The Shadow Government

goofyfish said:
Which does not explain why you continued to post there...

:bugeye: Peace.
OMG Goofyfish that is one of the funniest replies I have ever seen "Comedy Gold" :D
I told you about the erosion of the constitution right?

In Nov. 2003, you might recall, Gen. Tommy Franks told Cigar Aficionado magazine that a major terrorist attack (even one that occurred elsewhere in the Western world), would likely result in a suspension of the U.S. Constitution and the installation of a military form of government. "[A] terrorist, massive, casualty-producing event somewhere in the Western world -- it may be in the United States of America -- [would cause] our population to question our own Constitution and to begin to militarize our country in order to avoid a repeat of another mass, casualty-producing event," he said.[newsmax]
I also told you about totalirian regimes and civil wars:

Along the Danube River in Austria about forty miles from Vienna, a prison camp called Stalag 17 was one of many prisoner of war facilities during WWII, containing wooden barracks surrounded by double fences of barbed wire and guard towers. The 1953 Billy Wilder film "Stalag 17" is a close reproduction of the actual facilities, although the actors were obviously not as hungry, dirty, and overcrowded as the real prisoners were.

Similar facilities exist in America, many in remote areas across our country adjacent to major highways, railroads, and airports. The infrastructure for incarcerating and executing resisters and dissenters in the coming American Holocaust has been already set up, according to the 1968 government plans code-named Operation Cable Splicer and Operation Garden Plot (FM 19-15), sub programs of the Rex 84 Program.

Field Manual 3-19.40 or FM 19-40 is the August 2001 version of Military Police Internment/Resettlement Operations. This publication supersedes the FM 19-40 of February 1976 and FM 19-60 of May 1986 by order of the Secretary of the Army signed by administrative assistant, Joel B. Hudson.

Pending the approval of the Army Chief of Staff, currently Eric. K. Shinseki, the military can detain and jail citizens en masse. Rex 84 called for many military bases to be closed and turned into prisons, based on the pretext that if a mass exodus of illegal aliens crossed the border, they would be quickly rounded up and detained in detention centers by FEMA. A more honest and realistic scenario would be the detention of Americans.

Under "Rex" the President could declare a state of emergency, empowering the head of FEMA to take control of the internal infrastructure of the U.S. and suspend the Constitution. The President could invoke Executive Orders 11000 through 11004 which would draft all citizens into work forces under governmental supervision, empower the postmaster to register all men, women, and children, seize all airports and aircraft, and seize all housing to establish forced relocation of all citizens.
FEMA doesnt even really need the President's Green Light.

You are doing good on your research mikey, Cable Splicer is a big fat piece of of the puzzle that can help these soft minds to harden.

look it up fellas, dont be scared. ask your representatives about these Directives, and watch their response. dont prematurely attack us here, go out and prove us either right or wrong!

"Call your Congressmen and insist they deliver into your hands a complete copy of H.R. 4079. Do Not take NO for an answer. Read it and defeat it...
this law may have been secretly passed, like S.B. 2834 was passed... H.R. 4079 may be public law 101-647, signed into law by bush(senior) nov 29 1990"


the above quote is out dated, as you guys can tell. but that only leaves reason to believe that muc more has happened in the mean time!


the deterioration of Habeas Corpus

Public Law 100-690:
"This bill to modify habeas corpus procedure must be reported with or without reccomendation by the Committee on the Judiciary of the Senate by the end of the 60th Day of session after the submission of the report or the bill must be automatically placed on the appropriate calendar of the Senate.
"Once the habeas corpus bill is on the calendar, it is not debatable, it is not subject to a motion to postpone; reconsideration of the vote by which the motion is agreed or disagreed to shall not be in order under this act. Only one motion shall be decided by a roll call vote."

thats it my friends, those are exact excerpts from the bill.
read it closely, it is UNCONSTITUTIONAL.
secondly it says WITH or WITHOUT permission, WTF ?!
thirdly it says 'once its on the calendar, its no longer debatable' - 'nuff said


i was going to leave these stale-educated and close-minded forums, but the soul in me cries to release information, even to those who might reject it at first.

