The sayings of the Prophets and Saints.


This is a thread dedicated to all the Prophets and messengers of Monotheism whoever they may be.

Add your favorite sayings or just ones you find are interesting, we can discuss allt he sayings and talk about these pearls of wisdom.

If you want to dedicate another thread tot he messengers of polytheism feel free to do it and start a new thread but don't add them here please.

I will start the discussion off with a few random ones off the top of my head.


"If you kill any innocent human it is as if you have killed the whole of humanity, if you save but one life it is as if you have saved the whole of humanity"


"If you have more than one coat give the other one away to somebody who has none"

Peace be upon the souls of the prophets
Me-Ki-Gal Just posted this in another thread I am adding it here ^_^.


" If you lust after a woman in your mind you have already done it "

(Speaking about commiting adultery with another mans wife, if you lust after her with your eyes then you have already basicaly commited the act of adultery with your intention and will)

(Speaking about commiting adultery with another mans wife, if you lust after her with your eyes then you have already basicaly commited the act of adultery with your intention and will)

yes, in the context of one's own personal world. that intention is carried out within those thoughts.

in the outside world, it is a different story.
yes, in the context of one's own personal world. that intention is carried out within those thoughts.

in the outside world, it is a different story.

What makes it different when your being judged for your intention?. like saying it's ok to do something in secret aslong as you don't get caught?

What makes it different when your being judged for your intention?. like saying it's ok to do something in secret aslong as you don't get caught?


no, i'm saying that you can't be caught or judged.

you could say a personal evil thought or intention is a way for someone to carry out something without getting in trouble.

" If you lust after a woman in your mind you have already done it "

(Speaking about commiting adultery with another mans wife, if you lust after her with your eyes then you have already basicaly commited the act of adultery with your intention and will)

Sexual feelings arising, as with any kind of feelings arising, are perfectly natural.
no, i'm saying that you can't be caught or judged.

you could say a personal evil thought or intention is a way for someone to carry out something without getting in trouble.

But you already have been judged if you think something, do you think god cannot penetrate your thoughts and your mind.

He is not ignorant to what you think or what you do.

Sexual feelings arising, as with any kind of feelings arising, are perfectly natural.

Yes natural, but there is a difference from thinking somebody is attractive and appreciating their beauty to lusting after them.

For example I appreciate the wives and girlfriends of my companions are beautiful women mostly, but I would not fantasize about sleeping with any of them or cross any boundaries with them in my mind.

Just because you appreciate something does not mean you lust after it, I appreciate the beauty of a rose it does not mean I wish to sexually fondle the rose or defile it in any way, I wouldn't even pick a rose with my mind I leave it on it's mental image tree in my mind.

Do you see?

But you already have been judged if you think something, do you think god cannot penetrate your thoughts and your mind.

He is not ignorant to what you think or what you do.


i wasn't addressing that. the reason why these things are pointed out is to teach the inherent meaning of morality and that it starts with the thoughts and intentions.
Crunchy Cat

"The people who tell you 'god' exists are lying to you."

"The people who do things in the name of 'god' will try to hurt you."
i wasn't addressing that. the reason why these things are pointed out is to teach the inherent meaning of morality and that it starts with the thoughts and intentions.

Jesus was fully aware that god can hear your thoughts and does judge you on how you make conclusions in your own mind weather you share them openly or hide them.

Crunchy Cat

"The people who tell you 'god' exists are lying to you."

"The people who do things in the name of 'god' will try to hurt you."

You are breaking the rules of this thread and quoting sayings that are not from a prohet. with the intention of trying to mock religion and people who follow god.

I am as much of a prophet as anyone. We can discuss all the sayings and talk about these pearls of wisdom.
I am as much of a prophet as anyone. We can discuss all the sayings and talk about these pearls of wisdom.

No you are not a prophet and stop posting your crap here go start a new thread dedicated to "waging war on the prophets and god" because that's what your doing, and you won't win.

Allah hu akbar
Do you lust after your cousins or sisters when appreciating they are pretty?

No, but but we must admit that forbidden thoughts do arise, unbidden, such as to want to kill some really bad driver who almost caused our own death; however, most of us don't follow through, and so I agree, that is the part that counts and saves, such as with sexual feelings, too, plus a full response would take mind, spirit, and soul, as well, not just body.

Some unexpected thoughts seem to come out of the blue, and I don't mean sexual ones, for they can be expected, but about other ones, unwilled, but that's a topic for a free will (or not) thread.
Why am I not a prophet?

Because the final prophet died over 1400 years ago.

Anyone claiming to be a prophet now is a liar. and you don't even believe you are a prophet your just causing mishchief.

You think I am blind to your intentions, or that you are even slightly good at concealing them?. you are easy to read.
No, but but we must admit that forbidden thoughts do arise, unbidden, such as to want to kill some really bad driver who almost caused our own death; however, most of us don't follow through, and so I agree, that is the part that counts and saves, such as with sexual feelings, too, plus a full response would take mind, spirit, and soul, as well, not just body.

Some unexpected thoughts seem to come out of the blue, and I don't mean sexual ones, for they can be expected, but about other ones, unwilled, but that's a topic for a free will (or not) thread.

Yes and when a forbidden thought would arise what you do with the thought and how you handle it in your own mind is key, Do you erase and condemn the thought? do you go along with it and let it flourish and blossom into a fantasy?, do you even go as far to wanting to manifest this thought into reality and act upon it?

The moment you begin to ponder and analyze the thought your intentions come into effect regardless if you physicaly act out on the sinfull thought or not.

Visualize yourself standing next to a beautiful Oak tree with an axe, now pause/freeze-frame, your next thought will be judged, do you begin to chop the tree in your mind? start tearing it down swing by swing? chop by chop. Or do you put the axe down and sit beside the tree and make the axe dissapear?.
