The Stalin/Pol Pot/Hitler Killed Because of Atheism Fallacy

The list is about the genocide under non-democratic and democratic regimes. Do you believe it to be false?
SAM said:
The list is about the genocide under non-democratic and democratic regimes. Do you believe it to be false?
If it pretends to be about "genocide", and one is supposed to take its labels as accurate assignments of agency, and it is supposed to be complete, then it is obviously false, of course.

It looks like a partial and misrepresented list of poorly estimated large-scale killings since 1900, with a distinct pattern to its misrepresentations.
Now you are being silly. Stamp collecting holds few implications about how we live our lives. The Atheist position is not only anti-religion but usually pro-science, pro-rationality, pro-secularism, pro-personal freedom.

Whos we?

pro-science, pro-rationality, pro-secularism, pro-personal freedom

Like Stalin.
I qualified my statements with: "But generally, self-declared atheists directly or indirectly assert tenets to the effect of."

Besides, find one example of an atheist who doesn't hold the tenets I mentioned.

but he's been dead for over 50 yrs. What does that have to do with now? :confused:

In that case just look at the incidence of "secular" countries invading, exploiting and massacring the non-secular ones. That should cover the last 50 years.
He aimed to remove all undesirables from his society.

Sure. He saw fit to do so because he apparently thought that human reason is the highest there is, that man is the final and highest moral instance - albeit Stalin had his brand of 'human reason'. But that is typical with 'human reason': it is variegated. Nonetheless, atheists tend to swear by it, even though they themselves might have differing views on what 'human reason' is or should be.

So clearly, his definition of man did not meet yours.

I have not even said what my definition of man is.
In that case just look at the incidence of "secular" countries invading, exploiting and massacring the non-secular ones. That should cover the last 50 years.

Does India and Pakistan count?
He aimed to remove all undesirables from his society. So clearly, his definition of man did not meet yours.

Unless you share his.

You just described almost every Islamic state/dictatorship in the world.