The Thing about UFOs...

Origin of UFOs

  • Extraterrestrials

    Votes: 10 20.0%
  • Man-made

    Votes: 10 20.0%
  • Both

    Votes: 21 42.0%
  • Neither

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
I will say this again. NASA's JPL director said that the idea of UFOs coming to Earth is BS.
ANYBODY that denies the basic premise that UFOs are REAL and controlled either by occupants or remotely is a complete moron. DON'T waste your time even responding.

There was once a goldfish named henry that believed in UFOs. Thing is, Henry didn't NEED to BELIEVE in UFOs because UFOs are unquestionably real. Mass sightings and 400 plus independent camcorders filming the same unidentified flying objects in public spectacles is PROOF. If you need more evidence, go watch some cartoons and leave the scientific exploration of the phenomenon to those capable of...well, SCIENCE.

Oh, my. Yet another nutty woo-woo steps forward.:rolleyes: Egad, what morons these true believers are!!! It's no wonder that scam artists are able to make so much money - there are fools running around everywhere who will believe anything!!:D
Years ago I was much more interested in the subject - but then I got into the reading material and realised that almost to a man, the people writing books, publishing magazines, videos etc on the subject are complete charlatans out to make a buck on people's (often willing) gullibility.

I have see some wierd shit in the skies though - such as three large glowing balls approximately the size of the moon (i.e relative size as seen from the earth), one behind the other, travelling sliently at an altitude of around 250m at a ground speed of around 100m/s.

My guess is that it was something like ball lightening (we'd had thunderstorms the day before and the day after)
Oh, my. Yet another nutty woo-woo steps forward.:rolleyes: Egad, what morons these true believers are!!! It's no wonder that scam artists are able to make so much money - there are fools running around everywhere who will believe anything!!:D

nice try troll. typical:rolleyes:
It was no "try" - it was the truth. Want to buy some beautiful swamp land in the mountains of Utah? Apparently you're weak-minded enough to believe anything. You've already proved it !:D

Here are some other weak-minded individuals for you.

"I can assure you that flying saucers, given that they exist, are not constructed by any power on earth."
---President Harry S. Truman, 1950.

"Of course it is possible that UFO's really do contain aliens as many people believe, and the government is hushing it up. I wouldn't like to comment on that."
---Comment by Stephen Hawking (world renowned astrophysicist) on C Span Television. Stephen Hawking was the guest lecturer at the second Millennium Evening at the White House on March 6, 1998.

"In the firm belief that the American public deserves a better explanation than that thus far given by the Air Force, I strongly recommend that there be a committee investigation of the UFO phenomena. I think we owe it to the people to establish credibility regarding UFOs, and to produce the greatest possible enlightenment of the subject."
---President Gerald Ford

"While flying with several other USAF pilots over Germany in 1957, we sighted numerous radiant flying discs above us. We couldn't tell how high they were. We couldn't get anywhere near their altitude."
"While working with a camera crew supervising flight testing of advanced aircraft at Edward's Air Force Base, California, the camera crew filmed the landing of a strange disc object that flew in over their heads and landed on a dry lake nearby. A camera crewman approached the saucer, it rose up above the area and flew off at a speed faster than any known aircraft."
---NASA astronaut, L. Gordon Cooper.

Shall I continue? Or do you get the point yet?
I most certainly believe that there is other intelligent life in the universe; I mean, what are the odds that there ISN'T? Trillions of planets, it just can't be possible that Earth is the only planet with intelligent life.

That being said, I'm not sure if I believe this intelligent life is visiting Earth. Perhaps, perhaps not. I do not know.
Nasa STS videos.

The Tether video.
Now if all this is just "space junk" as NASA has claimed why are the astronauts not dead already.

Ring of Lights.

And for the finale, a NASA STS video which clearly shows intelligent control and change of direction to an incoming object.

Thanks for the most grainy, hullabaloo vids ever.
Ok if your not a dumbass then you realize that UFOs are real and are everywhere. Thousands of sightings every year now from the common laymen to highly experienced pilots to astronauts.

1.) These are extraterrestrials.
2.) They are man-made technology and our govt has been lying for decades.

