The secret of the Illuminati and why they are identifiable yet unstoppable.

And what further proof do you have that this gone any further then the passage in your book that you hold dear.... Also, name calling is uncalled for, attack the ideas, not the man.

Rich people trying too keep their money hardely counts. However, these same rich people owning and operating a large portion of the media that is available to your average american and giving said media a decidely and addmittily pro-business slant to trick the people into subverting themselves IS. I'm talking about something we CAN DEFINITIVELY PROVE, EVEN WITH A CURSORY GLANCE!!!!!, not a snipe hunt as the things you speak of.

All you need to do is look at news corp and clear channel communications. For news corp (Faux news in the U.S.) old man murdock even said it was put out with a pro-business spin. Clear channel syndicates the Rush Limbaugh Show, Glenn Beck, the Sean Hannity Show, and many others. They own so much of the airwaves that in many places (such as were I live) the only opposing media is NPR and they are not even really opposing, just neutral.

I never called you any names. I questioned your reading and reasoning ability. If your boss stole from you, then wrote an article in the paper about it, and then you refused to believe it, I would be equally as incredulous. Same deal.

I apologize. My anger, I suppose, was incited by the fact that this is a legitimate political conversation that was cheapened by moving the thread to this sub-forum. The evidence for the Illuminati, how ever you wish to define them, is there. The ignorance of the moderation or the membership on the boards is no excuse for moving the thread here, nor is it one for making light of this issue. Just because the media, which incidentally, has been proved numerous times to be completely controlled by these same elites makes a mockery of this issue, does not mean the citizenry needs to dismiss it. This of course has always been their intended goal. When any sane educated person wishes to talk about these issues, because so much disinformation, fiction, and "sober" journalism has made light of this issue, the public no longer has the capacity to rationally understand what is going on. Mission accomplished.

It starts when you are young with STATE COMPULSORY EDUCATION. If you are taught since you were the age of five that such a grand controlling scheme is in the same league as little green men from mars. . . . well then, it is dismissed a prior, isn't it? Pointless discussing such things with closed minded people where such a discussion would cause cognitive dissonance. Eh?
The Makers of Modern Schooling

As far as your hang up with this other so-called "conspiracy?" Get off it all ready. . . you're acting like a noob. Do you even KNOW what the CFR is? Do you have any idea at all they all work for the same people? These are warning shots across the bow of News Corp. News Corp, Clear Channel, PBS, NPR, MSNBC, CBS, NBC, ABC. . . Whatever, WHO REALLY CARES?!? THEY ARE ALL THE SAME. . . .

Bread crumbs I tell you. You are not listening to me. You do not do your own research, you just eat what they feed you, stop it. There is a whole loaf of bread out there. What happened to Glen Beck? He's off the air now. . . told too much. What happened to Keith Olbermann, kicked off, told too much. What about Napolitano? Definitely went too far! And if Dylan Ratigan doesn't shut his fat trap? He's next. The so called "conspiracy" you are fixated on has nothing to do with conspiracy, and everything to do with dirty laundry. All networks have their skeletons. It just so happens that this network poses the greatest threat to what the NWO, or Illuminati have planned currently. If they don't tone it down, there could be problems. Don't worry, they will, they'll get the message. Either that, or a few more fines will be paid, some people will be thrown under the bus, and they will lay off of Obama enough so he gets elected again.

Here. . . Let me help you out on that research on the Illuminati and the media, shall we? You somehow are under the mistaken impression that there is a difference between PBS, NPR, MSNBC, FOX NEWS, CLEAR CHANNEL, etc., well, look hard, if the organization is in bed with the CFR, well, there isn't, not a lick of difference. They all know the truth. What they are supposed to say, and what they do say? Now that is a different story.

