The science behind 'kineses and telepathy

I've been doing it for years. The problem is one of communicating with those who have not transcended the boundaries of the physical realm and reached higher states of consciousness.

Just because you think you have been doing it for years, does not mean you have been actually doing this might be just self-denial.
I know that our brains emit waves. Why isn't it possible for other minds to pick up and interpret these waves? And surely with receiver implants, it could be done? Amplifier and receiver implants in the brain, as well as a processer to process the information into a format the brain can understand, should be able to render telepathy a reality.
Just because you think you have been doing it for years, does not mean you have been actually doing this might be just self-denial.

I have done single blind tests. I have sent myself messages with 100% success.

It only requires nothing. It is a natural ability that I and others have the potential sadly enough to have. I only need to be either in a group of people, sitting where I sit alone, and tell you exactly what is occuring. Of course it would be sort of weird... freezing up... uh, to, prove this ability. I would simply pick up their trace. I would be able to tell you exactly what they are thinking in accord with their entire behavior. Infact I could interfere with their behavior.

It is a rough time to describe it and probably poor when I come to realize what it actually is.

Oohps pardon me.
So if you sat amongst some people that you don’t know could tell what object/number they were thinking about? Do you need to see them? Could you force them to do something? Something like draw a number on a notepad.

The rules for Randi’s challenge did change a few years ago. To be eligible you need to have had something written about you and an endorsement from an academic. If you passed a test from a local group of skeptics and there was a story in the internet about it then that would probably be enough.
I have done single blind tests. I have sent myself messages with 100% success.

Eh? Aren't those what we usually call "thoughts?" I send myself messages all the time with 100% success too. I just sent my fingers a message to type this reply :p
So if you sat amongst some people that you don’t know could tell what object/number they were thinking about? Do you need to see them? Could you force them to do something? Something like draw a number on a notepad.

The rules for Randi’s challenge did change a few years ago. To be eligible you need to have had something written about you and an endorsement from an academic. If you passed a test from a local group of skeptics and there was a story in the internet about it then that would probably be enough.

Your first sentence is at least partially correct to fit the guidelines given to me (sorry I must try and ignore the idiot myles). I could indeed, tell what object they are thinking about---however only of sorts. More than likly I could predict the number by sheer influence and things related with this. But by simply "predicting a number out of a quadzillion" this is a very difficult and different task than those that I am most familar with.
It isn't required that I see them, or look at them I mean but it is required that of course they're in the same room as I am.

Yes I could force them to do something; it is called manipulation. Usually a manipulator is thought to be someone who does so without means of telepathically; either mental abuse (sic) or physical abuse; with words and actions and things. But manipulation is typically more of a, in a telepathic sense, something which manipulates. There obviously are manipulators out there who experience a person as a manipulator as we are not empathaticless creatures (to use the wording given by asguard). We are capable to use SG's terms of collecting data about the people around us and usually in MOST peoples lifes who do not skeptic themselves to death about the issue are capable of not seeing a manipulator as what he is and in the other case the person is able to see a manipulator for what he is. However the issue goes much deeper than this and thus it is why I claim the simplicity of the whole arguement and say that I am capable of predicting what another person is feeling, what another person is thinking, and controlling their self determinations and will power into a vacume of telepathic atmosphere which I must control (sorry for being so vague).

It gets really deep but yes, if indeed I could pass some sort of a test that somebody would give me of sorts although my intentions would then be seen which would be a somewhat of an interesting if not a bad thing, I must say, it would be... refreshing to win a million ;)

I don't really care about the money, though. It's no big deal. I have the ability, so what? If someone wishes to figure out that I have the ability, then that's their problem, not mine! ;)