The Thing about UFOs...

Origin of UFOs

  • Extraterrestrials

    Votes: 10 20.0%
  • Man-made

    Votes: 10 20.0%
  • Both

    Votes: 21 42.0%
  • Neither

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
Yeah nietzschefan, Forts principle bears much truth.

It's strange to watch those of you who do not "yet" believe (how long it's going to take I don't know) in this advanced technological phenomenon whether it be ET or man-made.
Saucer shaped metallic crafts with an anti gravity type style of propulsion are flying around and have been for 5-6 years that I know of.

Weird to have seen this phenomenon when it is still not "mainstream".
It's like I know a secret that not many others know.
Almost burdensome but I now am more grateful to have seen them than not to have.
Actually feels like there is more weight added to ones shoulders in some way because of it though...the questions become much more deeper.

Watching the diologue of those who have not yet been opened to the experience or even posibility is strange in it's own way as well.
How much more simpler your world view must be and I'm not saying that like it's a bad thing...more in that it seems more peaceful.

And yes once again, these crafts are flying around.
And as much as I like you, I can still only accept that you believe what you say. I'm not convinced that there can be no other explanation than ET and "anti-gravity type style of propulsion."

Advanced human technology. Sure. There's evidence of that.

Maybe it *is* ET, but until such time as evidence is presented, I see no good reason to believe so. I'd like it to be ET.
And as much as I like you, I can still only accept that you believe what you say. I'm not convinced that there can be no other explanation than ET and "anti-gravity type style of propulsion."

Advanced human technology. Sure. There's evidence of that.

Maybe it *is* ET, but until such time as evidence is presented, I see no good reason to believe so. I'd like it to be ET.

OK, here's where I INSIST that YOU provide said evidence. Lets see the evidence that you state exists to support the fact that this technology, as witnessed by thousands, can be attributed to man made and originated craft. OK? We have provided you with what we deem to be clear evidence. Where is your evidence to support your BELIEF that UFOs consist of man made technology?

Please show me the evidence that best supports the fact that these craft or man made and invented origin. That's going to be pretty damn tough to do considering identical reports have existed for at least hundreds of years if not thousands.

Just to be clear, my answer to the polled question was assuredly both. However, being a REAL skeptic I don't consider the origin of such technology any more fantastic whether it be from mankind or a form of intelligent life far removed from the human race. I just KNOW unequivocally that they (UFOs) exist with absolute certainty and that they are most assuredly not attributable to native natural phenomenon. The only part that I presently "believe" concerning this issue, is that only a completely delusional individual could maintain s strong contention otherwise. I consider it no different than a mentally ill person's psychosis of denial. There is simply too much real evidence to claim the UFOs are a product of flawed perception or an over active imagination. In fact, I would argue strongly that believing such borders far closer to the fantastic than not.
OK, here's where I INSIST that YOU provide said evidence. Lets see the evidence that you state exists to support the fact that this technology, as witnessed by thousands, can be attributed to man made and originated craft.

I need not provide any evidence since I'm not making an extraordinary claim. We already have plenty of evidence, however, for man made and natural phenomena that appear to "fly." One need only book a flight on an airline or watch the weather.

What we don't have evidence for is the poll choice of "ET." There simply is no good reason to accept something so outlandish without evidence since there's already evidence of more mundane explanations.

OK? We have provided you with what we deem to be clear evidence.

But what you deem to be valid evidence isn't consistent with rigorous scientific scrutiny. QED.

Where is your evidence to support your BELIEF that UFOs consist of man made technology?

Again, I'm not making the positive claim about space aliens, so the only evidence required is what is already common knowledge: people exist, they make stuff.

Please show me the evidence that best supports the fact that these craft or man made and invented origin.

Not required of me since I'm not making a positive claim. I'm not claiming the extraordinary. I don't claim the supernatural/paranormal. I'm not saying space aliens are the cause. QED.

That's going to be pretty damn tough to do considering identical reports have existed for at least hundreds of years if not thousands.

You're wrong. Period. Identical reports emereged following the saucer craze, a cultural phenomenon that began in the late 1940s. More recently, UFO cranks and kooks have looked at ancient and antique art, projecting their biases on people who had totally different motivations. There's a thread on this in this very forum from 2004. Dig it up and educate yourself.

Just to be clear, my answer to the polled question was assuredly both.

