The star over Bethlehem

Correct. There isn't even any record outside of the Holy Bible of Jesus ever existing.
Full marks for noting the three kings.
I had forgotten.
Which considering I have probably devoted near half my photography to Orion seems strange but one can see how maybe the astronomy was stolen to fit the story.
Well spotted.
You have more patience that I do (and a better set-up as well) :) I have a telescope but it's not equipped for astrophotography nor am I patience-wise or location-wise (Seattle) :)

It is interesting however. I just wish there were darker skies around me.
My place in the bush is excellent.
I would go all week up all night sleep all day to photograph stuff.
Fifty shots to get focus perfect...but now I am in the city and I hate it.
My place in the bush is excellent.
I would go all week up all night sleep all day to photograph stuff.
Fifty shots to get focus perfect...but now I am in the city and I hate it.
I've stayed up all night as well (been a while though) since I have to wait until everything is high in the sky to the south as my view is blocked to the east and partially to the west.

It's worth if but only occasionally. :)

I guess, to an extent we are looking at different things but I guess that would just be the polar constellations. Can you see the Ring Nebula in Lyra?
But what does Humpty think?

Humpty mad when Michael started with out me

Humpty quotes his mother Goose

Hey, diddle, diddle,
The cat and the fiddle,
The cow jumped over the moon

Methane gas lit up
To give it the boost
And the wise men saw the plume

Later changed to

The little dog laughed
To see such sport,
And the dish ran away with the spoon.

Early PC for those who couldn't handle cows with a flaming arse.

Poe who values his sphincter :)
I've stayed up all night as well (been a while though) since I have to wait until everything is high in the sky to the south as my view is blocked to the east and partially to the west.

It's worth if but only occasionally. :)

I guess, to an extent we are looking at different things but I guess that would just be the polar constellations. Can you see the Ring Nebula in Lyra?
Yes and I have a story.
As you know locating an object can be rather difficult.
I play pool and not too bad at it so I come out from seeing where the Ring Neb is on my star chart and I look up and think yeah about there and casually line up the scope to start star hopping until I find it.
Look thru the scope (150 mm or 6 inch refractor can't remember the eye piece however) and there it is in the field of view only slightly off center. The benefit of all those years of playing pool.
I have read folk on forums complaining they can't find it ... Luck I guess plus dark sky helps.
I have never tried to photograph it however as I avoid stuff to the North cause it is more demanding and well the South is pretty good.
Yes and I have a story.
As you know locating an object can be rather difficult.
I play pool and not too bad at it so I come out from seeing where the Ring Neb is on my star chart and I look up and think yeah about there and casually line up the scope to start star hopping until I find it.
Look thru the scope (150 mm or 6 inch refractor can't remember the eye piece however) and there it is in the field of view only slightly off center. The benefit of all those years of playing pool.
I have read folk on forums complaining they can't find it ... Luck I guess plus dark sky helps.
I have never tried to photograph it however as I avoid stuff to the North cause it is more demanding and well the South is pretty good.
I have found it with my 8" reflector but not with my 90 mm refractor. It's big but the contrast change isn't great so dark does help. My reflector isn't operational now so I'm using just the refractor.
:D The Magi Kings from more then 2000 years ago!!! And you trust their totally non scientific account?
My lists of possibilities were all scientific possibilities in comparison.
C'mon Timojin, you can do better then that can't you.
Oh and by the way, your intentions most certainly are relevant, particularly in your case :)

You are extrapolating my attention because of the past interaction in the past, and you mind is already set up.
To be honest , I within myself I have difficulty understanding on how to follow a star; but the article written by a respectable person in his field tilts my mind to believe into the direction the associated with " the magi guided by an event " beside why should I not believe in what is written in the new testament,
You are extrapolating my attention because of the past interaction in the past, and you mind is already set up.
To be honest , I within myself I have difficulty understanding on how to follow a star; but the article written by a respectable person in his field tilts my mind to believe into the direction the associated with " the magi guided by an event " beside why should I not believe in what is written in the new testament,
Why should you not believe?

Matthew 2:9 clearly says "and, lo, the star, which they saw in the east, went before them, till it came and stood over where the young child was.". I don't care what astronomical event you try to associate this with - stars do not "go before" anyone, and they certainly do not "stand over" anything.
Why should you not believe?
". I don't care what astronomical event you try to associate this with - stars do not "go before" anyone, and they certainly do not "stand over" anything.
A star is to large to stand above some one , I agree, But the event might have been . In the past people associate event with something extraordinary. The magi probable were religious people which followed prophesy if the old testament .
A star is to large to stand above some one , I agree, But the event might have been . In the past people associate event with something extraordinary. The magi probable were religious people which followed prophesy if the old testament .
So, you agree that it couldn't happen as described - yet you still ask why you shouldn't believe the written account. Isn't that special... :rolleyes:
So, you agree that it couldn't happen as described - yet you still ask why you shouldn't believe the written account. Isn't that special... :rolleyes:

Again I believe the event ( planet alignment ,or meteorit or other ) happen . Many things happen to people and they associate with the event ,it will give them a more vivid memory.
Because of the event in the Bethlehem there were many children killed by king Herod the great.
You are extrapolating my attention because of the past interaction in the past, and you mind is already set up.
No, I'm stating fact/s.

beside why should I not believe in what is written in the new testament,
Because it was written around 2000 years ago, in an obscure age by even more obscure men.
And it seems my remarks on your intentions were correct. You are/have turned this into a religious thread.
No, I'm stating fact/s.
Whose fact.?
Your fact! you are a man who preconditioned your mind , you can not realise that

Because it was written around 2000 years ago, in an obscure age by even more obscure men.
And it seems my remarks on your intentions were correct. You are/have turned this into a religious thread.
A question to you . Did the event happen or not.?
Do you believe what the man said , based of his calculation ?
A star is to large to stand above some one , I agree, But the event might have been . In the past people associate event with something extraordinary. The magi probable were religious people which followed prophesy if the old testament .

Think of this.
In Orion there are three stars called the three kings, go out and take a look you will see them (the big dipper) mythology relates them to Sirius the brightest star (you will see it also its the brightest) and the three king line up points to where the Sun is "born" after the solstice.

This myth was around well before Christianity and I think goes back to Egyptian times, why don't you look into that if you sincerely want to find truth, but who ever invented Christianity stole that myth to support the birth of Jesus..

In reality there were no three kings they were stars and Jesus was inserted in place of the Sun (the son of the Sun)

Look there is plenty on this if you want to look but you won't look for fear of what you will find..

You made this thread religious so face the facts your effort has uncovered.

The birth of Jesus was a rip off of an older myth adjusted to insert a man for the Sun.

The ancients saw the Sun, Moon and stars as Gods and tried to link to them.

As I said look into it if you sincerely want to know the truth or avoid confronting facts that may shake your faith.