The Stalin/Pol Pot/Hitler Killed Because of Atheism Fallacy

It wouldn't do any good. I've seen a lot of people in this forum change their minds, evolve in their points of view, and gain new perspectives -even if they didn't go "over to the other side."

SAM isn't one of them.

It's true. She's already long-since made up her mind, and even twists facts to suit her views.
Like moving posts that don't support my views to another thread?

Ironic, really.
Like moving posts that don't support my views to another thread?

Ironic, really.

He's simply moving posts that have no basis in reality. For example, you put forth this notion that Hitler was an atheist (he wasn't) and that all of these terrible people did what they did because of atheism, which of course there is no evidence for.

You even started a thread called "Why Atheism Makes You Mean". You're a zealot and a bigot that does not deal in facts. That's why your posts were moved, why you were demoted, and why I have had you on ignore since that day save this one moment where I actually wanted to here what the fuss was about.
FYI, he moved the posts before his post in this thread. The illogic was in the prior thread, which suffered from a problem of induction. I merely supplied the black swan to quench that fallacy, however, skin thought it more prudent to continue with the logical fallacy, especially since I was the only one who bothered with evidence.

You even started a thread called "Why Atheism Makes You Mean"

Cry me a river, I provided scientific studies for that, not "common sense"

why you were demoted

I was demoted for my views on Israel. It was made quite clear thanks.

why I have had you on ignore

FYI, he moved the posts before his post in this thread. The illogic was in the prior thread, which suffered from a problem of induction. I merely supplied the black swan to quench that fallacy, however, skin thought it more prudent to continue with the logical fallacy, especially since I was the only one who bothered with evidence.

You didn't provide evidence.

Cry me a river, I provided scientific studies for that, not "common sense"

You call that a scientific study?! HA! You know, it's really funny how zealots like you condemn science until you find one backwoods study done by hacks that actually supports something you spouted. Then, you're all about the science. Too cute!
Hey, I did not call it a scientific study.

The editors did:

1. A. F. Shariff, A. Norenzayan, Psychol. Sci. 18, 803 (2007)

You didn't provide evidence.

Yup I did. Take a nice good look at the list [don't miss Tito and Ataturk] and tell me religion creates democidal killers.
Studies consistently show that "God" professes atheism (concerning higher consciousness).
Ironically, Shariff and Norenzayan mention in their study the implications that god-concepts have on prosocial behavior and the origins of civilization, implying that religion's impact on the psychological processes was (and is) used for more than inspiring "moral behavior."

The same processes described in their fascinating paper could, and likely were/are, used for inspiring religiously motivated aggression on others. Suicide bombers, for instance, are entirely motivated by religion. As are those that participate in female genital mutilation (and, to a large extent, male genital mutilation). The murder and terrorist acts on abortion doctors and clinics are also entirely motivated by religion. For a time, slavery in the United States was motivated by religion.

These are all the psychological processes that the authors of this very fascinating study have described. Thank you for sharing it, but I read it about a year ago.
"God" professes atheism

Sam: "That would imply a serious lack of self esteem."

Right :D but what I clumsily meant instead (about what very little we know of God's orientation) is that he is purported to recognize no higher consciousness than himself: In this sense God is a relative atheist- But it doesn't make him mean. We hope. Or lonely. Or much like us.
"God" professes atheism

Sam: "That would imply a serious lack of self esteem."

Right :D but what I clumsily meant instead (about what very little we know of God's orientation) is that he is purported to recognize no higher consciousness than himself: In this sense God is a relative atheist- But it doesn't make him mean. We hope. Or lonely. Or much like us.

To me it implies he does not believe in himself. That would be a sorry state to be in.

SICK BURN! Just goes to show Sam only twists the facts to meet her opinions, rather than basing her opinion on the facts. That's a theist for ya.

Wow, wikipedia. The Truth. A group of anonymous editors vs Adolf Hilters friends. :D

Did you know there are religious atheists? Some athiests told me so. :D
I love how folks, when they've been proven wrong, resort to such ridiculous things. Like how Sam is trying to use the "Wikipedia isn't reliable" argument that is both old and has been demonstrated to be false.

You don't do any research. You read your clippings on, and then regurgitate it here as if it was your own. If only you had enough respect for yourself to do a little research or fact-checking before you opened your mouth (46 thousand times) maybe you wouldn't be so looked down on here.
I see you did not read my original link on Hitler. It was pretty objective site in my opinion. Can you tell me, since Hitler was an ardent supporter of science and clearly anti-Christian in private [supported by your wiki link], what religion did he follow?
Hitler was an ardent supporter of pseudoscience and the occult, as well as science (including bad science). Regardless of his private communications, his public position was that of a religionist and he appealed to religion to support his twisted view of how to rule.

Indeed, a reading of Mein Kampf reveals his true motivations and where his ideas of domination come from. His actions and behavior mirror that of New Testament despots like Moses and Joshua -decimating the land, committing genocide, pilaging, etc.

Hitler was a Catholic.
Hitler was an ardent supporter of pseudoscience and the occult, as well as science (including bad science). Regardless of his private communications, his public position was that of a religionist and he appealed to religion to support his twisted view of how to rule.

Indeed, a reading of Mein Kampf reveals his true motivations and where his ideas of domination come from. His actions and behavior mirror that of New Testament despots like Moses and Joshua -decimating the land, committing genocide, pilaging, etc.

Hitler was a Catholic.

Hitler was an ardent supporter of pseudoscience and the occult, as well as science (including bad science). Regardless of his private communications, his public position was that of a religionist and he appealed to religion to support his twisted view of how to rule.

Indeed, a reading of Mein Kampf reveals his true motivations and where his ideas of domination come from. His actions and behavior mirror that of New Testament despots like Moses and Joshua -decimating the land, committing genocide, pilaging, etc.

Hitler was a Catholic.

Can you explain why his private conversations were negative about Christianity?

Also, did he write Mein Kampf for himself or for propaganda purposes?