if any of you TRULY feel violated, or if any of you TRULY want to learn more, then please send me either a Private Message or an e-mail. this is serious business and I, for one, will try my hardest to bring awareness avout.
If you feel hesitant to post your views, ideas, or evidence on these forums, then i have an alternative for you. again, please contact me for more.

for now, i will ease up on visiting sciforums, because i do not feel my efforts doing their potential.
for those who felt me, i feel you too, so please dont forget about zonabi !
(dont be surprised tho if i pop up every once in a blue moon)
I agree with your above posts about our rights being eroded and agree that actions should be taken.

I disagree that this is a 'shadow government'. It doesn't seem very 'shadow' at all, since we know who are passing these laws and why. we also know that just above every government in history has had the same tug-of-war between personals right and public (or offical) good.
furthermore, if you really believe this stuff then you may have a disease called "Chronic Paranoia" however, due to the side effects of this disease it is usually never treated, similiarly to agoraphobia in the fact that they are too paranoid/scared to seek help

Why does believing in a shadow government make one paranoid? I agree that many talk about a shadow government tends to bring out paranoid people, but a shadow government is a fact of life.

Many companies merge with one another or work together to monopolize certain areas. Power is the key to everything. While those companies do that, countries try to slowly gain more power as well. The pursuit for power is neverending because those with the power will always crave it. If one owns a store, they want to have a chain. If one has a chain they want to expand and have more types of products. Once they have that, they want to buy more companies to continue selling more stuff for more revenue. Next they someday run for mayor, governor, or someday president. Once a president, they want to further their country. How is that done? Same way as before, expand, expand, and expand.

I disagree that this is a 'shadow government'. It doesn't seem very 'shadow' at all, since we know who are passing these laws and why. we also know that just above every government in history has had the same tug-of-war between personals right and public (or offical) good.

Yeah, I wouldn't really call it a shadow government either. What I would call it though is a "shady" government, heh. Somewhat similar, but not. :p

Power is something that most will always try to acheive. It is no different on a grand-scale between countries, continents, or the world. Power is also something required for advancement. Someone is always going to have to be in charge to keep the ball moving and someone is always going to have to do the dirty work for the many that don't have a stomach for that sort of thing. If everyone were free, we'd be living in a pretty lazy world with many disagreements when teamwork and unity is needed. That's how and why slavery first started.

Look at the pyramids or something similar. We think they're a work of art but we don't really think of how they were created and what was done to make it so. Hell, we're already slaves to society. Everyone works day in and day out like drones. You may not call it slavery but it really is. The only way we're different than those slaves who built the pyramids or some other large task is that we're basically rewarded slaves. We get things to keep us motivated to work rather than being burned out which ends up happening to most anyways.

While those that believe in a shadow government tend to post things that seem like paranoid or that they're "out to get us" and "take over the world" as if it were a bad thing; the things people post in regards to a shadow goverment are all actually for the good of all, as bad as it may seem up front looking at just the new law or something else rather than the big picture. The problem is that to get that ball running, certain things have to be discreet and secretive because either the major populous isn't ready for such a change or to get from a certain position from one extreme to another, it requires extreme measures which are many times bad due to that not being ready state of mind. Kind of like WWII or if all of a sudden we WERE invaded by some outside force in the universe, it'd take one hell of an extreme sudden shift to get prepared.

Imagine that there really is a reason for population control (I'm not saying there isn't, I just don't know). Think up some scenerio where for some reason, the world has to drop in population or we'll all be in grave danger. Whatever it may be, lack of resources, every house having 10 people in it, all of a sudden there's so many people we suck up all the oxygen in the air (lol), anything.. I don't know about you, but that'd be one hell of a shell shock. It would cause a mass panic too. Who exactly would be the ones to die? It's one hell of a hard decision and well, I wouldn't announce it to the public if I were in charge.

