The secret of the Illuminati and why they are identifiable yet unstoppable.

If you believe in something you can't help it. No one believes in Christianity, or Islam. Hope is good, but believe in yourself, people aren't all that great. Get it?
Who is greater?


Between Hope, and Faith? Couldn't say. They are both indestructible. As far as who will hit who first... Faith always has the opportunity to cast the first stone. Or did you mean Christianity, and Islam? Islam by far! At the very Islamist still have a fire under their ass. But, their ideology is so far off it makes me want to cry sometimes. "Everything in this book is true and divine, no mater what. Oh, and if you read the other true and divine book your a liar, and not divine at all." Or, did you mean who is greater, GIM, or a big chunk of people?
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If you believe in something you can't help it. No one believes in Christianity, or Islam. Hope is good, but believe in yourself, people aren't all that great. Get it?

I should not have been so brief. My bad.

I was referring to the end of your post.

Who is greater than man or people?

I should not have been so brief. My bad.

I was referring to the end of your post.

Who is greater than man or people?


One man is greater than all man. All mankind includes murders, etc. Let me clarify, I didn't mean people as a whole aren't all that great, I mean't roughly 25 to 35 percent of people are hopeless, and we can obtain that number after conducting a small world-wide census on morality.
What you don't know is that, much like the Foundation needed the Second Foundation, the Illuminati also have a pyramidal structure and are themselves controlled by a force too powerful for them to fight, and whose destruction would be too terrible to contemplate even if they could be defeated. At the top of this "Second Illuminati" (they have no real name, as they are such a singular organization that they need none) is a mysterious figure known only as "Bobby Joe" who controls the destiny of humanity for a term of 5 years, always ending on his 18th birthday. As the 18th birthday of the current Bobby Joe approaches, a new "Bobby Joe" is selected by the Second Illuminati and, on his birthday proper, the then current Bobby Joe is lobotomized.

OPEN YOUR EYES PEOPLE! Learn the truth!

The only reason we know anything about the Illuminati is that their masters *let* us know!

You know nothing about the group now known as the "Illuminati." There is no Bobby Joe. What the hell does that even mean?