the spirit of truth or deception?

The Evelyonian said:
Before they ate of the tree they were immortal.

After they ate of the tree they were not.

I still think god was a bit economical with the truth. as after they ate of the tree they became as gods just like the serpent say.
ellion said:
I still think god was a bit economical with the truth. as after they ate of the tree they became as gods just like the serpent say.

Actually the serpent was a bit "economical" with the truth himself. The serpent told Eve she would not die, that was a lie. Both Adam and Eve died as a result of their sin.
The Evelyonian said:
Before they ate of the tree they were immortal.

After they ate of the tree they were not.

you are reading this tale LITERALLY without any seemig insight as to the interpretation the patriarcha put onto the much more ancinet understanding of immortality.

You have to know that the Fruit referred to is eternal knowledge. this was the hallucinogenic fruit of the Goddess myth. For example, the images of Tree, Fruit and Serpent are ripped off from other myths--whcih we Goddess oriented, as Monica Sjoo And Barbara Mor, Joseph Campbell, and others have pointed out

The SERPENT is a very ancient symbol symbolizing immortality. ie., in the way it sloughs off its skin, this and other associations represented immortality as via CYCLIC transformation.
What the patriarchs did/ including the ones who wrote that tale of the Garden of Eden, is SUBVERT that originry meaning to mean 'immortality' equals EVERLASTING life. and THEN DEMONIZES the very FRUIT that inspired the more ancinet insight

I.e., it is demonizing the Goddess' earth religious worldview!

its also ambiguous, cause it does hint that the fruit form the 'Tree of Life' will confer immortality , but as you see 'God' prohibits us from HAVING the Fruit. Unlike the freedom to partake of it in Goddess' times
duendy said:
You have to know that the Fruit referred to is eternal knowledge.

I agree. The Bible says Eve saw the fruit was good for wisdom.

duendy said:
The SERPENT is a very ancient symbol symbolizing immortality.
The serpent is also a very ancient symbol of evil.

duendy said:
What the patriarchs did/ including the ones who wrote that tale of the Garden of Eden, is SUBVERT that originry meaning to mean 'immortality' equals EVERLASTING life. and THEN DEMONIZES the very FRUIT that inspired the more ancinet insight

I.e., it is demonizing the Goddess' earth religious worldview!

Maybe I missed something but what does symbolic fruit have to do with a goddess?

duendy said:
its also ambiguous, cause it does hint that the fruit form the 'Tree of Life' will confer immortality , but as you see 'God' prohibits us from HAVING the Fruit. Unlike the freedom to partake of it in Goddess' times

Read Revelation. It says that in the future man will have free access to the tree of life.
god said they will die, not they will know death.

the serpent said their eyes will be opened.

and their eyes where opened.
The Evelyonian said:
Actually the serpent was a bit "economical" with the truth himself. The serpent told Eve she would not die, that was a lie. Both Adam and Eve died as a result of their sin.

some 900 years later after raising a family
The Evelyonian said:
I agree. The Bible says Eve saw the fruit was good for wisdom.


The serpent is also a very ancient symbol of evil.

d___not in the times of Motherright it aint. It was the patriarchy that demonized Serpent/Dragon.
For examp[le, in original Goddess of the Garden Tre and Fruit, Serpent is the Gurdian of Garden and Tree. also Dragon, which the patriarchal 'heros', like St George etc etc,. are seen killing is Guardian of Nature!

Maybe I missed something but what does symbolic fruit have to do with a goddess?

d___The Fruit Is the Serpent, and her Son and Lover and the means to celebrate in her Mysteries of Nature. to 'unveil' Her/Nature

Read Revelation. It says that in the future man will have free access to the tree of life.

hah...a bit too late when we're all nuked

the Fruit should never have been forbidden in the First place. what are we ...KIDs, and these patriarchal-myth-spinners are our PARENTS who tell us what we can eat and drink?...not so! though they STILL are doing same with their war on [SOME] drugs
The Evelyonian said:
Read Revelation. It says that in the future man will have free access to the tree of life.

c2 v7 actually, right now not in the future.
The Evelyonian said:
The hebrew translation of "die" can also be "know death".

not sure where you get that from but i get the definition for
die / MUWTH a prim. root; to die. to kill. be dead (body, man, one). (put to, worthy of) death. (cause to be, like to, must) die kill.
The Evelyonian said:
They still died just as God said they would.

my point was,
god said they would die in that day. they didnt.
the serpent said their eyes would be opened, they where.

if god where telling the "truth". he would have said something like:

"for in the day that you eat thereof your eyes will be opened you will see things as i see them, but you will die 900 years later after having children. i could grant you immortality by the fruit of the tree of life. but i'll let my son do that when he is dead."

maybe then the man could have made an informed choice.
ellion said:
god said they would die that day. they didn't
Look at the hebrew word for "day" that is used in that verse. It does not always refer to a 24 hour period. It can mean any space of time.

(If you're using a "Strong's Concordance" it's number 3117)
the serpent uses the same term so;

god says in that 'space/time' that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die

the sepernt says in that 'space/time' ye eat thereof your eyes shall be opened and ye shal be as gods

who's statement is the most acurate, considering they died 900 years later but their eyes where opened the very same day(or space/time)?
The Evelyonian said:
Actually the serpent was a bit "economical" with the truth himself. The serpent told Eve she would not die, that was a lie. Both Adam and Eve died as a result of their sin.
it was not there sin, they were coerced.
so can not be accountable.
ellion said:
1 it was god that lied 'for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die'
Do we die?

2 the serpent told the truth 'ye shall not surely die'
Do we die?

3 the sepernt told another truth 'the day ye eat thereof your eyes shall be opened and ye shall be as gods knowing good and evil'
Are we as gods?

4 god banished 'the man' for becoming wise and to prevent him from becoming immortal 'behold he has become as one of us now, to know good and evil: and now lest he put forth his hand and and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live forever.'
Are we wise? Is there a difference between "knowledge" and "wisdom"? Are we completely like gods or only when it comes to knowledge? Are we ready to live forever?