Elites Push Government-funded "Public" Media

Here's a little excerpt;

"The CFR's "Profile of the Membership" in its 2008 Annual Report lists 398 members as journalists, correspondents, and editors. That includes members such as:

Michael P. Hirsh (Newsweek)
Jim Hoagland (Washington Post)
Fareed Zakaria (Time, CNN)
Thomas Friedman (New York Times)
Erin Burnett (CNBC)
Ethan Bronner (New York Times)
Paula Zahn (Discovery cable channel)
Heather Nauert (Fox News)
Norman Podhoretz (Commentary magazine)
Tom Brokaw (NBC)
Lesley Stahl (CBS)
Andrea Michell (NBC)
Elaine Sciolino (New York Times)
Diane Sawyer (ABC)
Deroy Murdock (Scripps Howard News Service and National Review Online)
David Ignatius (Washington Post)
Alan S. Murray (Wall Street Journal)
Jim Lehrer (PBS)
Margaret Warner (PBS)
Judy Woodruff (PBS)
Christopher Dickey (Newsweek)
Mortimer Zuckerman (U.S. News & World Report)

The above list barely scratches the surface of the elite media folks tied to Pratt House, the New York headquarters of the Council, located at 58 East 68th Street in Manhattan. The nearly 400 "Journalists, Correspondents, and Editors" counted on the CFR rolls does not include the many additional CFR members who are the executive officers of major media corporations. They may or may not be publicly well known but they are the bosses of the more visible members of the Fourth Estate. These include CFR members such as:

Michael Bloomberg (Mayor of New York City, founder/owner Bloomberg L.P.)

Rupert Murdoch (chairman, CEO News Corporation)

Jeffrey Bewkes (Chairman, CEO of Time Warner, in which capacity he oversees Time, CNN, TNT, HBO, TBS, Warner Bros., etc.)

Christopher Isham (CBS News vice president), and Barry Diller (IAC/InterActiveCorp and Washington Post).

In addition to the above-mentioned individual members there are CFR Corporate Members, which are major financial supporters of the CFR and its programs and agenda. The media organizations that have become CFR Corporate Members include Time Warner, ABC Inc., Bloomberg, News Corporation, General Electric (NBC Universal), Google, Thomson Reuters, and the Washington Post.

The Washington Post's ombudsman and columnist Richard Harwood detailed the CFR's domination of his own profession in an October 30,1993, column tellingly entitled "Ruling Class Journalists." In what was a rare admission (and/or boast) from a CFR establishment journal, Harwood characterized CFR members as "the nearest thing we have to a ruling establishment in the United States."

Harwood wrote:

In the past 15 years, council directors have included Hedley Donovan of Time Inc., Elizabeth Drew of the New Yorker, Philip Geyelin of The Washington Post, Karen Elliott House of the Wall Street Journal, and Strobe Talbott of Time magazine...

The editorial page editor, deputy editorial page editor, executive editor, managing editor, foreign editor, national affairs editor, business and financial editor and various writers as well as Katharine Graham, the paper's principal owner, represent The Washington Post in the council's membership.

The executive editor, managing editor and foreign editor of the New York Times are members, along with the executives of such other large newspapers as the Wall Street Journal and Los Angeles Times, the weekly news magazines, network television executives and celebrities, Dan Rather, Tom Brokaw and Jim Lehrer, for example, and various columnists, among them Charles Krauthammer, William Buckley, George Will and Jim Hoagland.

Harwood noted that the CFR's Ruling Class Journalists (CFR-RCJ) "do not merely analyze and interpret foreign policy; they help make it." And not only foreign policy, of course; they have also had (and continue to have) a huge hand in making domestic policy as well. They are not content, however, with the illicit power they already wield. They are upset that millions of Americans refuse to accept their direction and continue to seek news and information from sources beyond the control (as yet) of the CFR-RCJ thought cartel. So they are trying to build a fake public consensus in favor of taxing the American public to provide the CFR-RCJ cartel with tens of billions of dollars in government funding to force us to hear and see and read what they think is important for us."

You tell me. . . if the government can tap anyone's phone w/o a warrant, what is so bad about the press listening in on any government employee's phone, or corporate executive's phone? To tell you the truth, I'm really not concerned about this issue, it's a distraction from the real danger to the sovereign individual's freedom here. Don't you even know that the government has the right to read all of your communication, and listen to all of your calls, and you think the press listening to all of theirs is a conspiracy? I'm supposed to care about this? Really? REALLY? Are you shitting me? SERIOUSLY? Behind the closed doors of the CFR, they tell each other all sorts of things that they won't tell you anyway, so why are you all in a huff about this?
And I quote


How is this anything other then name calling?