Having a "one world order" is a good thing. It removes all the bullshit politics that happen with various opinions. Differing opinions is what causes conflict. This is the point of religious wars and heck, wars period. However, if all of a sudden everything is run by the same people, that gets rid of a lot of differing opinions. It's just a lot easier to manage when many people agree on the same things. It works like a charm for those that agree, but it sucks ass for those that don't.

Just like with Hitler trying to create his supreme race, that's actually the best thing to do to have the world advance to the next stage, it just sucks major ass for all of those not involved. And the reason why he failed is because he was in the minority of who should and who shouldn't advance. There were just too many non-Aryan people in this world that would have been screwed so that was idiotic on his part. All that multi-ethnicity in the world was just too much. His one major goal was too limiting. However, if his goal was something more like a multi-ethnic, more free world united under one ruler, that would have been quite scary.

Again, why the hell would I say a one world order is a good thing? Well other than those couple things I stated and other things I haven't said, it also comes down to what Crazymikey said (which he didn't want talked about but limiting a discussion isn't good), in that this has everything to do with extraterrestrials.

Remember, this is just power on a more grander scale. A state is bigger than a town, a country is bigger than the state, a continent is bigger than a country, and the world is bigger than the continent. But what is on a higher scale than the earth? Well obviously, the universe. And as we begin to realize our place in the universe and that Earth isn't all that their is, we need to start paying attention elsewhere. Sooner or later, if not already, we are going to be contacted by extraterrestrials which we'll now have a seat on the universal throne. It'll most likely be politics like here on earth between countries, but on a much grander scale and well, it's going to be hard dealing with that if we aren't all secured here on earth in some sort of one world government. As whacky as all this talk may seem, it'll someday become a reality.

One must remember that control is the key to getting things done. As much as we want these secrets to be realised, it'll be too much of a shock for most people and disorder will happen. Ignorance really is bliss. Lots of selfish people don't even want to hear what's going on in another state muchless another country or soon-to-be universe. They want to live a small, simple lifestyle and that's it. Grand scales are complicated and new things are frightening. For those that aren't able to deal with the truth, it'll ruin them. That's why things must be done slowly and secretly. As ready as us more intellegent and whacky people here on these forums may be, most people aren't ready. And well, without control over those people, chaos will happen and then we're doomed.

So really, what is so bad about a one world goverment? It's natural. Most people want to rule the world. It removes lots of political bullshit. A one world government doesn't mean we have no freedom. Look at democracies. They're run by head haunchos yet the citizens are basically free. Just imagine it all on a grander scale. The ONLY hard and bad part on having a one world government is trying to make it happen. With all the differing opinions, bad shit is going to have to happen to have the world unite. Whether it's by force or some sort of sign or event that all of a sudden makes the whole world want to be united. It's a neccessity to advance. Remember, ever since the Space Age, we really know that Earth isn't where things ends. And space is where things shall go. That'll be the new age. So while many may think a shadow government is bad for keeping things from us, I personally feel it's a good thing.

- N
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Neildo said:
but a shadow government is a fact of life
Which is part of the reason talking about it like some new phenomena is... well... pointless. We know a good bit about how these things work, as historians have disected previous ones.
Neildo said:
If everyone were free, we'd be living in a pretty lazy world with many disagreements when teamwork and unity is needed.
Agreed... but I don't think this calls for the need of a shadow government. .. or the existance of one. If you have good reasoning it is possible to convince most people of what is 'right'. The remainder are generally inactive in politics anyway. It may take time, but it works.
Neildo said:
the things people post in regards to a shadow goverment are all actually for the good of all
That's the funny thing. Especially considering that at the very same time our governement is publically doing things that most of us would disagree with.
Neildo said:
Sooner or later, if not already, we are going to be contacted by extraterrestrials which we'll now have a seat on the universal throne.
This is a huge leap which isn't really founded. We don't knwo if there are other space faring species, let alone ones that can reach us. Furthermore, it is as you pointed out a big universe and we are a small planet. Moreover, we don't know if any ET would even practice politics as we know it. It could be 'you disagree... then we fight to the death' or possibly hive like behavior.
Neildo said:
So really, what is so bad about a one world goverment? It's natural.
I'm definately a fan of a 'distrubted' one world government. Unfortunately I don't think it will actually happen. Part of the "most people want to rule the world" is that they can't ALL rule the world. There will always be a 'war' between factions... even if it is a cold one.
Neildo said:
As much as we want these secrets to be realised, it'll be too much of a shock for most people and disorder will happen.
But disorder happens anyway... and much more so when the truth is hidden and only slowly revealed. A quick release of truth may have a mostly instant violent reaction, but they are generally short lived.

