The secret of the Illuminati and why they are identifiable yet unstoppable.

Greatest I am

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The secret of the Illuminati and why they are identifiable yet unstoppable.

The Illuminati is a natural consequence and phenomenon of our monetary system. It cannot help but exist, whether we want it to or not. That is why it is unstoppable.

Who controls the Illuminati?
Collectively, we do. Directly and through our governments. They are in plain sight at the top of our socio economic demographic pyramid.

The Illuminati is a known group of people or corporations whom we allow to operate. It has been manipulating and controlling society for many years with Government and societal approval and collusion. Let me be clear. The Illuminati exist because we all allow them to. We allow ourselves to be led and manipulated to their ends. All of us including you support them every time you take a job or buy a product. We contribute to their coffers and agenda daily while at the same time, they cannot help but contribute to our welfare. This is of course a minimal contribution on their part. This being the only drawback to the present system.

Should the Illuminati be stopped?
No. If they ever did disappear, we would invent a new Illuminati.

Why not stop them?
Because society would go to chaos and our socio economic demographic pyramid would collapse. This collapse would only be for a short time. It would soon resume its natural and uncontrolled shape.

Should the Illuminati be given more power?
Yes. They could stabilize our common and bring a higher long term profit and wealth for all.

Will we give them more power?
No. People fear what is already there and fear their own power to rule and control the economy. We are cowards and fear that we lack the wisdom and thus allow chaos to run our economy.

If you are wise, you will know that you can know who the Illuminati are and you will also know that you are helping them exist.

Are you aware of this?

Their secret identities are in plain sight to the wise. If you do not know them yet or how you are helping them exist, let’s chat.

We know "people and corporations" manipulate the political system, with money. You still have to show that there is anything more than that.
Who needs anything else when they have wealth and the political power in their pocket?


I need evidence of a worldwide organized conspiracy that goes by the name of the Illuminati. Should we just take your word for it? Or perhaps the self-created myth of the Illuminati is the true controlling force?
The Illuminati must be real. They were selling their book of secrets in the back of DC comics when I was a kid, so that's proof.:m:
They are real but are in a chaotic system.


What you don't know is that, much like the Foundation needed the Second Foundation, the Illuminati also have a pyramidal structure and are themselves controlled by a force too powerful for them to fight, and whose destruction would be too terrible to contemplate even if they could be defeated. At the top of this "Second Illuminati" (they have no real name, as they are such a singular organization that they need none) is a mysterious figure known only as "Bobby Joe" who controls the destiny of humanity for a term of 5 years, always ending on his 18th birthday. As the 18th birthday of the current Bobby Joe approaches, a new "Bobby Joe" is selected by the Second Illuminati and, on his birthday proper, the then current Bobby Joe is lobotomized.

OPEN YOUR EYES PEOPLE! Learn the truth!

The only reason we know anything about the Illuminati is that their masters *let* us know!
The secret of the Illuminati and why they are identifiable yet unstoppable.
The Illuminati is Batman?

The Illuminati is a natural consequence and phenomenon of our monetary system. It cannot help but exist, whether we want it to or not. That is why it is unstoppable.
Like credit cards..

Who controls the Illuminati?
Collectively, we do. Directly and through our governments. They are in plain sight at the top of our socio economic demographic pyramid.
They also know if we've 'been bad or good so be good for goodness sake..'

The Illuminati is a known group of people or corporations whom we allow to operate. It has been manipulating and controlling society for many years with Government and societal approval and collusion. Let me be clear. The Illuminati exist because we all allow them to. We allow ourselves to be led and manipulated to their ends. All of us including you support them every time you take a job or buy a product. We contribute to their coffers and agenda daily while at the same time, they cannot help but contribute to our welfare. This is of course a minimal contribution on their part. This being the only drawback to the present system.

They also know what you wear at night to go to sleep. They're watching you now...

Should the Illuminati be stopped?
No. If they ever did disappear, we would invent a new Illuminati.
What's wrong with the old one?

Why not stop them?
Because society would go to chaos and our socio economic demographic pyramid would collapse. This collapse would only be for a short time. It would soon resume its natural and uncontrolled shape.
That's alright. I am great at bartering!

