The Smoking Gun Footage


Do I understand that you have the UFO Magazine's 'The Secret NASA Transmissions' videotape?

I'll try not to sound exasperated but once again I will point out that nobody here appears to be talking about the latest footage.

The so called 'Smoking Gun' footage, which is currently the cause of hot debate was only released on March 11th by UFO Magazine and the guy who recorded it, Martyn Stubbs. It's not been shown anywhere on TV yet.

It seems like you are all lumping all the previous shuttle videos with Martyn Stubbs material.

Just thought I'd let you know.........

[This message has been edited by Spadge (edited May 02, 2000).]
The fact that NASA is hidding this stuff from the public and has been for a long time proves its genuine.Sure you can fake photos but this technology is recent and does not explain photos taken by early cameras. When you see a flying saucer up close and personal then you have to believe as I have. This led me to explore
the subject and find just how much we've been lied to. There are a lot of those tring to give the public a hint but sad to say nobody's paying attenton. I guess
we deserve what injustices are done to us. It's time we wake up and smell the coffee.

yes i have UFO Magazine "smoking Gun£ and i think the only footage on that video that needs more work is the STS 75 Thether footage.

all the rest is not that good. i could say more about the footage but i will be here all night.

lets just say that all that footage is 6 years old or more, the NEW footage that is out is about 2 years old.

STS 84: as i have said before is somthing very interesting the Mir footage.

STS 96: is a new clip and this is also very interesting but until all the background work has been done i can not say much else.

much if the stuff on the Smoking Gun vidoe can be explaned and how do i know that.....i know as i have footage which is of Plasma, CME, ICE and debris and it looks just like the stuff on the Smoking Gun footage, so if i have it NASA have i know why James Oberg says that the Smoking Gun video makes debunking a pleasure, its beacuse most of the footage has a very reasonable explanation which they can back up with footage
is the Second the flashes of light or the "fireflies" if so then i think this is nothing special as i and many others have seen it many times.

it looks just like plamsa or CME (Coronal Mass Ejection) and even if it was a NEW life yet again is nothing special. as i said in other post if NASA, Oberg and researchers know about CME, Plamsa and this footage looks just like then we have to accept that it may just be nothing more than that..........once again there is footage to back it up, i hope in time to have some good shots of CME and Plasma and i will post them so that all can look at them and see they are just the same as the stuff on the video.

more info about CME: A CME consists of a group of atoms, know as plasma, which have had their electrons stripped away from the neclei.

these travel towards Earth at speeds up to 500Km per second, this is the kind of thing that can knock out satellietes.

Dr. Roger Clay, from Adelaide Uni, said CME's would also cause major damages for humans in space, who are without the protection of the Earths atmosphere.

"The Apollo astronauts have said that when they shut their eyes the saw FLASHES, those flashes were due to these particles going through their eyes" anybody who has seen the Smoking Gun video will find this of interest as there is a clip of two astronauts talking about seeing flashes.

it is also mentioned that many on Mir have seen flashes of lifeforms???????? the evidence and information has to be at least 90% against these flashes been "lifeforms"

[This message has been edited by chucky (edited May 04, 2000).]
I'm 90% sure that man has been visited
by extraterrestrials in the past and currently. More than 90% sure NASA is telling lies. It seems that we want to find anything at all that will explain
the UFO Phenomenon except that they are intelligently piloted craft because this scares most people to death. And if this is what they turn out to be, ignoring them won't make them go away.
chucky- I'm a little late with this post, but it's worth bringing up. I agree that NASA videos are the best chance for genuine footage because NASA generally doesn't tamper with their film except to edit things out, not to put them in.

Unfortunately, by the time We The People see them, how many hands have they passed through? Are we seeing first-generation film, or has it been filtered and/or processed first? Somebody sold them to somebody else for publication, and when there's money involved, there's all the M.O. for fakery anybody needs.

I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will fight, kill, and die for your right to say it.

I am not satisified with the cosmic ray explanation at all. Cosmic rays are completely invisible to cameras and to human beings. They do not produce light in the visible spectrum at all. Therefore it is impossible for them to produce the images seen.

I feel I should point out that there is no chance that this footage has been tampereed with in any way.

Martyn Stubbs simply recorded every minute of every shuttle mission over the last five years and then looked through all of the tapes to find these objects. An amazingly time consuming task.

The material was recorded live as it was happening through NASA TV by a man who simply had the equipment and motivation to be able to do this. He was a cable TV manager by the way.

There is no room here for any fakery and nobody (even NASA) are suggesting that any videotape has been tampered with. That little idea can safely be put to bed.

Whatever they are, the objects were there. Of that there's no doubt.

[This message has been edited by Spadge (edited May 05, 2000).]
Hi again Oxygen,

my tapes and footage are from first-gen tapes, my contacts who get this footage are not making any money and neither am i......we are looking at the footage as we find it of interest and as i said before you guys will have more footage to talk about soon.

who told you that? where did you get your information from?

and maybe you should look into the Plasma CME is a TRUE event that can be seen on video........i know as i have seen it.

Plasma is well known about.......

and cosmic rays are not really the same, you are thinking of other rays like the sort that burn us and give people skin cancer........plasma can be seen.

i am not having a dig but please answer this question: have you done research about Plasma, CME? if not how do you know what is been seen.

the end result is that Plasma and CME are real and can be seen.........and as i said before if i know it NASA know it and Oberg knows it, plus if they can show footage of Plasma and CME and it looks just the same as the stuff on the "Smoking Gun" then we have to hold our hands up and accept that they have a explanation for the footage.

in all the NASA footage that is been brought out there is a difference between the footage that holds evidence and the footage that looks pleaseing to the eye.