The problem is that evidence of the truth just about always leaks out. Humans disagree, and act upon that. Any shadow governement with real power isn't able to stay in the shadows.
Agreed... but I don't think this calls for the need of a shadow government. .. or the existance of one. If you have good reasoning it is possible to convince most people of what is 'right'. The remainder are generally inactive in politics anyway. It may take time, but it works.

The only reason why there is a need for a shadow government is to continue to keep the ball rolling and doing things we aren't yet ready for. They'll ALWAYS be working to push us towards that next step that we may be unaware of. A shadow government will exist even when there is a one world government because of that. They're the thinkers, the manipulators, the power-grabbers, the ones who think about things that most don't.

I'm sure the majority of the world sees no reason for a one world government. There really isn't a reason for one yet. The time a NWO is required is when we begin to persue things in outer space because that is the next step on the grander scale; from controlling earth goes towards controlling the galaxy, then the whole darn universe, then whatever may be beyond that.

Now I don't know if all these seemingly laws that take away our freedom are slowly prepping us towards that NWO, or if we're already at that stage of needing to be in one due to extraterrestrial matters. Yes, I know there really isn't any proof of us being visited by extraterrestrials or us seeing something extraterrestrial due to satellites or telescopes, but eventually it WILL happen. We just don't know if that time is now, soon, or many years from now. We can only speculate by noticing how many of those NWOish-type laws are being put into place or astrological discoveries that are made.

- N
I think I'm going to need to disagree with you. The pushes towards things we are not ready for are public. They may not be empashized in press releases, but they are there for anyone who looks.

The recent laws in the US fall into this category. They were snuck in under unrelated bills, but not by a shadow government.
"if all of a sudden we WERE invaded by some outside force in the universe, it'd take one hell of an extreme sudden shift to get prepared."

finally someone has stated my purpose.

Neildo has some very good points. Very good indeed. Except he gives this Secret Government the benefit of the doubt. That's ok also, this shows you are kind hearted, and i can see you are open-minded.

I too, can say and agree, that having some Unified Community Government CAN be a VERY BENEFICIAL way, except i DO NOT BELIEVE IN MY HEART THIS IS WHAT 'THEY' ARE AIMING FOR.

firstly we have too many corruptions within these people with ties to Secret Societies and Secret Groups. They have been known to do bad things. You must remember they are part of Secret Societies, and you should take a minute to research some of these groups, you might be surprised what they engulf. (perhaps learn some of their initiation techniques or Oaths they must swear)

i can feel your friendly vibe , but unfortunately the world cannot be as friendly as you or I. People, like you said, WANT CONTROL. and this EXPANDS TO CONTROLLING OTHER PEOPLES' LIVES/SOULS/ACTIONS. THATS WHY IT IS WRONG.

especially when the secrets involve my OWN LIFE and will AFFECT ME.

how can keeping the fact of extra terrestrial intelligent life be of ANY BENEFIT?
all i see is the prolonging of something inevitable.

oh, and one question:

thats a rhetorical question for some of you who didnt realise that

a rhetorical question is a question that has an obvious answer.

here is another example of a rhetorical question:

do you think that there is life in the universe, amongst the billions of stars and planets?


i do not believe the government's reason for with holding this IMPORTANT information is because 'we are not ready'. if i accepted this theory, i am forfeiting my own decisions as to WHEN I AM READY TO LEARN. if i agreed with this cover-up theory, then i am allowing SOMEONE ELSE TO CONTROL MY LIFE, i am letting OTHERS DECIDE FOR ME, when i am ready to learn.

