The Simpleton Notion of ‘God’ is Unveiled Here

SciWriter said:
I am using externals, not internal subjective feelings and sensations of 'no God'.
Oh really?
These "externals" have absolutely no effect on your internal subjective feelings then? You can claim with all the certainty you can muster (externally) that you aren't experiencing any internal subjective feelings that might affect your "external" conclusion?

I hope you also realise how off the wall your argument is. For instance, where do these "externals" exist, and how do you avoid internalising them?
How do you reach a conclusion without thinking or "feeling", I wonder?
This sensation of 'no God' you mention--is that an emotional or an intellectual sensation?
How do you know that it isn't God? Is it because you're "using externals", and in that case, how do you use them?

I predict that you will now avoid trying to address these questions, because you have no idea how to answer them.
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Logic, knowns, and what exists versus opinion of internal sensation claiming unknowns as known to be God. The double error is to ignore what is, in favor of what isn't.
The problem is that there is no logic, knowns and what exists to back your opinion of god's non-existence ... aside from the hot air inflating your internal sensation

It's a simpleton proposition to require life to come from Life, but then not have Life come from LIFE, etc.
more hot air ...
You can claim with all the certainty you can muster (externally) that you aren't experiencing any internal subjective feelings that might affect your "external" conclusion?

Arfa, old friend, too much love or hate for an idea would only get in the way of the search, probably swaying and skewing it out of bias.

I go where things lead, and if it's to a bottommost causeless state, then I don't just abandon that because 'God', too, is said to be causeless. These causeless states are akin to having been around forever—eternal—as totality really has to be, as well as everywhere.
For instance, where do these "externals" exist, and how do you avoid internalising them?

They are found by science, such as the neurological underlying what surfaces on the mind. They are known facts, and so they don't get altered by cognizance.
This sensation of 'no God' you mention--is that an emotional or an intellectual sensation?

I mentioned that there is none either way, but I could seemingly feel 'God' by focusing on it, just as I could with imagining jumping out of an airplane.
SciWriter said:
I mentioned that there is none either way
Do you mean the sensation was neither emotional nor intellectual?
What then is left that it could possibly be?
Are you saying this sensation was disconnected from your "feelings", in which case how did you notice it, or are you saying you didn't think anything, in which case why have you got anything to say about it?

/Homer Simpson moment
Do you mean the sensation was neither emotional nor intellectual?
What then is left that it could possibly be?
Are you saying this sensation was disconnected from your "feelings", in which case how did you notice it, or are you saying you didn't think anything, in which case why have you got anything to say about it?

/Homer Simpson moment

Well, I have no feeling of 'God' in any way, if that's what you mean.

As for the learning of facts and reading how they came about, that could be said to be satisfying, and sometimes a great "ah-ha" such as when realizing that light is produced in the head, too, likewise to sound, color, taste, etc, which was not a matter of wanting it to be true or not.
Does religion also have good points? Sure, where it matches and duplicates and reinforces civil laws of not killing, stealing, and treating anyone poorly or discriminating against. Do some people become better for fear of fire in Hell and/or from just civil penalties? Studies say morality for believers and nonbelievers is the same. Does it help aid the poor? Sure; it is one of the avenues. All systems of true good are useful, from some government programs to useful foreign aid to high school programs about being kind to all to life’s feedback and learning experiences to any good role model (excepting any of those those claiming some right to Vengeance).

Are not people free to do what they wish? Of course they are, but it helps to have informed decisions. I am in a search for truth, not making any one do anything. That is only up to them.

Many religious beliefs fell as we made more discoveries. The Earth was round, not flat. We could see the roundness during a lunar eclipse. We could see the masts and tops of ships far away at sea before the hull came into view. We also found that the Earth was not the center of anything. The sun was the local center, but our solar system was still not the center of anything, nor was our galaxy. This went against God-revealed scripture and so for a long while ‘evil’ people were burned at the stake or imprisoned for believing otherwise.

Newton discovered that objects in space move on their own, thus without a guiding hand. Einstein’s findings sense of everything high and low, big and tiny, far away and right here. There was no place left for God.
You didn't counter anything at all, even the fact of evolution. Zippo undoing.
you simply presented an argument on the strength of pure opinion.

I countered it by presenting a refutation that operates on identical principles.

3 pages into this and you still haven't figured out that tentative arguments, either for or against, are simply hot air.
Another 'genius' argument fails to realize his own epic fail! lmao.... All these 'god exist or not' arguments can be printed out and used as toilet paper. All these 'arguments' are opinions as stated by lightgigantic.. It doesn't take a 'genius' to see this... 3 pages of total waste :D

Peace be unto you ;)
Another 'genius' argument fails to realize his own epic fail! lmao.... All these 'god exist or not' arguments can be printed out and used as toilet paper. All these 'arguments' are opinions as stated by lightgigantic.. It doesn't take a 'genius' to see this... 3 pages of total waste :D

Peace be unto you ;)

You, too, undid nothing, and added nothing.

Take evolution, for example, declared a myth by LG in his not in-depth 'analysis'. He would have to undo its great facts and details in detail, and then he still wouldn't be done, for he'd have to substitute for it in great detail and fact. Yet, he did neither, qualifying as one of those unreachable double-gappers, those would ignore what is and can't even show what isn't.
You, too, undid nothing, and added nothing.

That is the only thing you can do with the discussion about God's existence. You 'added nothing' either. I just 'added nothing' by telling you its pointless. You 'added nothing' by wasting your time writing your 'argument'

Don't need to get into evolution. God is believed by some a-religious people as well.

Peace be unto you ;)
That is the only thing you can do with the discussion about God's existence. You 'added nothing' either. I just 'added nothing' by telling you its pointless. You 'added nothing' by wasting your time writing your 'argument'

Don't need to get into evolution. God is believed by some a-religious people as well.

Peace be unto you ;)

No content shown versus the argument. Generalizations don't so anything but expose the lack of specifics. This is called 'neglect'.