You cut me deep GeoffP. How you don't know me so well.. You cut me deep..
Nice avatar by the way. How does it feel like to proudly wear the flag of the country that protects a mass killer, so much so that they even veto a UN condemnation, and of a Government that promotes violence against gays and transgender people?
In my apparent new role as a Soviet agent, Bells, how could I do less?
I believe the BND was talking about weapons grade Sarin and other forms of chemical weapons and how the rebel forces do not have the capability to launch a chemical attack of this magnitude.. But yeah, stick with discussing the rockets.... Ignore the obvious.
The obvious isn't so obvious, apparently. Again: the BND knows that the rebels couldn't produce sarin, but doesn't know they field Type 63?
Lets see. Assad's troops were shelling the region before, during and after the chemical attack.
That's true, and is one of the most damning pieces of evidence so far - possibly the most significant. The questions are how long the bombardment was for, what conventional munitions were used, and what other bombardments were going on. There are a number - a large number - of potential ways to link this to the Syrians. The Americans may have found such ways. The BND or the French may have found them - though from their statements I would say not. In any event, they have shared none of them. Until then...
As for the Tokyo attacks.. You cannot exactly compare for a variety of reasons. Unless of course the rebels have a bunch of scientists on their sides with the necessary equipment to produce that much sarin gas, then test them on those rockets prior to use?
I don't know about that. IMHO, testing is a big sham, really: more about the troops learning the handling characteristics. A properly engineered system will function essentially as prepared, and CW aren't that mechanically complex from what I understand. The Tokyo terrorists managed to get their CW done correctly, and they were a bunch of deranged lunatics. With Saudi and other backing, it wouldn't be all that hard to find competent engineers to create such weapons. I think this point is a bit distal in likelihood.
Riiiiiight.. And even as the police were in a shootout with the brother's, had identified them as the bombers, you were still going on about the Saudi kid..
You already said this. I'm not sure what it has to do with my last statement.
Again, sure GeoffP.
Is your account being run by different users? One day, you accuse me of being happy that rebel-controlled suburbs were hit, then you back down and nearly apologize when I explain it to you, and now you're back to this. Go back and review. If you still want to accuse me of it, I suggest you stick to one angle.
He's been using them on civilians in rebel controlled areas since April. But hey, lets be sure...
This is another good point - but then again, the evidence for these is limited also. The media coverage of them recently has been limited to 'Assad ordered such attacks earlier'. Those instances should be subject to the same chain of evidence.
Again, if it quacks like a duck, walks like a duck and looks like a duck, it's usually a fucking duck.
Not after Iraq. Sorry.
I'm sure the Hezbollah, who are fighting with Assad in Syria, can't know if he did it...
How are sure they can? Assad and his commanders just tell Hezbollah that they dropped CW on civilians? The intercept carries the statement "and they told me they did it"? Let's see the intercept first. Let's see what they actually said so we can make up our own minds properly. Is that so hard? It's very probable that Assad did it - again, let's be sure before we kill lots of people and piss innumerable others off, because you understand that we have more people to convince than the French, the Latvians and about 50% of the Americans? Of course, if you're arguing for getting rid of Assad for other reasons, there's plenty of reason to do it.
I am fairly certain, lets say 100% sure, that the BND have not stuffed this up
Oh, good. I'm glad we have at least one expert clairvoyant on this issue. And is 'fairly' 100%?
and this is just you wringing your hands again, because heaven forbid you actually support something that means protecting innocent Muslim civilians who are being gassed in their homes.
Or you eager to bomb anyone that you think might score you humanitarian brownie points. Never mind the collateral damage, eh Bells? After all, they're only Muslims.
As I had stated at the start of this discussion with you, that had those victims been Christian or Jewish, you'd have been over intervention like a rash. But you are 'wringin' dem hands' because they are not. Because the rebel forces contain Islamist elements..