i believe the reason behind the cover-ups of cover-ups and secrets within secrets is because of the numerous things that have happened in relation to these same arguments and discussions. I BELIEVE THEY DO NOT WANT US TO KNOW WHAT HAS HAPPENED, WHAT THEY HAVE DONE, WHAT THEY HAVE DISCOVERED, WHO THEY HAVE KILLED, WHY THEY HAVE COMMITTED TREASON TO THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (and other countries as well), WHO HAS DISSAPPEARED, WHAT THE ALIENS SAY, WHAT DEALS HAVE BEEN MADE WITH ALIENs, WHY THEY ARE HERE, and lastly, WHAT THEY HAVE PREDICTED (along with Human predictions) WILL HAPPEN IN THE FUTURE.


why else would they STILL, after half a century - be denying something so obvious ? why would they need to be passing laws in the middle of the nigth when the other half of the house is absent? why would the president have ties between his family and several huge firms, secret societies, and drug lords?

why would they be showing endless amounts of movies and shows and commercials depicted hidden messages of either Aliens, UFOs, or Major Earth Catastrophes ? <---- this directly fits Neilden COREECT ASSUMPTION that THEY ARE TRYING TO CONDITION US SLOWLY TO ACCEPT ALIEN THEORY.
that , for one, is about the only POSITIVE effort i see being made by our gov't.


NOW, consider this:

do u really think it is better to slowly, secretly, and illegally condition living life forms about something (a concept, idea, discovery, revelation)

as opposed to:

OPENLY discussing it ? Bringing it to the table.
IF WE COULD have some solid facts, proof, or confirmations about the EXISTANCE OF OTHER LIFE FORMS / ALIENS, then i think we could get past the shock.
why not share what they know? they can tell us that they aren't 100% sure how much is true, WE CAN HANDLE THAT.



bottom line is, they are scared because they feel we will HATE them for LYING FOR SO LONG. they brought it upon themselves. you cannot even say that eisenhower was responsible, because the numerous others of officials who knew about it, and the several generations of people who has passed through this black hole HAVE ALL HAD THE CHANCE TO EXPOSE THIS TREASON of HUMANITY.

it extends BEYOND the United States. im sure some of you can relate from elsewhere.


i would like those who feel they are ready to know, to take just a minute to think to yourself, and say in your mind & soul, that you would like to know more about the truth. let yourself know that you are ready!


take care all !
Neildo has some very good points. Very good indeed. Except he gives this Secret Government the benefit of the doubt. That's ok also, this shows you are kind hearted, and i can see you are open-minded.

I too, can say and agree, that having some Unified Community Government CAN be a VERY BENEFICIAL way, except i DO NOT BELIEVE IN MY HEART THIS IS WHAT 'THEY' ARE AIMING FOR.

What is it you feel they are aiming for then? It doesn't matter whether or not those in charge dabble in the occult or not unless you think that somehow if ever Satan, or whatever name you want to use, ever shows himself and all of a sudden sells our souls to them. Or maybe they're in cahoots with some hostile alien force that will sell our bodies to them, heh. Exactly what do you have in mind in regards to a bad shadow government after this planet is united under a one world government?

I study comparative religion as a hobby and I don't believe in any of the mumbo jumbo of an anti-christ coming, a devil, and the like. All religion is are a set of good laws to help govern people. Then stories are created, made magical, and blown out of proportion (as in the case with Jesus with magical powers, etc) to make it look as if their religion is better so as to sway more people into their following. So if those in the shadow government do worship the occult, I have no fear of them selling our souls to any devil, lol, so that rules that out.

However, I do feel a few of the history in religious texts are true, but mostly metaphorical, and that extraterrestrials played a role in a bit of the past. So if the shadow government really is corrupt and are going to screw us under somehow, it could be with aliens, but I don't really believe that either. Other than the shadiness and the hard to make decisions in trying to first form a one world government, the only corruption I see of a shadow government ever having is just being addicted to power. I don't think our souls will be sold to Satan, our DNA to aliens, or anything like that. Just that they'll never quit craving power, that's it. And many successful people have that problem, not just them. It's just a natural thing that started ever since man was here on earth.

i can feel your friendly vibe , but unfortunately the world cannot be as friendly as you or I. People, like you said, WANT CONTROL. and this EXPANDS TO CONTROLLING OTHER PEOPLES' LIVES/SOULS/ACTIONS. THATS WHY IT IS WRONG.

Yeah, I have a friendly vibe going on, but why is having someone else in control wrong? Someone else will ALWAYS be in control. Whether it's a higher power, a statesman, your boss at work, or whatever, someone else will be in control unless you truly are in charge of yourself which isn't too common. Here you're talking about the world not being as friendly as you or I as if I don't know how the world is yet here you talk about it being wrong having someone else in control of us which is a common part of our daily lives (???).

especially when the secrets involve my OWN LIFE and will AFFECT ME.

I'm an up and front kind of guy too and not much can shock me. In that regards, I prefer to know everything I can as well. However, most people are stupid -- no offense to anyone. They prefer to be shrouded in ignorant bliss so long as they're happy. If nobody ruins their fun for their 1-90 years of their life, it's all good. Other than teenage girls, most people don't like drama or hearing about other bad things.

Now imagine when someone is living a happy life and hears some crazy ass information. Not only does it break their shroud of relaxation, but if they're religious, it opens another door to shatter more beliefs. Not many people are aware or actually think about how they came to be. They read their religous book, no other one, and take that at face value. I can list many other things but damn, just those two would be a huge blow. Things a shadow government is one hell of a white lie. White lies are good to those that want everything to be sugar-coated and unfortunately those types of people outnumber us that like to hear the truth regardless of how bad things may be.

how can keeping the fact of extra terrestrial intelligent life be of ANY BENEFIT?
all i see is the prolonging of something inevitable.

Yep, it is prolonging the inevitable but remember, many people just care about the now. While not hearing about the truth behind extraterrestrials may hinder us in the long run because of all the advances and mental way of life we could have adapted to, not knowing about it at least lets a couple generations of people live a life without ruining their beliefs on life. Those are the "living in the now" types of people without a care of the future. Those blinded types are the ones who are hindering our chance at finding out the truth, NOT a shadow government. As evil as you may think those secretive people are, they're at least not that stupid to unveil things people aren't yet ready for.

oh, and one question:

Think back 60 years. How many people actually asked that question in regards to outer space, aliens, and the like? Not many. But today many are because we're growing wiser with the technology we have available. Each generation of people are growing smarter (no jokes please, heh) than the last. I'm sure within the next generation of kids, we'll know the truth due to all the pressing of info we're doing in these years.

i do not believe the government's reason for with holding this IMPORTANT information is because 'we are not ready'. if i accepted this theory, i am forfeiting my own decisions as to WHEN I AM READY TO LEARN. if i agreed with this cover-up theory, then i am allowing SOMEONE ELSE TO CONTROL MY LIFE, i am letting OTHERS DECIDE FOR ME, when i am ready to learn.

If you accept that theory, you're not forfeiting your own decisions to learn. You are, however, forfeiting your chance to have that information told to you freely without any work on your part. You can go out and research things yourself and help figure out the truth. But unfortunately not many people like to do that these days. They prefer it handed to them on a silver platter.


Heh, well I just hope for their sake that they're getting some sort of DNA transplant or cloning done on themselves from those aliens to extend their lives otherwise all their secrets and bad deeds done to assure themselves the best chance of survival is vain.

do u really think it is better to slowly, secretly, and illegally condition living life forms about something (a concept, idea, discovery, revelation)

as opposed to:

OPENLY discussing it ? Bringing it to the table.

IF WE COULD have some solid facts, proof, or confirmations about the EXISTANCE OF OTHER LIFE FORMS / ALIENS, then i think we could get past the shock.
why not share what they know? they can tell us that they aren't 100% sure how much is true, WE CAN HANDLE THAT.