Take your pick, but you must choose (both if you want). This can no longer just be ignored.
Interesting that with all these sightings we still have the most pitiful evidence in regards to video footage. With so many sightings, and many witness accounts where people actually get up close to aliens or craft, you would think we would have something better than shaky footage of a light in the distance. There have been millions of video cameras made in the last few decades and we still see old photos like the Billy Meier ones among the best evidence.

So many sightings and yet the best evidence is unreliable testimony, shaky video footage of a light in the distance and old photos of garbage bin lids thrown in the air. ..
I most certainly believe that there is other intelligent life in the universe; I mean, what are the odds that there ISN'T? Trillions of planets, it just can't be possible that Earth is the only planet with intelligent life.

That being said, I'm not sure if I believe this intelligent life is visiting Earth. Perhaps, perhaps not. I do not know.

Finally!! Something that I can agree with.
I most certainly believe that there is other intelligent life in the universe; I mean, what are the odds that there ISN'T? Trillions of planets, it just can't be possible that Earth is the only planet with intelligent life.

That being said, I'm not sure if I believe this intelligent life is visiting Earth. Perhaps, perhaps not. I do not know.

Were talking about UFOs. Are you saying you accept the phenomena as real?

I think people are afraid to come out and admit this because it shatters their current reality. Either ETs are here, or the govt has been lying for decades about space capabilities, or BOTH.
Were talking about UFOs. Are you saying you accept the phenomena as real?

I think people are afraid to come out and admit this because it shatters their current reality.

That's a pretty silly statement. It doesn't scare me nor anyone I know.

Either ETs are here, or the govt has been lying for decades about space capabilities, or BOTH.

Now that's an even sillier statement!!! In no way does it have to be an "or" situation. That's about the worst logic I've ever seen anyone use.:bugeye:

The REAL truth is that you, and people like you, want so badly for it to be true that you are willing to buy into bad logic, hoaxes, testimonials - anything that supports your crazy desire.
Instead of all the back and forth on this topic, let's take the emotional aspects out of it("I wanna believe", "the government is covering up", "it MUST be real!", etc.).

Instead, let's try looking at "The thing about UFOs" from a logical, unemotional point of view.

Everyone agrees that there are things that people have seen in the skies that they weren't able to identified. So that in itself simply means that UFOs are real. But making the extraordinary leap from there to having them piloted by ETs is another matter altogether. Carl Sagan is quoted as saying that,"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence." Do we have extraordinary evidence that ET's are visiting? No. In fact, aside from a bunch of poor quality videos and testimonials, we have NO evidence at all - not even poor evidence.

For the record, let me state that I and many others believe that ET life is highly likely given the number of galaxies, stars in each of those galaxies and the probability that many of those stars are orbited by planets that would be suitable for some type of life.

So that brings us to this: why would the be visiting us? To spy on our technology? Very, very highly unlikely since their technology would have to be vastly superior to ours just in order to get them here.

A study in anthropology? I suppose that's possible - but if life IS spread across the cosmos, they've already seen plenty of it and there wouldn't be much that would make us special.

Amusement? That's also a possibility. And perhaps it's as someone suggested that it's just ET teens taking the family warp ship out for a weekend spin across space. That would make just as much sense as any other idea - which still isn't much.

And if it is ET flying those things around, what could they possibly be afraid of that prevents them from coming into even closer contact with us? They would certainly be aware that we have no vehicles of weapons that could even come close to presenting any sort of danger to them.

Along the same lines, they never attack anything. They just seem to buzz around for little while and leave. In fact, they never (contrary to the claims of so-called abductees) seem to do anything at all. Just toying with us? That seems an unlikely use of resources and time.

Can anyone else add any possibilities to the list? Please keep in mind to leave emotional baggage out of it, there's plenty of THAT flying around already, too.
I voted for man made, but your poll should have included natural phenomena.

Exactly what I suggested, To be more precise, I said the ONLY choice I'd vote for was " both manmade and natural phenomena."

But he's WAY to far over the "true believers" edge to even consider anything so rational.:rolleyes: