The Shadow Government

Porfiry said:
If it had been "known to exist for decades", then this discussion would be moot.

Not if it had been known to only a few people. The government is notoriously good at keeping things it doesn't want known out of the media by simply invoking "national security."
...and crazymikey is part of this inner circle of those in the know, eh? How fortunate for us ignorant saps that he decided to share this revelation with us.
Porfiry said:
...and crazymikey is part of this inner circle of those in the know, eh?

No. And that is a rather obnoxious and ridiculous comment.

Some people have actually done research into the subject and found the evidence overwhelming.

Others dismiss any findings to the effect and label them conspiracy theories, without actually examining the evidence themselves.
Porfiry said:
The fact that you hint at this evidence yet provide none is unconvincing.

OK, my research has generally been as it relates to UFOs/ETI and what the government knows of them. I have volumes of evidence on that subject, though there are many other categories where I'm sure as much evidence can be obtained.

I would be glad to write a summary of it, but that would take more time than I have now. I may do it tomorrow.
I missed this whole discussion.
Yes there is a "Shadow Government".
Just the name is enough to make most people with integrity avoid such claims like the plague.
Think about it.
Most of these people who are in such denial of areas and topics of which are so right in front of our noses are probly people of integrity.
They can not accept any of these claims because once they did, they would indeed feel a compulsion to actually DO something about it.
Instead of facing and acknowledging something that would overwhelm them to have to change their whole paradigm in their life.
Most people have a life that they have worked hard to acheive a level of being comfortable in order to enjoy it. I can't blame them.
Not every body is suited for events of this nature.
If we all were, we would never allow our families, neighborhoods,cities, countries come to such brinks of destruction, violence, and ill will.

Even when comments of "Show me some proof or eveidence of a Shadow Government" is given to them.
The very first link Mikey gave showed in letters an inch high that a shadow government exists! Sheesh.

Now I know that some others just plain lead "eyes wide closed" lives but still manage to push out comments that are just ......... :rolleyes:

Think about it.
What would have to happen to anyone that had courage, strength, focus,perspective, and an ability to continualy fit into the world instead of forcing the world to adapt to them.
There is a very scary place of uncertainty that would have to happen for them.
Nobody likes that feeling.
It breaks confidence, your place in the world, your own identity, and would make you have to rebuild your whole self image to the reality of the outside world instead of the other way around.
Not a nice place to be.

Even when people we hold in the highest regards express a context of which would make you have to reajust your self image, you would find a way to ignore, rationalize, or twist into an image that you can fit into your own view of "YOUR" world.
For instance....
President Dwight D. Eisenhower
"Beware the military-industrial complex."
He exspressed this in his last speech to the US as president.
He was well aware that there had been "Black operations" and such things as a "Shadow Government" developing full steam ahead.
Industrial meaning a large manufacured privatized complex being created by those in the military. These people awnsered to nobody, not even Eisenhower, the president of the united states.
And how long ago was that!!!
Hers some quotes from some others who you would hold in high standard, until they say something that might make you have to readjust your thinking of course.

President Gerald Ford
In the firm belief that the American public deserves a better explanation than that thus far given by the Air Force, I strongly recommend that there be a committee investigation of the UFO phenomena. I think we owe it to the people to establish credibility regarding UFOs and to produce the greatest possible enlightenment on this subject."

President Jimmy Carter
"If I become President, I’ll make every piece of information this country has about UFO sightings available to the public, and the scientists. I am convinced that UFOs exist because I’ve seen one..."

J. Edgar Hoover
"I would do it [study UFOs], but before agreeing to do it, we must insist upon full access to discs recovered. For instance in the L.A. case, the Army grabbed it and would not let us have it for cursory examination."

I mean does'nt it just amaze yourself how easily you can dismiss these claims,
I mean, what are you coming up with in your brain right now to rationalize how to not process this information into that of integration or acceptance.
I'll tell you.
Anyways, continue on with your way of thinking, it's what you have done up until now, and it is the way you will continue to think, Thats just the way life goes.
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well said.

i like your style of thinking and execution of information that cannot be denied.

im afraid roosevelt and these other presidents, although they may have tried to warn the public, also were part of these treasons. perhaps they realized only too late they had been trapped into a negative situation. perhaps they were overpowered by a higher force, like momentum has stated.

you guys realize that WHAT YOU DON'T KNOW CAN HURT YOU, right?
they have made the opposite seem true, even with the infamous quote everyone blindly repeats: 'what you don't know can't hurt you'
plus, thats a double negative. heh.

we, and i say that as a plural of all the peoples who are hoping to spread awareness; we hope you can open your eyes.
what for the people that like the idea of secretly governing the dumb masses?
Who exactly holds Gerald Ford or Jimmy Carter in high regard? Or J. Edgar Hoover, for that matter?
Hi Big Blue,
Maybe the people that elected them.And myself for that matter.
Sorry for presupposing.
Anyways, I am sure you hold your self in high regards,
as it should be.
I appreciate your interest.
Heyyy, no dissin Jimmy Carter. He still continues to help people to this day building homes for the homeless. He sure does a hell of a lot more than most people here can claim for themselves. He's good people.

- N