So you chose an option that includes the fantastic and the speculative. That's your belief and that's fine. It just isn't factual or backed by any real evidence.

However, being a REAL skeptic
Full stop. You're a pseudoskeptic if you're claiming any skeptical outlook. Skepticism isn't about "debunking" or even being "open minded" to the extreme that you accept fantastic possibilities prima facie as probabilities.

Being skeptical isn't about making wild claims without supporting evidence.

I don't consider the origin of such technology any more fantastic whether it be from mankind or a form of intelligent life far removed from the human race.

This is a logical fallacy: you're assuming there's "technology" at work and totally discounting other possibilities which include, but are not limited to, outright lies & deception, hallucinations, delusion, misunderstanding, weather, etc. This is part of the reason why you are not skeptical because you're operating on a bias to a belief.

You have a conclusion to which you see only that data which fit.

I, on the other hand, admit that space aliens are a possibility. I just see no good reason to accept there's any real probability given the lack of real evidence and given that there are too many mundane and simpler explanations that exist to exclude the fantastic and the extraordinary.

The ETI hypothesis is one built on both ignorance and science fiction as well as the human propensity to believe in the supernatural.

I just KNOW unequivocally that they (UFOs) exist with absolute certainty and that they are most assuredly not attributable to native natural phenomenon.

Then you're ignorant. I'm sorry to say it, but its true. After all my attempts to provide you with some education in logical fallacy, argumentation, critical thought, and reason, you remain ignorant of all of these and show no sign of any desire to improve from your given position.

You say "unequivocally" with the same conviction and faith as the fundamentalist Muslim or Christian that's ready to fly planes into buildings or blow up abortion clinics. Aside from the death and destruction, there's little difference in the "faith" by which you hold fast. Good luck with that. But you can't call yourself skeptical with that attitude. You're a significance-junkie and a myster-monger, but not skeptical.
Just to help you out a little, Skin, there have been like five military aircraft that we know of today that were responsible for UFO sighting reports before they were declassified. I know you didn't have to answer that, but I just figured it would help shut him up.
I need not provide any evidence since I'm not making an extraordinary claim. We already have plenty of evidence, however, for man made and natural phenomena that appear to "fly." One need only book a flight on an airline or watch the weather.

What we don't have evidence for is the poll choice of "ET." There simply is no good reason to accept something so outlandish without evidence since there's already evidence of more mundane explanations.

But what you deem to be valid evidence isn't consistent with rigorous scientific scrutiny. QED.

Again, I'm not making the positive claim about space aliens, so the only evidence required is what is already common knowledge: people exist, they make stuff.

Not required of me since I'm not making a positive claim. I'm not claiming the extraordinary. I don't claim the supernatural/paranormal. I'm not saying space aliens are the cause. QED.

You're wrong. Period. Identical reports emereged following the saucer craze, a cultural phenomenon that began in the late 1940s. More recently, UFO cranks and kooks have looked at ancient and antique art, projecting their biases on people who had totally different motivations. There's a thread on this in this very forum from 2004. Dig it up and educate yourself.

So you chose an option that includes the fantastic and the speculative. That's your belief and that's fine. It just isn't factual or backed by any real evidence.

Full stop. You're a pseudoskeptic if you're claiming any skeptical outlook. Skepticism isn't about "debunking" or even being "open minded" to the extreme that you accept fantastic possibilities prima facie as probabilities.

Being skeptical isn't about making wild claims without supporting evidence.

This is a logical fallacy: you're assuming there's "technology" at work and totally discounting other possibilities which include, but are not limited to, outright lies & deception, hallucinations, delusion, misunderstanding, weather, etc. This is part of the reason why you are not skeptical because you're operating on a bias to a belief.

You have a conclusion to which you see only that data which fit.

I, on the other hand, admit that space aliens are a possibility. I just see no good reason to accept there's any real probability given the lack of real evidence and given that there are too many mundane and simpler explanations that exist to exclude the fantastic and the extraordinary.

The ETI hypothesis is one built on both ignorance and science fiction as well as the human propensity to believe in the supernatural.

Then you're ignorant. I'm sorry to say it, but its true. After all my attempts to provide you with some education in logical fallacy, argumentation, critical thought, and reason, you remain ignorant of all of these and show no sign of any desire to improve from your given position.