[This message has been edited by chucky (edited May 05, 2000).]
the footage was given away . i got mine from graham at a hufo meet cost me nothing but you could of got it with the mag for 1.99 p&p.last YEAR

the new tape at 11.99 has extra stuff showing experts views on it etc. and more on willie!


the tape you got free is not the "Smoking Gun" video it is the Secret NASA Transmissions...........and the "Smoking Gun" video is the new video, as for experts talking about the footage there is more to that than meets the eye.

On the "Wille" subject there is only one source that iknow of where that footage came from.............and that is ME, i brought the Wille, Mir footage into the UK and i passed it onto UFO Magazine and as you can see they have used it for there own devices.


[This message has been edited by chucky (edited May 06, 2000).]

[This message has been edited by chucky (edited May 06, 2000).]

I've been following the debate in UFO mag itself and on the UFO Mag website where both sides of the argument have been posted.

Your CME theory is a completely new one to me and I am surprised that I've not heard it before. I have to admit that I don't know enough about CMEs to debate you on the likelyhood of them being the cause. At the moment I can only take your word on them. I shall have to do a bit of research there.

It does raise a couple of questions for me though! How is it that I've not heard anybody mention this CME theory before at all, sceptics included, even though I've been watching the debate unfold with interest since it first started.

If James Oberg and NASA know what the 'second space phenomena' is, why haven't they said anything? If you can prove to me that Oberg or NASA have even tried to answer the question then I would be grateful.

I've also been led to believe that many scientists have been truly amazed at this footage. If this phenomena is as well known as you say then I would have expected them to know that. Even the Australian astronomer Clare Williams (Head Astronomer and Manager of the Space Dome Planetarium, Canberra) did not give CMEs as an answer to the flashes and I'm pretty certain that she knows about CMEs.

Another point, in an earlier post you refered to them as 'fireflies.' I am therefore led to believe that you are talking about the same phenomena that John Glenn famously saw during the first American orbit of Earth.

To my knowledge NASA have never attributed Glenn's 'fireflies' with CMEs. If I remember correctly they gave an explanation of ice crystals from the astronaut's urine as being the cause. Only recently Gemini astronaut, Scott Carpenter, admitted that NASA originally thought that the fireflies could well be 'living critters.' Amusingly, James Oberg is still disputing that Carpenter ever made such a statement, even though the video of the interview is freely available.

[This message has been edited by Spadge (edited May 08, 2000).]

i thank you for been honest about not knowing much about CMEs & plasma.......please have a look into it.

as for UFO mag and the debate i think it has mostly been about the STS 75 footage........which i think does need looking at further, but without a doubt in my mind some of the objects on STS 75 are just "Dirt" if i knew how to put pictures on here i would show you something.......

anyway, so some of the objects on STS 75 are nothing special. snd i only think that UFO mag will only tell you what they want you to know............and to make as much money as they can, i mean how much was the video about £17.00, yes yes they will tell you that making money was far from their minds but at £17.00 it was not that far.

your right not much has been said about CME & plasma but everybody is talking about STS 75 right now, and many of the people i have talked with know that these "flashes" are nothing special.............and even if they were some sort of UFO, WOW oh yeah how great a flash of light.........well that will just blow the lid off of everything.

all i am saying is that CME & plamsa look just like these flashes.......i am sat here now watching a tape from a mission and i have about 15 mins of these flashes at night going mad all over the screen.......and on still frame they look like long worms.

i have a few emails form Oberg where we talked about this sort of thing.............and that is why he told me that debunking this sort of footage is a pleasure, it must be because NASA and Oberg have seen these flashes so many times that it is nothing special, after all we even have astronauts who have talked about it.

you say about the "expets" who are talking about this footage...............please please dont let UFO mag fool u,the information i got from my sources tell me something:

The guy called Nigro from the video who is the "director of SETI" in australia, is an amateur astronomer who holds no degrees, who is a volunteer coordinator for a project which isn't running they tell you that on the video?

Dr. Weinberg at Simon Fraser U, head of the brain research lab, said it must be somebody else they're quoting because it sure isn't him.

the NASA Goddard physicist said they sure didn't understand what he was trying to explain to them.

and as for people getting up and walking out when the were shown the flashes....maybe they were so shocked that they were getting shown CME plasma that was been called "new lifeforms" that they though an explanation would go straight over the peoples heads so they left................after all a little research can show you lots.

i tell you something else some of the footage will get used for how it looks, not the evidence..........if it looks good, use it.........

if i have got footage that i know is "ice" and "dirt" and "debris" and footage of plasma and CME and it looks just like some of the footage people are calling UFOs then i dont belive them.

even IF there are alien space craft...if it looks like the "known" objects then it is not so good as it can be explaned with not only words but with pictures........can you see what i am trying to say? i hope so.

i have a fantastic picture that i would like to show can i post it

I am not familiar with the STS 75 footage, but I suspect the footage was well OUTSIDE the atmosphere. If that is indeed the case HOW DO YOU CREATE PLASMA IN OUTER SPACE???, plasma is a MATTER STATE, ionized gas...which means you need GAS to produce it. Its not radiation. Also lets say a "cloud of gas" is available to produce the plasma....what would have ionised it to a point of creating plasma???

Again I haven't seen the footage, I'm just asking a question 'cause like I said you need matter to make plasma.
Hi Rambler,

please read back my posts i have pit more information about plasam, this information is from DR Roger Clay.

i have to run out right now but i will post more soon.................thank you for your post
I would have to say the CME and 'plasma' explanations are pretty shaky. CME's as understand them are kind of like solar flares. CME's are comprised of charged particles that interact and effect our own magnetosphere (causing auroral displays like the one about a month ago that was seen as far south as the Carolinas). By the by...some really weird stuff is apparently happening around the sun. Check it out, its downright goofy.

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