Should the Illuminati be given more power?
Yes. They could stabilize our common and bring a higher long term profit and wealth for all.
Yes yes. But who would the right tax then?

Will we give them more power?
No. People fear what is already there and fear their own power to rule and control the economy. We are cowards and fear that we lack the wisdom and thus allow chaos to run our economy.
But you said we needed it?

If you are wise, you will know that you can know who the Illuminati are and you will also know that you are helping them exist.
Way to destroy the mystery of it all. It's like finding out there is no Santa.:bawl:

Are you aware of this?
No, but now I feel enlightened.

Get it?

Their secret identities are in plain sight to the wise.
And the wise wear tin foil hats and special glasses to be able to see them?


If you do not know them yet or how you are helping them exist, let’s chat.
Is it the butler in the study with the candlestick?

*Squints eyes suspiciously*

Cavalier said:
What you don't know is that, much like the Foundation needed the Second Foundation, the Illuminati also have a pyramidal structure and are themselves controlled by a force too powerful for them to fight, and whose destruction would be too terrible to contemplate even if they could be defeated. At the top of this "Second Illuminati" (they have no real name, as they are such a singular organization that they need none) is a mysterious figure known only as "Bobby Joe" who controls the destiny of humanity for a term of 5 years, always ending on his 18th birthday. As the 18th birthday of the current Bobby Joe approaches, a new "Bobby Joe" is selected by the Second Illuminati and, on his birthday proper, the then current Bobby Joe is lobotomized.

Tsk tsk. I thought it was Bubba John, not Bobby Joe..

Either way, you have said too much and given too much away. Now they will know. You are sooooo not getting the special cookies at the next meeting!:mad:
I need evidence of a worldwide organized conspiracy that goes by the name of the Illuminati. Should we just take your word for it? Or perhaps the self-created myth of the Illuminati is the true controlling force?

There is no evidence of a worldwide organized conspiracy.
There is no conspiracy. What we see is a natural progression and consequence of our monetary system.

Illuminati is a myth to try to explain what is real. Unassociated people doing their individual things that only appear to be planned.

How could "we" invent something we cant see?

Think demographically.

Can you picture the top of our economic pyramid?
If so, then you are looking at the Illuminati.

Arent the illuminati supposed to be invisible?

It is hiding in plain view but these people are not conspiring in any way. It is natural.

I always refer back to Robert Anton Wilson on these threads:

A bright guy.

What you don't know is that, much like the Foundation needed the Second Foundation, the Illuminati also have a pyramidal structure and are themselves controlled by a force too powerful for them to fight, and whose destruction would be too terrible to contemplate even if they could be defeated. At the top of this "Second Illuminati" (they have no real name, as they are such a singular organization that they need none) is a mysterious figure known only as "Bobby Joe" who controls the destiny of humanity for a term of 5 years, always ending on his 18th birthday. As the 18th birthday of the current Bobby Joe approaches, a new "Bobby Joe" is selected by the Second Illuminati and, on his birthday proper, the then current Bobby Joe is lobotomized.

OPEN YOUR EYES PEOPLE! Learn the truth!

The only reason we know anything about the Illuminati is that their masters *let* us know!

There are no Illuminati masters and we know this because the economy is a chaotic system. There are big players though who can manipulate Governments and thus effect the economy.

There is no evidence of a worldwide organized conspiracy.
There is no conspiracy. What we see is a natural progression and consequence of our monetary system.

Illuminati is a myth to try to explain what is real. Unassociated people doing their individual things that only appear to be planned.


So there is no Illuminati, only a fairly typical oligarchy. Thank you very much.
There are no Illuminati masters and we know this because the economy is a chaotic system. There are big players though who can manipulate Governments and thus effect the economy.

You only think you know it, because that is what the masters of the Illuminati want you to think.
Ok, I'll come clean. I'm actually the Illuminati. Yes, that's right, it's all me. I'm actually controlling the world.

And remember: the Devil's greatest trick was convincing the world that he didn't exist.

Good luck, minions.
Ok, I'll come clean. I'm actually the Illuminati. Yes, that's right, it's all me. I'm actually controlling the world.

And remember: the Devil's greatest trick was convincing the world that he didn't exist.

Good luck, minions.

And here I thought you were just this guy...