And again you deliberately mischaracterise my argument. So you're a liar. You know, we go through this process of pissed off with each other and remission, but you keep doing this over and over again.
So what do you do? Do you support the gassing of innocent civilians in their fucking homes because to support otherwise could mean helping the Islamists? Considering that new avatar of yours and your pontificating about this, I'd say the answer is a big fat yes.
Yes but, you're an idiot, remember? You don't understand things? Is any of this ringing a bell, Patrick? Come on, think it through: you accuse me of being a Russian sympathizer (in an amusing reproduction of every idiot jingoist I've ever heard) and I change my avatar to a Russian flag. It's a parody, you mental midget: a joooooke. Do you get it?
I'm going to bet: no, even after this. You don't vote, do you, troll? Please say no.
There is a reason why Israel has been pushing for something to be done about Assad's gassing of his civilians. Because they will be next. Self interest? Sure. But at least they know it wasn't faked. And again, you have no proof that the rebels have access to that much Sarin.
You don't know how much sarin was produced or necessary, so stop pretending that you do. You can't go on asserting things you haven't the faintest idea about, just because you want to pretend to be some humanitarian advocate.
Nice site by the way. Are you suggesting we take a pro-Serbian view of the Bosnian war seriously?
Do you read newspapers, Bells? Have a glance at the list of newspapers in that link that confirm the story. Nice headroom there. Get out much?
Assad is actually an eye surgeon. And I think your current avatar speaks for itself, comrade.
Ohhh no, the Amerikanski has figured-outing my sensibilities political! Are you actually serious, you drooling idiot?
Aside from the fact that Syria gives Putin and Russia the port in the Mediterranean that they so desperately desire, that Russia has a naval base in Syria.. And they admit to helping Assad.. Soooo.. do I need to do the duck analogy again?
Well, do whatever makes you happy. You ducked my point though: the Americans and French stand to gain as much in arms sales as the Russians stand to lose. It's a chimp of a different colour.
Oh My Fucking God! How many more excuses can you come up with?
Oh My Fucking God! That part of the post was just a rehash of the same opinions I've been expressing throughout, containing nothing different from what I've been saying before! Let's capitalize our responses though! That will indicate outrage! Get serious.
They said that the rebels do not have the capability and capacity to launch such a chemical attack. And that the Hezbollah, who have been fighting alongside Assad's troops have told Iran that Assad did it.
Bully for them. The BND also doesn't know that the rebels field Type 63 systems, and the French don't back up their opinion with anything besides an assertion of capability. I've outlined several ways they could make their case airtight, allowing them to strike Assad and generate the additional civilian casualties you so desperately crave. But they don't do it. After Iraq, I won't settle for anything other than proper disclosure.
After all, as you said at the start, you are wary because the victims are Muslims and the rebels are Islamists in your opinion.
So how dumb are you, exactly? Like, what kind of IQ are we talking here? High 90s? Do you want me to post my position again, in little words?
Glad to see I grew a penis and some balls since my last post, Ms GeoffP.
Sigh... it's an X-Files reference. "Trust no one, Mr. Mulder." Look it up.
And again, more conspiracy theories from you. Does it ever stop?
So when I suggest that the Americans and French might want to get involved in order to advance their own interests in the region (presumably including arms sales), that is a conspiracy theory.
When you suggest that the Russians want to help Assad to protect their interests in the region (presumably including arms sales), that is not a conspiracy theory.
I see.
Why? Well, because, Geoff.
When you do these things, is the inferred "because" because you want to stymy the debate and introduce chaos into the forums? Is it because you don't know what to say next and feel that you have to say something? Is it because your foaming-at-the-mouth hate compels you to do it? You aren't being paid by the Americans, you running-dog capitalist?
Ugh. Pathetic. Why do I let myself get tied down arguing with nekulturny idiots?
It suits you. It suits your personality and your belief system.
... you think that "wanking over Putin's nipples" "suits [my] personality and [my] belief system".
... I have no words.
You're still a moderator, right?