You say "unequivocally" with the same conviction and faith as the fundamentalist Muslim or Christian that's ready to fly planes into buildings or blow up abortion clinics. Aside from the death and destruction, there's little difference in the "faith" by which you hold fast. Good luck with that. But you can't call yourself skeptical with that attitude. You're a significance-junkie and a myster-monger, but not skeptical.

so you are "above" providing what you demand from others? All this is just more of your "because I said so" BS SkinWalker. Repeatedly, you have NOTHING to offer but denial itself. Very weak.

BTW, your name calling is becoming of someone with a very limited intellect. Is that how you wish to be perceived? Childish and assumptive?

To the JDawg poster: Show me. (if it's not too much a burden or whatever)

Naturally people mistakenly report seeing UFOs and they turn out to be aircraft. So what? Show me one that moves at incalculable speeds from a stand still. Show me one that splits in two.
As a side note and a little education for you SkinWalker:

"Skeptic" from the dictionary: One who instinctively or habitually doubts, questions, or disagrees with assertions or generally accepted conclusions.

I would say that according to the above definition, I am the skeptic and you are the one touting the "generally accepted conclusions"

Generally accepted conclusions fits your less than fantastic (according to you BTW) beliefs.

You simply CANNOT escape the fact that your BELIEFS are as based on perception as mine. For that, you are the epitome of fore drawn conclusions and bias. The opposite of a true skeptic you are.
so you are "above" providing what you demand from others? All this is just more of your "because I said so" BS SkinWalker. Repeatedly, you have NOTHING to offer but denial itself. Very weak.

No, I'm not above the same demands placed on anyone else that is making a positive and extraordinary claim. I'm not making a positive and extraordinary claim. Therefore I have no burden of proof.

You, however, are claiming that events observed by fallible human beings is something other than what we know already exists. You're saying that at least some of the UFOs people have alleged to see over the years are space aliens. You first need to demonstrate that space aliens exist then demonstrate that there is any likelihood that they're visiting our small, insignificant little planet.

You have a burden of proof, a requirement to demonstrate the validity of your claims that I do not. I'm not making your claims.

BTW, your name calling is becoming of someone with a very limited intellect. Is that how you wish to be perceived? Childish and assumptive?

"[N]ame calling?" If your screen name is electrafixtion, is this considered "name calling?" If you're ignorant, are you also shallow and egotistical that I'm not allowed to point this out? I'm assuming that "ignorant" is the "name calling" you're crying about here. I'm sorry, but your ignorance is the elephant in the room with this thread.

Naturally people mistakenly report seeing UFOs and they turn out to be aircraft. So what? Show me one that moves at incalculable speeds from a stand still. Show me one that splits in two.

You UFO that "moves at incalculable speeds" may not be an aircraft. It might be an insect near a camera lens, a bit of frost bumped off the Shuttle's hull, or a headlight or reflection on a cloud. You're making (gasp) an argument from ignorance by implying that because you can't explain something, the fantastic explanation of space aliens must, therefore be the case.

As a side note and a little education for you SkinWalker:

"Skeptic" from the dictionary: One who instinctively or habitually doubts, questions, or disagrees with assertions or generally accepted conclusions.

I would say that according to the above definition, I am the skeptic and you are the one touting the "generally accepted conclusions"

I doubt there's much education you can provide for me, but allow me to provide a bit more for you:

Skeptic said:
Modern skepticism is embodied in the scientific method, that involves gathering data to formulate and test naturalistic explanations for natural phenomena. A claim becomes factual when it is confirmed to such an extent it would be reasonable to offer temporary agreement. But all facts in science are provisional and subject to challenge, and therefore skepticism is a method leading to provisional conclusions. Some claims, such as water dowsing, ESP, and creationism, have been tested (and failed the tests) often enough that we can provisionally conclude that they are false. Other claims, such as hypnosis and chaos theory, have been tested but results are inconclusive so we must continue formulating and testing hypotheses and theories until we can reach a provisional conclusion. The key to skepticism is to continuously and vigorously apply the methods of science to navigate the treacherous straits between “know nothing” skepticism and “anything goes” credulity.

Take whatever definition you want. You're a mystery-monger and a significance-junkie. This isn't "name calling" but, rather, a description of the fallacious nature of your arguments and your lack of critical thought. Your positions are irrational and unreasoned.

You simply CANNOT escape the fact that your BELIEFS are as based on perception as mine. For that, you are the epitome of fore drawn conclusions and bias. The opposite of a true skeptic you are.

You haven't demonstrated enough qualifications to evaluate anyone's beliefs, perceptions, and biases. You can continue to say what you want, we can continue in an ad hominem line of argumentation, and so on. But in the end, you'll still not have a shred of valid and testable evidence to back your extraordinary claims.

You will doubtless continue to attempt a shift of the burden of evidence, but this reveals more about your fallacious argumentation and lack of critical thinking than me or anyone that questions your claims.

To sum up:

You've made extraordinary claims. You say evidence exists but show none. You then shift the burden of evidence to the skeptics, project your bias on the the skeptics, attempt to assume the skeptical role and all because you seem to, at least, understand that the skeptical role is the high ground.

Good luck with all that pal.

How 'bout we get the topic back on track. I listed some suggested topics of discussion and some lines of inquiry that might even be helpful for the UFO enthusiast, even significance-junkies like yourself (you do, after all, see undo significance in things that are, in all probability, mundane). Go back and read those and then get back with us.

You might even brush up on argumentation. I linked to a logical fallacy above. That site probably has several others listed and, if nothing else, you'll learn how to form an argument that doesn't get as poked full of holes in the way I've impaled yours.
The claim that you have made is just as extraordinary Sir. Every bit as much so. You show me evidence as you have written so clearly exists. That burden of proof is on you because frankly the claim that men are operating these craft is extraordinary and preposterous to say the least. You don't have a shred of proof or evidence to back that up and only a flimsy belief system based on what in your opinion is most likely the case.

You have demonstrated NO evidence of your own qualifications and yet you advertise yourself as some high and mighty this or that. Why do you then position yourself in a place where the only obvious pseudo contextual arrangement is the validation of your judgments?

I have made no official claims you braggart. Although you have done your best to politically paint me into such a position. I simply KNOW that UFOs exist and I do logically abide by the term's definition which is an Unidentified Flying Object. You thought you might be clever enough to dodge that reality didn't you?

The truth is that it is you that holds the common place conclusion in a typical anti skeptical position and I am the pro skeptic that refutes your "logical conclusion". You fall in line with the mundane acceptors of truths you don't even have the skills to prove yourself.

Tell me and everyone else "here" SkinWalker, what qualifications do YOU really possess?
I have made no official claims you braggart. Although you have done your best to politically paint me into such a position. I simply KNOW that UFOs exist and I do logically abide by the term's definition which is an Unidentified Flying Object.
This is quite disingenuous of you. While I doubt you have stated anywhere in your posts "UFOs are alien spacecraft", you have made it implicitly clear that you believe that to be the case.
For example, earlier you said this
OK, here's where I INSIST that YOU provide said evidence. Lets see the evidence that you state exists to support the fact that this technology, as witnessed by thousands, can be attributed to man made and originated craft. OK?
Now I fully agree that UFOs, as unidentified flying objects, do exist. I also agree as does Skin that some of them are technological in origin, specifically aircraft, rockets, or satellites.
Yet it is clear from this quote that you believe UFOs are an expression of technology, but are not man made. Unless you are claiming they come from an unknown non-human civilisation on Earth, or are non-human time travellers, that only leaves ET.

Care to comment.

UFO's are certianly real. More than seven people (including family) witnessed the event of UFO's flying over our home town.

If anyone is suspicious about the event, they can easily go fuck themselves. It is a real thing, now should be the time to differentiate between man-made and alien-based.
Honestly, an excellent question or better put, an excellent curiosity on your behalf. I find it bordering on the insane that man in all his glory could honestly believe that he is the only source of intelligent, advanced life in the universe. The odds of this being the case are incredibly slim. But still in yet I have no "belief system" that forces me to be specific with respect to the origin of UFOs. Why should anyone have to? I do believe they incorporate a nonlinear, non gravitationally bound means of of travel. Something along the lines of dimensional navigation. But I know that's all just speculation. The point is that they are real and they are NOTHING like what is here and used commonly on earth. The fact that multitude of reports that exist do CLEARLY predate the 40s indicates that if these machines a man made, they are made by a class of men that are so esoteric, their very likelihood could only be classified as science fiction at best.
I find it bordering on the insane that man in all his glory could honestly believe that he is the only source of intelligent, advanced life in the universe.
electrafixtion, you didn't like taking instruction from Skin. I suspect you won't like it from me, but here are some observations.

