The Shadow Government


Open-minded Scientist
Registered Senior Member
This is carried on from "Shift shape"

Please only discuss the shadow goverment, it's objectes, and any actions we can take to stop it. Thank you.
Is there a shadow governtment? Sure there is. It's the Bureau of Indian Affairs,
predominately staffed by Indians who are quietly and methodically establishing
United States policy to further their own interests and to regain control of the land.

:m: Peace.
I propose a "theory" in which the Keebler elves and Ted Turner are in kahootz with each other. Ted uses his political and financial resources to provide the world's children with hours upon hours of mind-numbing television shows to promote ADD and ADHD behavior while the Keebler elves use their cookie and snakecake resources at Keebler to fuel the behavior with sugary treats. The goal? To have a whole generation of children grow into a society that cannot focus on goals therefor allowing the henchmen of Ted and elves to come in and take control of cities, states, countries OH NO! But how do we stop them? Simple no long us computers or watch tv and stay the HELL away from sugar! You have been warned!

There you go. A shadow government that I propose. There is no evidence of any kind to support this position but who ever needed evidence to be paranoid?
In response to the above: So do you really think a shadow government could not exist and genocides against populations do and will not happen? I pity that.
I didn't say that they couldn't exist...but I'm not going to assume there is one just because of the off chance that there might be one..possibly. There have always been those to have their own agenda and have the connections to help push things into place behind the scenes. If you want to call that a shadow government of sorts so be it. But I don't have to agree with you. See..I like evidence and faith doesn't come naturally to me.

Genocides? Wait...I'm not even going to ask.
A shadow government? Do you think someone can give a bit of information on this new phenomenon?
mikey u shoulda just stayed in the shiftshapers thread, now you are going to be bombarded with incompitency.

i structured my thread so that morons would feel unconfortable and leave.
Which does not explain why you continued to post there...

:bugeye: Peace.
ooooh shit, i didnt notice my thread got closed out over the weekend. DAMN! and i wasnt even there to try and put in a few last words. o well, if you look at the first post in shiftshapers, i predicted that the thread would be shut down.

heh, simpletons are easily predictable.

whats funny is that is exactly the kind of predictability they have ON US.
No, you did not. Just another little example of an inconvenient detail, I guess.

:m: Peace.

That genocides have happened in the past does not suggest the existence of a sinister secret cabal poised to seize world power.

Nor does the fact that some areas of the world are over-populated.

Nor does the fact that current economic environments and lifestyles in developed countries have caused fertility rates to fall (as Persol pointed out and you ignored).

Unrestricted global travel allows AIDS and SARS to spread around the world.

What specifically do you mean about the an energy crisis? -Are you referring to projected hydrocarbon exhaustion dates or to the search for pollution-free sources or what?

Germ warfare against the state and the emergence of a new world order are alleged by you, but are not backed by solid evidence (please accept my apologies and repost it if you have actually provided evidence).

I don't see a connection between these things (except, of course, the obvious links between fertility rates, populations and energy use).

This leaves us just with your government witnesses.
That genocides have happened in the past does not suggest the existence of a sinister secret cabal poised to seize world power.

No, but it suggests, that they can happen. So I ask you not to shut out that possibility, like everyone else is.

Nor does the fact that some areas of the world are over-populated.

No, but it does suggest that genocide has been, and could be used by a state to solve the overpopulation problems as well as to eradicate certain minority populations.

Nor does the fact that current economic environments and lifestyles in developed countries have caused fertility rates to fall (as Persol pointed out and you ignored).

Fertility rates falling very sharply are not due to economic life styles, it is biological. Fertility rates falling means less population, which directly coincides with overpopulation problems and the energy crisis.

Unrestricted global travel allows AIDS and SARS to spread around the world

Global travel is restricted, and many countries require visa's as well as health checks.
AIDS and SARS, are very intelligent viruses, that have only surfaced in the last 20 years of our history. They can bypass all our biological and medical defence systems. In 20 years, HIV already has many types; HIV-1, HIV-2, HIV-1-2 and more HIV virus as being discovered.

