remotely believe in ET's visiting us...
The REAL truth is that you, and people like you, want so badly for it to be true that you are willing to buy into bad logic, hoaxes, testimonials - anything that supports your crazy desire.

Hah you say that like I always believed in UFOs, like you KNOW me. I was a skeptic once, until I actually researched the subject.

Are the quotes from the top govt officials not enough? There are more...

I find the explanation for natural phenomena inadequate. Please explain what natural phenomena cause the orb of light in the third video I posted to suddenly change direction to make way for an incoming object?

And even though you said you wouldnt be scared, if a little grey alien appeared in front of you right now you would FREAK the fuck out. I would too.
Anger is the first product of fear, and I see that all the time on these boards. Thats why I said people are scared of this idea, this IS a powerful idea. It shatters realities.
Hah you say that like I always believed in UFOs, like you KNOW me. I was a skeptic once, until I actually researched the subject.

Are the quotes from the top govt officials not enough? There are more...

I find the explanation for natural phenomena inadequate. Please explain what natural phenomena cause the orb of light in the third video I posted to suddenly change direction to make way for an incoming object?

And even though you said you wouldnt be scared, if a little grey alien appeared in front of you right now you would FREAK the fuck out. I would too.
Anger is the first product of fear, and I see that all the time on these boards. Thats why I said people are scared of this idea, this IS a powerful idea. It shatters realities.

What do you think would be the best method of obtaining physical evidence of manned UFOs?
That is the only thing that can sway a person like Read, who as spent their life in a lab.
Government officials often times believe in god. In the eyes of current science, they're just as bat shit crazy as you.

My interest in the subject is : Why do so many people believe in it? Why is the mainstream media pushing it? And what a hoax of mass proportion can do to a society (provided it is one)?

Personally, I feel, on some level,it's just another way to express dislike of the US government. That's all the rage these days.
Ooh "top government officials".
Like they're not actually human and never make mistakes or lie...
I believe them. :rolleyes:

True, it may be mistakes. But that would be one persistant mistake which has continued to happen over decades.

True, they may be lying. But what would they have to lie about if not UFOs?
What do you think would be the best method of obtaining physical evidence of manned UFOs?
That is the only thing that can sway a person like Read, who as spent their life in a lab.
Government officials often times believe in god. In the eyes of current science, they're just as bat shit crazy as you.

My interest in the subject is : Why do so many people believe in it? Why is the mainstream media pushing it? And what a hoax of mass proportion can do to a society (provided it is one)?

Personally, I feel, on some level,it's just another way to express dislike of the US government. That's all the rage these days.

Unfortunately there isnt really anyway to obtain physical evidence short of a UFO crashing in your backyard. Anywhere else the govt will get to it first.

Thats a good point about belief in god and govt officials, but I dont think Im crazy.(But then again, crazy people never do!:D)

Mainstream media pushes the idea to flood the market with disinformation. The best way to cover something up is not to deny it, but flood the information channels with static and false information. The media is the perfect conduit to reach millions of already brainwashed americans to implant ideas so when they hear about this they have a preconditioned response ready.
True, it may be mistakes. But that would be one persistant mistake which has continued to happen over decades.
History is littered with persistent mistakes.
God, psychic powers, phlogiston, ether....

True, they may be lying. But what would they have to lie about if not UFOs?
Politicians lie. Full stop. It's reflex.
History is littered with persistent mistakes.
God, psychic powers, phlogiston, ether....

Politicians lie. Full stop. It's reflex.

These are not only persistent, but also consistent mistakes. Consistent over years and across viewpoints.

Why do they lie non-stop is my question. What are they hiding? Why do people put up with obvious deception? (because thats the way it is, is NOT an acceptable answer)
These are not only persistent, but also consistent mistakes. Consistent over years and across viewpoints.
Yup. The fun of the human psyche.

Why do they lie non-stop is my question.
Because they're politicians.

What are they hiding?
They're not necessarily hiding anything, it's just that being in the political field "trains" you to not give straight answers.

Why do people put up with obvious deception? (because thats the way it is, is NOT an acceptable answer)
Because most people want AN answer even if it's not real. Then thay have someone to "blame for it all".
Oli said:
Yup. The fun of the human psyche.

Ok, but if we realize our mistakes, and make no effort to learn from them...What does that say about our leaders? Im talking in direct regards to the UFO phenomena.

Oli said:
They're not necessarily hiding anything, it's just that being in the political field "trains" you to not give straight answers.

I value directness and honesty, as most people do. Why then is there a persistent need to "train" politicians to lie if there is nothing to hide?

Oli said:
Because most people want AN answer even if it's not real. Then thay have someone to "blame for it all".

This is an unfortunate truth, but truth nonetheless. I would like REAL answers though, not fabricated ones to make me feel cozy at night.

I would rather be shocked and know the truth rather then be blissful in my ignorance. I cant say the same for most people, most people would rather be dumb and happy. This also is an unfortunate truth.
Ok, but if we realize our mistakes, and make no effort to learn from them...What does that say about our leaders? Im talking in direct regards to the UFO phenomena.
You've lost me on this.
A large portion of any population will have "theories" that they hold dear and refuse to listen to reason on.