If you took a close look at the 'thinking skills' of very well educated, highly intelligent people, you would find several factors in common with the way they debated, or - at least - were capable of debating. One of the things you would observe would be the absence of logical fallacies in their arguments. (Or worst case, the ready admittance that they had committed a logical fallacy when it was pointed out.)

So, if you use logical fallacies in your arguments it is a strong indicator that you are not very well educated, highly intelligent 'people'. Persistent use of logical fallacies reveals to people who are very well educated and highly intelligent that such a person is not.

On that basis it would make a lot of sense for you to avoid those logical fallacies, even if it means you have to adjust some of your beliefs.

Now in the quote above you have used the logical fallacy of argument from incredulity. "It can't be true, because I can't believe it." Or, in this specific instance "I find it bordering on the insane that man in all his glory could honestly believe that he is the only source of intelligent, advanced life in the universe."

I recommend you read a book called Rare Earth, by Ward and Brownlee. They present a very well argued case for why they suspect that while microbial life is common throughout the universe, complex, mutli-cellular life is rare and intelligent life rarer still. Now the truth is we do not know, for we have only one planet, one instance of life to base our concepts on, but it is apparent from their work that it is not bordering on insanity to consider that we may be alone, or so far from any other intellect that we are never going to meet.

So you cannot use an argument from incredulity to justify an asserted high probability that we are actually being visited by such. It is not logical and it makes you look foolish, which will detract from the reception of any elements of your position that may be valid.
The claim that you have made is just as extraordinary Sir. Every bit as much so. You show me evidence as you have written so clearly exists.

Please. Elucidate. What is my "extraordinary claim?"
That burden of proof is on you because frankly the claim that men are operating these craft is extraordinary and preposterous to say the least.

If that's it, then the very statement you just made is your extraordinary claim. I've never said that UFOs equate to "men [who] are operating these craft." The claim you make is that "craft" are involved. This, you will first need to demonstrate before you can switch any burden of evidence and before I can make any counter-claim regarding "men."

You don't have a shred of proof or evidence to back that up and only a flimsy belief system based on what in your opinion is most likely the case.

The only claim I've made is one that anyone can verify (assuming that the space between their ears functions with normal proclivity: 1) aircraft exist; 2) weather exists -and I, by no means limit any explanation for UFOs to these, I'm attempting to be brief.

You have demonstrated NO evidence of your own qualifications and yet you advertise yourself as some high and mighty this or that.

I advertise myself as nothing of the sort. Nor do I provide any warranty or claim as to my qualifications, intelligence, or expertise. I only assert that I have the ability to think critically and formulate argumentation logically. You (as anyone else) are free to refute these two claims, but you can only do so effectively by demonstrated which of my premises are unsound or not cogent.

Finally, I add that I'm willing to revise or change my position to even your own with any valid and compelling evidence. That might be one of many key differences between you and I.

Why do you then position yourself in a place where the only obvious pseudo contextual arrangement is the validation of your judgments?

I'm only asking questions and posing logical arguments, inviting those that disagree with the premises and conclusions of those arguments to refute them with logic. I've yet to see this occur. The only response so far has been Straw Man and ad hominem argument. Both of which do little for the discussion topic.

Perhaps you're ready to get back to UFOs?

I have made no official claims you braggart.

That's actually a lie, but perhaps one that is unintentional. Are you aware that you stated that you voted "both" in the poll, the dichotomy being "man-made" and "Extraterrestrial?" This is a truth claim. Burden on you to demonstrate.

Are you now stating that you don't believe the ETI hypothesis is as "unequivocal" as you once thought?

Although you have done your best to politically paint me into such a position.

The brush and paint can belong to you.
I simply KNOW that UFOs exist and I do logically abide by the term's definition which is an Unidentified Flying Object. You thought you might be clever enough to dodge that reality didn't you?

Then you are revising your position? You're no longer accepting "both" in the poll? Which is it?

Tell me and everyone else "here" SkinWalker, what qualifications do YOU really possess?

None. I'm just a guy asking questions.
And as much as I like you, I can still only accept that you believe what you say. I'm not convinced that there can be no other explanation than ET and "anti-gravity type style of propulsion."

Advanced human technology. Sure. There's evidence of that.