AIDS rates are increasing rapidly in the population centres. It was believed to be transmitted by blood or sexual contact, however, now it also believed saliva can transmit AIDS. What next? Airbone HIV?

This suggests clearly AIDS and SARS are intelligently designed. Now, considering that it is not uncommon for a state to deploy germ warfare against it's own people. You should be taking this more seriously.

What specifically do you mean about the an energy crisis? -Are you referring to projected hydrocarbon exhaustion dates or to the search for pollution-free sources or what?

Yes, the hydrocarbon exhausition dates, as well as the climatic changes. These are being projected by many analysts and is a very serious matter. This is why US has invaded Iraq, and in the coming years this may extend to other muslim states, to secure the oil reserves. It makes political and economic sense too.

emergence of a new world order

NWO is slowly emerging, and it is not alleged by me, it is backed by facts:

9/11 already had been known before the attacks
US invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq in defiance of public, international community and UN
US attacking it's own citizens
US designing weapons to be used against civilians
US's consitution being redrafted to dissolve civilians rights and shape new international policy

don't see a connection between these things (except, of course, the obvious links between fertility rates, populations and energy use).

You just said it: except, of course, the obvious links between fertility rates, populations and energy use

+ Increasing AIDS rates, emerging intelligent viruses that corrupt our air, food and reproductive capability, emerging NWO

This leaves us just with your government witnesses.

Yes, and they corrorborate the above. I consider them very reliable, when 86% of their claims have been confirmed to have substance.

In addition to this, the fact that the shadow government and it's black operations have now been partially revealed: = Shadow Government = Shadow government + cold war = Shadow government and it's agenda = From washingtonpost, reveals shadow government working behind the scenes = Shadow government and invasion of Iraq = Report on shadow government = secret installations to monitor american citizens = Shadow government and it's history = Disinformation operations = Government lies = black world technology and control

So now that we have established the shadow government exists. Let's discuss it's objectives, agenda, and how to deal with it :)
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Yes, ETI does come into this, it's the common denominator. However, just for your comfort, we'll ignore the ETI angle in this.

As from above: The shadow government is real, and the risk is also real, so take it seriously.
goofyfish said:
Is there a shadow governtment? Sure there is. It's the Bureau of Indian Affairs,
predominately staffed by Indians who are quietly and methodically establishing
United States policy to further their own interests and to regain control of the land.

:m: Peace.
:m: indeed. would it be too much to ask them to speed things up a bit?
crazymikey said:
In response to the above: So do you really think a shadow government could not exist and genocides against populations do and will not happen? I pity that.
Genocide is generally a group's idea of cleansing themselves, or making sure that an enemy stays dead with no chance of survival. it tends to happen from closed minded people not accepting anyone elses idea as evne possibly true , no matter how far out and IGNORANT their own is (Hint cough Hint)
furthermore, if you really believe this stuff then you may have a disease called "Chronic Paranoia" however, due to the side effects of this disease it is usually never treated, similiarly to agoraphobia in the fact that they are too paranoid/scared to seek help. Oh and the reason your thread was shut down was for two reasons, #1 The thread was going no where fast
#2 It turned into a "He said" "she said" "NUH UH" "UH HUH" war.
Here's my prediction, Both of you are going to keep making these outrageous claims without any proof to foster the idea.
What is interesting joojoospaceape, the evidence is right in front of you. Now please refrain from calling us names :)
Of course there are shadow governments. Most Western governments are in the hands of the industry. Puppets in the hands of their master - capitalism. There certainly are some heavy currents for the leaders of today to navigate in.
You are partially right, the elected governments are being puppeted by the elites and high level military officials that have formed a multinational secret force, that is running the world, with absolutely no regards for human rights.

I am trying to educate these gullible public drones of the issues, but they just don't seem to be able to think. It's as if their ability to think has been degraded.