For most situations, it is best to openly discuss something and let everyone know. However, for something EARTH SHATTERING, it takes one hell of a time to adjust. If it's about the end of the world, knowing about extraterrestrials, or finally showing proof that Elvis is dead, letting people slowly adjust is the best thing to do.

For those that believe in alien seeding us with technology, it's no different. People have to be ready to graduate to the next step. You can't just give a neanderthal a nuclear weapon without first teaching it about all the various other things that come before it. You'll have that ape-man killing himself and everyone within a 50-mile radius. In other words? Not a smart thing to do.

bottom line is, they are scared because they feel we will HATE them for LYING FOR SO LONG.

Why would such an evil shadow government, as you think of them, care that they're hated? Why would they also be scared? Top dog doesn't need to be scared. Top dog does what he wants without a care of what another person thinks. Top dog is a bad motha fugga that laughs at any opposition.

- N
Zonabi, as much as I agree with you about the intolerance and prejudice at this forum, I ask you to reconsider. I have seen a noticable improvement in the skeptics attitude to these matters for the better, and now that we will have neutral moderators and more rational members discussing this; I am sure more constructive discussions will take place. So please, do not give up, this forum cannot afford to lose a sensible member like you :)
Hmm a shadow government posed on regulating the world...I don't see why this can't be. There have been many secret organizations throughout history that set off numerous amount of things (Ex. Black Hand and WW1 which eventually led to WW2, Genocide, Holocaust, Anti-US ideas and the UN). Sounds like these people follow certain Political Philosophers during the industrial revolution. Ideas such as mass genocides and killing will bring the population down which will lead to lower unemployement and eventually prosperity or golden ages. Other ideas such as illnesses and diseases are nature's way of preserving the earth, and plagues such as the Black Death should happen again to regulate the population. This Shadow Government can simply be a follower of these policies and they can be taking actions rather than talking about it. Yet how has it been operating so long with such little revelation? Why has no one come out of this secret organization revealing its operations and goals? It would require a large amount of people to do what they did. Many supporters and followers who are willing to do alot of inhumane and barbaric things. It would also require an exceptional amount of intelligent scholars to operate and do what its done. Where are the connections (between leaders) and where have they operated?

I must say, for once on these forums there has been actual reliable evidence. Maybe these fanatics are improving after all?
crazymikey said:
What is interesting joojoospaceape, the evidence is right in front of you. Now please refrain from calling us names :)
The evidence isnt in front of me, its inside your dilusional head. = Shadow Government = Shadow government + cold war = Shadow government and it's agenda = From washingtonpost, reveals shadow government working behind the scenes = Shadow government and invasion of Iraq = Report on shadow government = secret installations to monitor american citizens = Shadow government and it's history = Disinformation operations = Government lies = black world technology and control

I believe this is the evidence CrazeyMikey was referring too...
you all must do your own research for petes sake.

if u dont want to spend any money then at least visit a bookstore and try to scope the books/references out.

there is a smaller, shorter article by Cooper entitle "the secret government"

look it up and read it.
Yet how has it been operating so long with such little revelation? Why has no one come out of this secret organization revealing its operations and goals? It would require a large amount of people to do what they did. Many supporters and followers who are willing to do alot of inhumane and barbaric things. It would also require an exceptional amount of intelligent scholars to operate and do what its done. Where are the connections (between leaders) and where have they operated?

It's been known to exist for decades. It's just today, that it's set to emerge, that we know. Now that you know about it, are you going to just sit tight and wait? Thought so.
If it had been "known to exist for decades", then this discussion would be moot. You are asserting something to be fact when there is absolutely no basis for it.
zonabi said:
there is a smaller, shorter article by Cooper entitle "the secret government"

look it up and read it.

Oh god no.

Bill Cooper is the scourge of ufology and secrecy research. This man was the most deluded soul to grace the public scene in many years, a.k.a. a lunatic. People like him are responsible for keeping topics like this from getting serious consideration.