Seriously, you cannot quote a conspiricy theory site and expect anyone to take you seriously.

I can prove mine, in fact it is rather obvious. Can you do the same? You cannot because the simple fact is you could not have such a large set up without whistle blowers. It just doesn't happen. There have already been whistle blowers on news corps little game. Where are yours? All you have is speculation and hersay. PROVE IT, put your information where your keyboard is.

I am against conspiricy theorys such as yours because the majority of the time they are easily falsifiable or completly unprovable, which makes people distrustful when something shows up that they should actually be worried about. It also tends to make them not pay attention to such things because in their mind they never pan out to be anything but insane ramblings 999/1000 times. IF you really think you have something here DIG MAN DIG, find the smoking and SHOW THE MOTHER FUCKING WORLD. Know that until you have it your hypothosis is just that, a hypothosis and your ramblings will just be ramblings.
And I quote


How is this anything other then name calling?
What is your level of education?

ques·tion (kwschn)
a. An expression of inquiry that invites or calls for a reply.
b. An interrogative sentence, phrase, or gesture.
2. A subject or point open to controversy; an issue.
3. A difficult matter; a problem: a question of ethics.
4. A point or subject under discussion or consideration.
a. A proposition brought up for consideration by an assembly.
b. The act of bringing a proposal to vote.
6. Uncertainty; doubt:

state·ment (sttmnt)
1. The act of stating or declaring.
2. Something stated; a declaration.
3. Law A formal pleading.
4. An abstract of a commercial or financial account showing an amount due; a bill.
5. A monthly report sent to a debtor or bank depositor.
6. Computer Science An elementary instruction in a programming language.
7. An overall impression or mood intended to be communicated, especially by means other than words:

Do you, or do you not, understand the difference?

Seriously, you cannot quote a conspiricy theory site and expect anyone to take you seriously.

I can prove mine, in fact it is rather obvious. Can you do the same? You cannot because the simple fact is you could not have such a large set up without whistle blowers. It just doesn't happen. There have already been whistle blowers on news corps little game. Where are yours? All you have is speculation and hersay. PROVE IT, put your information where your keyboard is.

I am against conspiricy theorys such as yours because the majority of the time they are easily falsifiable or completly unprovable, which makes people distrustful when something shows up that they should actually be worried about. It also tends to make them not pay attention to such things because in their mind they never pan out to be anything but insane ramblings 999/1000 times. IF you really think you have something here DIG MAN DIG, find the smoking and SHOW THE MOTHER FUCKING WORLD. Know that until you have it your hypothosis is just that, a hypothosis and your ramblings will just be ramblings.

It's clear now you aren't reading anything I'm posting. I'm not posting evidence from conspiracy sites, I am posting well known facts about reality. You're asking me to post something that I already have. If you refuse to read it, what more can I do? You are just an uneducated person that knows next to nothing about what is going on in the world beyond what you hear on the radio or what you see on television, we're done here.
Here, wanna a picture?

Britain's Scandal, Private Media and Public Interest
Interviewee: Nicholas Lemann, Dean, Graduate School of Journalism at Columbia University
Interviewer: Jonathan Masters, Associate Staff Writer
July 28, 2011
The council is NOT a conspiracy site. You really don't see the irony, do you? Mr. Murdoch is a MEMBER of the council, and they are doing an article about his empire? :bugeye: This organization has existed for a VERY long time. You don't care to learn anything about it.

Have you ever picked up an issue of Foreign Affairs and read one cover to cover? Do you even know what you are talking about?
I'm not sure you understand what you write, but when you ask a question like that it certainly implys that you hold that belief yourself. Also, when you ask about my education you also imply that I am not in fact educated. You should be more familliar with insults then this since you use them. Again, attack the idea not the man.

Also, lets put it to a vote if this site you provided:

is a conspiricy theory site or not. I'm sure you won't like the results.

I am actually graduating from college in two weeks with BS in chemistry (ACS track if your wondering). Since you bring up education, what are your credentials exactly? What degree do you hold or experience do you have that makes you uniquely qualified to have figured this all out? You must bring this up because you are somehow specially educated for this kind of thing no?

