The Right to kill

A sikh is a Hindu Religious sect.

And as for American history, show me where Americans murdered Tories. I challenge you to support your claim that I need to learn Amerian History. Show me where I am wrong. Using your statement about victors writing history, can any history then be trusted?
Sikhs do not define themselves as Hindus. Although they may be born in a Hindu family, and only one son conscribed to Sikhism.
um sam, this guy wasnt a samurie, he wasnt even japanise. He was just a psyco who managed to get his hands on a sword and used it to cut up his wife and then tried to atack the police
Yeah, I guessed as much. Where did he buy the sword? Is it easy to get one?
I dont know the answer to the first question
As to the second no its not. In fact its compleatly illegal, my grandfather brought one back from japan after WW2 but because it was illegal he gave it to a cop friend of his, something that has pissed my mum off for YEARS because they are so valuable:p
What makes a man sign up to kill other people?

Pleasure. Killing makes alot of people (mostly males) feel good.

How does a person point a weapon at another person they do not even know, kill them and go home to a "normal" life?

Approval is the best way. Gaining approval from a respected authority opens the floodgates for performing well with any kind of constructive or destructive activity.

How do they justify taking away someone's right to life?

They might realize rights don't objectively exist... that and it likely feels good.
joe i suggest YOU relearn history. The american troops were no more "honerable" than the british. Both fort dirty but history is written by the victors so you always have to dig depper to get true acounts

Yeah, but even in the British account the Americans did not do the things that modern insurgents do. Our troops did not hide among civillians. Sure a militiaman lived in town, but every nations malitiamen lived in town and performed their everyday work when not on the battlefield. It may sound similar to current insurgents but the millitia were no engaging in attacks from their homes. Like the other armies they marched to the battle fields.

Is this just a spurious theory, or are you basing it on something?

I believe humans have a built in desire to kill, most likely comming from our instinct to hunt prey. Also from observation alone it seems many humans (mostly males) love to destroy things, if you observe worldwide human behaviour it would also seem we desire to wage war and have power over others.

I believe humans have a built in desire to kill, most likely comming from our instinct to hunt prey

To hunt for food is one thing but you are trying to suggest that spills over to killing humans and that's just not a fact. When humans kill other humans it is because of war, protection, fear or hate for the most part with insanity being another.

Is this just a spurious theory, or are you basing it on something?

Objective observation of course. Watch some footage of armies committing genocide. See the gleeful excitement in their eyes and they slay men, women, and children? That's pleasure.

Other species do it too. There are various predators that will eat their prey to death, make themselves vomit, and repeat... just so they can experience the pleasure of killing again.

The behavior of killing for pleasure can be found in other primates:
To hunt for food is one thing but you are trying to suggest that spills over to killing humans and that's just not a fact. When humans kill other humans it is because of war, protection, fear or hate for the most part with insanity being another.

True, I dont know then im kind of confused on the issue. It just seems that humans enjoy killing things to me alot of the time. even when I hunt for food I enjoy the thrill of the hunt myself, I don't kill animals for fun but I do enjoy tracking down, stalking and the act of hunting it triggers something deep inside of me. But I do feel sad for the animals when I get close to finish them off and prepare them for consumption.

But I do feel sad for the animals when I get close to finish them off and prepare them for consumption.

Then why not just get a camera and take their pictures instead? You'd get the exact pleasure of trying to hunt them down then see if you're reallly good enough to get close enough for a close up of whatever animal you have tracked.

Then why not just get a camera and take their pictures instead? You'd get the exact pleasure of trying to hunt them down then see if you're reallly good enough to get close enough for a close up of whatever animal you have tracked.

Killing is less pleasurable when the prey is harder to kill.
What makes a man sign up to kill other people?

How does a person point a weapon at another person they do not even know, kill them and go home to a "normal" life?

How do they justify taking away someone's right to life?

You are operating out of your animosity towards the Military, and America.

I do not know of any one who sign up for the Military to kill, we sign up to protect our country.

In fact, when you do your psychological exams, and you show a need desire to kill, you are washed out, the killer mentality, is not desirable in the service.

So again, I do not know any one who joined the service to run up a body count.

I do know many who after being involved in, and have survived a close encounter of the deadly kind, are scared by it for life.

The rational human psych does not take kindly to killing another human, even when fully justified.