The superstition of prayers

You can equate it with flipping coins, but I can't. Why? I cannot explain it further.

The only difference is the 'warm and fuzzies' you feel from prayer as opposed to flipping a coin. Aside from that, there is no difference, they produce the same results based entirely on chance.
No I realise that my appreciation of music, my love for my family, my belief in God and my interest in science are all different parts of my personality and it is possible for all to coexist without impinging one on the other.

I seek no evidence for why I prefer smooth jazz over hard metal, why I like my brother more than the others and why I love biology but detest physics. I do not consider religion to be a scientific realm just as I do not closely examine my friends for their theistic beliefs or sexual orientation.
You are a wonderful person for that too. Tell your theist brothers and sisters in arms to behave the same way and we'll all get along just fine.

Have a nice time celebrating the winter solstice and the season of approaching renewal in your favorite way.

Talk to you later.
No sam, you're wrong. You are simply part of the cheerleading section of anti-americanism that's been going on ever since we showed up on the world stage. The world is still a largely hostile and dangerous place. You would have us (the developed west) leave it alone to it's own rich and varied cultural traditions of mass starvation, genocide, disease, etc.

Now, go ahead and post some more dubious links showing what a negative force the west has been in the history of the world.

BTW, your link to the third hand reports of the possible funding of death squads is well supported evidence. And yopu know what? If it's true, I'm ashamed of it.

But what's even more disturbing is that you will find hundreds of documents supporting your "the USA is a destructive hate mongering world destabiliging genocidal force" theory and believe every bit of it.

I am slow to form my opinions and slow to change them. I do not believe I have used "dubious" links.

So your accusations are insupportable.

OTOH, I could also easily say that of all the exclamations against the hateful nature of theists I have seen here, there is no evidence to support that it is not reflective of all human beings, theist or atheist.

So who's the blind believer?
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my belief in God and my interest in science are all different parts of my personality and it is possible for all to coexist without impinging one on the other.

Delusion allows the coexistence, nothing more, nothing less.
You are a wonderful person for that too. Tell your theist brothers and sisters in arms to behave the same way and we'll all get along just fine.

Have a nice time celebrating the winter solstice and the season of approaching renewal in your favorite way.

Talk to you later.

And a Merry <insert relevant holiday> and Happy New Year to you too.
Oh goanboylyeread.:rolleyes:

"What is it you want, Sam? What do you want? You want the moon? Just say the word and I'll throw a lasso around it and split the moon. Hey. That's a pretty good idea. I'll split the moon, Sam."

~~ George Bailey and Q.
"What is it you want, Sam? What do you want? You want the moon? Just say the word and I'll throw a lasso around it and split the moon. Hey. That's a pretty good idea. I'll split the moon, Sam."

~~ George Bailey and Q.

Aw shucks! Would you really, sweetums?

Funny thing is, the line you draw of what possibilities you recognize and that which you don't.

Where is that line, Sam?

The line is where there are limits on possibilities as perceived by me.

It is a subjective decision, because really it cannot be otherwise. :)
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I tend to answer the last visible post and hence missed out on this one.

Not all atheists act like this. People often forget that most people are not evangelical in their beliefs, either atheist or theist. There will always exist those who are fanatical in their belief systems, but a blanket statement is often not the correct approach.

Correct. I just debate in the same vein as the posts I rebut to underline the ridiculousness of the claim on theists.

What societies reduce liberty and safety elsewhere in secularizing/bringing democracy to their country?

And how exactly is liberty and safety reduced by bringing democracy and/or a secular government in place?

All secular societies do, because in reality, all societies are stratified, not secular.

Its off topic but I believe I've answered it through links in these two posts

No I only deplore the short sightedness of those who choose to selectively ignore any evidence that contradict their beliefs about the world they live in.

Population subjugation and genocide?

Reality is merely what you choose to believe in.

I am slow to form my opinions and slow to change them. I do not believe I have used "dubious" links.

So your accusations are insupportable.

OTOH, I could also easily say that of all the exclamations against the hateful nature of theists I have seen here, there is no evidence to support that it is not reflective of all human beings, theist or atheist.

So who's the blind believer?