I'm willing to hear you out if you're willing to try to actually prove your point and provide a direct evidence for your claims, but you're clearly not. Everything you've shown at this point is hearsay at best, and misleading at worst.

I only listen to the radio in my area as sort of know your enemy thing (again, only clearchannel around where I am and all right slanted) and I only watch the daily show for T.V. news. Everything else I find out for myself on the web.
Here, wanna a picture?

Britain's Scandal, Private Media and Public Interest
Interviewee: Nicholas Lemann, Dean, Graduate School of Journalism at Columbia University
Interviewer: Jonathan Masters, Associate Staff Writer
July 28, 2011
The council is NOT a conspiracy site. You really don't see the irony, do you? Mr. Murdoch is a MEMBER of the council, and they are doing an article about his empire? :bugeye: This organization has existed for a VERY long time. You don't care to learn anything about it.

Have you ever picked up an issue of Foreign Affairs and read one cover to cover? Do you even know what you are talking about?

What of it? You're article is about the news corp stuff which is exactly what I am talking about, but you try to take to the Nth degree with no proof.
That would actually be kind of awesome for all the funny shit people would send you trying to mess with you.

I just thought that if someone is really stupid enough to think that a conspiritor would provide evidence of their plans to take over the world, reduce the populattion by a third, indulge in child sacrifice to bolster their power, should try something like taking an ad out.

I don't think SP is stupid, but I think he make stupid points.

Well I am all for the illumini! The world is a far better world than it has been in any time in the past. We like to fantasize about the good old days but in truth the world is actually in a good place relative to the past 5,000 years.

If I was a rich guy I would join up, or if I was younger I would apply for a job as a black heliocopter pilot.

Well I am all for the illumini! The world is a far better world than it has been in any time in the past.

I don't think the illuminati (if they exist) look at it like that.

When you say ''the world is a far better......'', are speaking for yourself, or for the entire world population?

We like to fantasize about the good old days but in truth the world is actually in a good place relative to the past 5,000 years.

As we have no real experience of thousands of years ago, that goes without saying for some of us.

I happened to p[refer the sixties (what I can remember), and the seventies, to this time.

If I was a rich guy I would join up, or if I was younger I would apply for a job as a black heliocopter pilot.

It's said the illuminati don't like black folk.

I'm only kidding, I knew what you meant.

Now all that is required is to invite the Chinese to be more democratic within our oligarchs, laughingly called democracies, and finish the circle.
Let's bring the hidden social manipulation out of the closet and into the open.

The secret of the Illuminati and why they are identifiable yet unstoppable.

They're a bunch of guys in suits,..

The Illuminati is a natural consequence and phenomenon of our monetary system.

It doesn't need to happen, and if the worlds wealth (man power) was ran through one man then it wouldn't have to exist at all.

It cannot help but exist, whether we want it to or not. That is why it is unstoppable.


Who controls the Illuminati?
Collectively, we do. Directly and through our governments. They are in plain sight at the top of our socio economic demographic pyramid.

Exactly. Give me everything... Who can sit on the throne?

The Illuminati is a known group of people or corporations whom we allow to operate.

Every day people? Probably. Corporations are used to rake in cash. Media. We don't allow them to operate, we don't know anything about anything.

It has been manipulating and controlling society for many years with Government and societal approval and collusion. Let me be clear. The Illuminati exist because we all allow them to. We allow ourselves to be led and manipulated to their ends. All of us including you support them every time you take a job or buy a product. We contribute to their coffers and agenda daily while at the same time, they cannot help but contribute to our welfare. This is of course a minimal contribution on their part. This being the only drawback to the present system.

Should the Illuminati be stopped?
No. If they ever did disappear, we would invent a new Illuminati.

...let me be clear, one man can run it all. That would allow the Illuminati to exist in peace.

Why not stop them?
Because society would go to chaos and our socio economic demographic pyramid would collapse. This collapse would only be for a short time. It would soon resume its natural and uncontrolled shape.

They can't be stopped. You can climb their ranks and do nothing to stop them. All you are doing is walking into the storm. Faith is behind them.

Should the Illuminati be given more power?
Yes. They could stabilize our common and bring a higher long term profit and wealth for all.

The "Illuminati" ultimately foresees population reduction.