I value directness and honesty, as most people do. Why then is there a persistent need to "train" politicians to lie if there is nothing to hide?
"Train"? I suppose you could phrase it like that. How about: because anyrthing a politician says can, and usually is, used against him sometime later in their career.

This is an unfortunate truth, but truth nonetheless. I would like REAL answers though, not fabricated ones to make me feel cozy at night.
Yup, but some people can't (or won;t) accept "we don't know yet" as an answer.

I would rather be shocked and know the truth rather then be blissful in my ignorance. I cant say the same for most people, most people would rather be dumb and happy. This also is an unfortunate truth.
If we're talking about "UFO" as aliens as a truth how would that affect 90% of the world's population?
They still have to go to work, pay the bills, feed the kids.
It's a non-issue.
Oli said:
You've lost me on this.
A large portion of any population will have "theories" that they hold dear and refuse to listen to reason on.

No doubt. But this is theory which has pervaded through time, has shown up in different civilizations on opposite sides of the earth, and people have directly observed (you can credit some of the sightings to error, but not ALL of them)

Oli said:
"Train"? I suppose you could phrase it like that.

Your words, not mine.

Oli said:
If we're talking about "UFO" as aliens as a truth how would that affect 90% of the world's population?
They still have to go to work, pay the bills, feed the kids.
It's a non-issue.

Materialistic issues to distract us. Fed by the media. Reinforced by the media.
All the crap we have today is not NECESSARY for survival. People are robots being programmed for specific tasks. We are taught we cannot survive in society without schooling. We are taught to dislike any idea which does not fit the current paradigm.
If ''they'' are aliens to us, what are we to them?

Once someone has answered that question, re-ask, ''do aliens exist?''
No doubt. But this is theory which has pervaded through time, has shown up in different civilizations on opposite sides of the earth, and people have directly observed (you can credit some of the sightings to error, but not ALL of them)
So dragons, fairies, pixies etc are real also by this logic.

Your words, not mine.
Oops yes. :eek:

Materialistic issues to distract us. Fed by the media. Reinforced by the media.
All the crap we have today is not NECESSARY for survival. People are robots being programmed for specific tasks. We are taught we cannot survive in society without schooling. We are taught to dislike any idea which does not fit the current paradigm.
That would be why (especially in the USA) auto-didacts are so revered....:rolleyes:
So dragons, fairies, pixies etc are real also by this logic.

There are not thousands of sightings every year for dragons, pixies, or any other creature you can imagine. Just lights in the sky. Just UFOs.
There are not thousands of sightings every year for dragons, pixies, or any other creature you can imagine. Just lights in the sky. Just UFOs.

No, but there were.
And there are significant numbers of fairy/ pixie/ whatever sightings still happening.
Even ghosts, and Elvis.
Oli, you yourself admitted to observing what seemed to be a UFO of substantial proportions?

What does it take nowadays, when a naked image seen by two eyes are no longer proof enough? And don't think i am talking about the slight hand of a magicians trick, but how rather these lights perform their remarkable stunts on the magicians darkened stage, mammoths to us in size, and Goliath in nature and performance?

Hah you say that like I always believed in UFOs, like you KNOW me. I was a skeptic once, until I actually researched the subject.

"Like you always believed?" How in the world did you make THAT huge leap?:bugeye: Thing is, there's no specific amount of time required for someone to become a loony.

I find the explanation for natural phenomena inadequate. Please explain what natural phenomena cause the orb of light in the third video I posted to suddenly change direction to make way for an incoming object?

Yet another more stupidity from you. I specifically said the answer would have to include that AND manmade objects.

And even though you said you wouldnt be scared, if a little grey alien appeared in front of you right now you would FREAK the fuck out. I would too.

I have no doubt YOU would be. I would not unless there were sparks flying from his head or he was carrying an obvious weapon.

Anger is the first product of fear, and I see that all the time on these boards. Thats why I said people are scared of this idea, this IS a powerful idea. It shatters realities.

Perhaps you see some fear on the topic from some few people (I don't) and certainly not from me. I'm having a big laugh out of this and all at your expense.
Oli, you yourself admitted to observing what seemed to be a UFO of substantial proportions?
Yep, so what.I've seen a man sawn in half and I know that was trick, but it still looked real.

What does it take nowadays, when a naked image seen by two eyes are no longer proof enough?
You accept eyesight as proof?
So straws really do bend when you put them in water?
How about this: a few years I went to one of my usual airshows. Next to me is some small kid talking to a US Navy fighter pilot and the kid asked "What's that flying now?" The pilot had a good look and said "Sukhoi 32".
Perfect weather, broad daylight and the aircraft was less than half a mile away.
Unfortunately it turned to be (as I told both of them) a Sukhoi 27UB, similar, but in no way the same.
Now tell me that a "naked image seen by two eyes" should be accepted as proof.
Human senses are easily deceived, not least because people see what they believe rather than believe what they see.