Maybe it *is* ET, but until such time as evidence is presented, I see no good reason to believe so. I'd like it to be ET.

I 100% understand Skinny:)
Again I cannot say for sure whether they were ET or man-made and I'm with you in that I would prefer that they were ET...advanced technology does not have a good track record for being used in peaceful ways by us humans if you know what I mean.

You guys can't get On Skinwalker for his position.
I have seen these things and actually think that his position is more in check than (although barely:D) you guys who push that this technology exists, man made or ET and yet have not seen anything up close of this technological phenomena.

Before I saw these things I was open to the possibility, but that's all it was, a possibility, not a probability.

Until you actually see one for yourself without a doubt as to what it could be I think you should remain skeptical.
This is all in principle of course because I'm in a catch 22 of betting my life and my families life on the fact that I witnessed these crafts, yet don't expect any one to be capable of truly believing at a fundamental level that they do exist simply because some guy on the internet says it is so.

Anyways I'm ranting.
I don't "believe" anything, but simply argued how difficult it is to get a hold of very advanced flying technology (no matter the era). Thus evidence will always be scarce.

I personally cannot disregard all the testimony out there(including yours). Particularly pilots, ATCs, and astronauts.
I don't "believe" anything, but simply argued how difficult it is to get a hold of very advanced flying technology (no matter the era). Thus evidence will always be scarce.

I personally cannot disregard all the testimony out there(including yours). Particularly pilots, ATCs, and astronauts.

No, your right.
I completely agree with you there.
With all of the testimony out, footage, pics, ect. I don't know where I would be in my level of probability for acceptance or belief if I had not witnessed what I did.
I am biased to this entire discussion and all of the footage I have seen of other witnesses and strange technological phenomena since my own sighting 6 years back.
Just wish we were all on the same page for this soooo much easier.
I have been witness to one UFO sighting up close, or at least in a first hand sighting. It was at night with another unrelated adult who shared the sighting from start to finish. The following day in the local paper there were in excess of 20 officially reported sightings in the immediate area with descriptions that matched what we observed. I do not claim to understand what I observed that evening. The only thing I do know is that it sure as hell wasn't swamp gas. What this other gentleman and myself observed I cannot even begin to explain. It just made no sense whatsoever from a predetermined conceptual stand point. What I observed, which lasted for well over 30 minutes, sure as heck was not some perceptively mistaken astronomical anomaly. Nor did it originate naturally in any sense that I am familiar with. There was a time during this event that whatever we saw got extremely close to us and then proceeded to move in all directions in our immediate surroundings so that we observed it within multiple perspectives. The maneuvers and activity of whatever we saw was completely foreign to my sense of reason or expectancy.

There was also a incredibly obvious complete absence of ambient sound. I mean it was like we were in a completely noiseless vacuum. This experience of what was a completely noise free environment lasted for over 20 minutes with respect to the entirety of the sighting. This entire event was observed from my residence's back yard. I live a fairly rural area so the typical noises that emanate at night from the native wildlife are plentiful and resounding.

You can claim all the nonsense you like, but for me, seeing (and other sensory equipment we all possess) *is* believing. It's my belief that I saw something that I could in no way associate with anything I had previously witnessed or possessed peripheral knowledge of. It could have been man made, but I seriously doubt that. It could have been "space aliens" but that doesn't make much more sense than the human origin's possibility. What I do think is that what I witnessed was a purposeful occurrence as directed by or controlled by a form of intelligent life alien to anything we are presently familiar with in an open forum sense. That is to say, made public knowledge.
Ok if you have any common sense then you realize that UFOs are real and are everywhere.QUOTE]

yes, UFOs are real and everywhere. By definition, anything that you see being propelled through the air by any force, and you don't know what it is, is a UFO. As soon as you figure out what it is, then its an IFO.
You can claim all the nonsense you like, but for me, seeing (and other sensory equipment we all possess) *is* believing.
I do not believe in ghosts. I am unaware - despite extensive reading on the subject - of any convincing evidence for their existence. However, I have seen ghosts on two occasions and heard a ghost on four other occasions. I still do not believe in ghosts.

I do not trust eyewitness testimony because of the known psychological, physiological and neurological processes that can corrupt their perception. I see no reason to accord my own eyewitness testimony a higher veracity rating than, for example, yours. If I don't accept my own testimony, I'm buggered if I'll accept yours.