Will we give them more power?
No. People fear what is already there and fear their own power to rule and control the economy. We are cowards and fear that we lack the wisdom and thus allow chaos to run our economy.

Less control. No trading system.

Their secret identities are in plain sight to the wise. If you do not know them yet or how you are helping them exist, let’s chat.

I have seen them before. Some of their peeps must see peace where they can exist openly. That would include a global pardon towards peace. No rapist or murderers.
Perhaps. But only if the one man rules as you say.
That is not likely to happen. People are not educated enough to know how well it would work.
We have too many who want to maintain their own little thiefdoms.
They think it ok to replace our freedom with the illusion of freedom but they do not want to put themselves in the same boat.

As the OP states the Illuminati are unstoppable so I say embrace them. Our overlords are to the most part good people who want what is best for the entire world. If we were to just accept them then they would not have to concoct the wars, poitical intrigue and the terrorism that is necessary to decieve the public into believing that we have any substantial freedoms.

Come on wake up and enjoy the fact that we have benevolent overlords in the Illuminati.:)
As the OP states the Illuminati are unstoppable so I say embrace them. Our overlords are to the most part good people who want what is best for the entire world. If we were to just accept them then they would not have to concoct the wars, poitical intrigue and the terrorism that is necessary to decieve the public into believing that we have any substantial freedoms.

Come on wake up and enjoy the fact that we have benevolent overlords in the Illuminati.:)

+ 1

Yes. If we did, we would all do better in the long run than with what we have now.

? The Brave new world book is a work of science fiction (which I actually have read thank you very much) and Aldus Huxley is a scifi writer so I'm not really sure where you are going with this.

He clearly didn't know it was a work of science fiction. Much in the same manner he touted Esther Forbes' book Johnny Tremain as evidence of "global conspiracy." He asserted that the book was shit, and there was no way it could have been published if Esther was not related to the Forbes publishing family. He then went ahead and presumed that Esther was writing something of a family history rather than a work of fiction.

Of course, Esther Forbes was not actually related to the publishing giants, and never once published under the Forbes imprint. Such trifling details can be overlooked, I suppose, when one is so busy jumping to conclusions.
He clearly didn't know it was a work of science fiction. Much in the same manner he touted Esther Forbes' book Johnny Tremain as evidence of "global conspiracy." He asserted that the book was shit, and there was no way it could have been published if Esther was not related to the Forbes publishing family. He then went ahead and presumed that Esther was writing something of a family history rather than a work of fiction.

Of course, Esther Forbes was not actually related to the publishing giants, and never once published under the Forbes imprint. Such trifling details can be overlooked, I suppose, when one is so busy jumping to conclusions.


Not surprising.
Perhaps. But only if the one man rules as you say.
That is not likely to happen. People are not educated enough to know how well it would work.
We have too many who want to maintain their own little thiefdoms.
They think it ok to replace our freedom with the illusion of freedom but they do not want to put themselves in the same boat.


People are afraid, and doubtful. Thats not even bad on account people, lie, cheat, and steal. Oh rape, and murder too. See through the illusion, it is there. Seek faith, your a smart guy, you deserve it.
As the OP states the Illuminati are unstoppable so I say embrace them.

They are a secret fraternity of like-minded men founded in 3200 b.c. Egypt by a single man. You can not embrace them more than secretly, if your truly accept them.

Our overlords are to the most part good people who want what is best for the entire world.

Our overlords? I have no Lord but Jesus, and God before him.

If we were to just accept them then they would not have to concoct the wars, poitical intrigue and the terrorism that is necessary to decieve the public into believing that we have any substantial freedoms.

Come on wake up and enjoy the fact that we have benevolent overlords in the Illuminati.:)

They believe in genocide..

They have more wealth than you can fathom. They have injected themselves into the fabric of society. They are everywhere. The best way to fight them is faith, hope, science, and knowledge
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People are afraid, and doubtful. Thats not even bad on account people, lie, cheat, and steal. Oh rape, and murder too. See through the illusion, it is there. Seek faith, your a smart guy, you deserve it.

Hope is good.

Faith is for fools.
In the religious sense that is. In the political, it might look closer to hope and Ii would not denigrate it.
