The Relevance of the Concept of God

Q is not a god of any kind. Q is an incontinent elderly man who blogs from a nursing home. His nurses think he is a pain in the ass, and have to wipe his ass once a day.

How about demonstrating some of this Christian compassion, turning the other cheek, love thy enemy that brings you so much joy?
Do you think I hurt Q's feelings? :bawl: Poor Q.

I doubt your significance to Q can be measured in anything more than chuckles. My point was that you act like a moron and say the more ignorant, childish things to people. Aren't you supposed to be a martial artist? Your sensei would be ashamed of your behavior here.
I doubt your significance to Q can be measured in anything more than chuckles. My point was that you act like a moron and say the more ignorant, childish things to people. Aren't you supposed to be a martial artist? Your sensei would be ashamed of your behavior here.

Perhaps most here have not followed Mazulu for long. He claims to have telepathic communication with space aliens who are instructing him in how to build a gravity beam for the purpose of interstellar travel. Perhaps (he claims) faster than light travel. Travel to other universes. He has also seen spirits and is a spiritualist. He (I guess) believes in voodoo. ANYBODY that takes anything that he says as even a possible scenario is as crazy as he is. He presents himself as a Christian, but no Christian I have met would accept him into their circle. There is something wrong in his brain.

Oops, I almost forgot the biggest most amazing of his claims. He has been personally trained by (the) ascended masters. Woohoo, loony bin stuff. His martial arts are just icing on the cake.

And that is just the stuff he admits to.
Perhaps most here have not followed Mazulu for long. He claims to have telepathic communication with space aliens who are instructing him in how to build a gravity beam for the purpose of interstellar travel. Perhaps (he claims) faster than light travel. Travel to other universes. He has also seen spirits and is a spiritualist. He (I guess) believes in voodoo. ANYBODY that takes anything that he says as even a possible scenario is as crazy as he is. He presents himself as a Christian, but no Christian I have met would accept him into their circle. There is something wrong in his brain.

Oops, I almost forgot the biggest most amazing of his claims. He has been personally trained by (the) ascended masters. Woohoo, loony bin stuff. His martial arts are just icing on the cake.

And that is just the stuff he admits to.

So I'm a bad person for trying to come up with a gravity drive using redshift in reverse? Wow! I guess creativity is not tolerated by the intellectual elite.
So I'm a bad person for trying to come up with a gravity drive using redshift in reverse? Wow! I guess creativity is not tolerated by the intellectual elite.

So you admit to all I said but object to the connotation. I did not say you were a bad person, I implied you were nuts.
I just think you're a nasty person. "Nasty" in the disgusting sense.

I understand your attitude. But you don't disagree with anything I said. You are in telepathic contact with space aliens, you are trying to build a gravity beam, you do believe in voodoo and spirits and ghosts. And most of all you were trained by the ascended masters.

Just making sue I have all that correct.
I understand your attitude. But you don't disagree with anything I said. You are in telepathic contact with space aliens, you are trying to build a gravity beam, you do believe in voodoo and spirits and ghosts. And most of all you were trained by the ascended masters.

Just making sue I have all that correct.

So you are trying to make the point that I believe in God, ascended masters, aliens, spirits and ghosts? Sure. What of it?
So you are trying to make the point that I believe in God, ascended masters, aliens, spirits and ghosts? Sure. What of it?

I just wanted people here to understand your point of view. Most of the people currently arguing with you did not have all the facts. I supplied those facts.
So you are trying to make the point that I believe in God, ascended masters, aliens, spirits and ghosts? Sure. What of it?

I know lots of people that believe that there are aliens in distant star systems. Not many of them would believe that you are in telepathic contact with them. It is a highly unusual point of view.

And the idea that you have been personally trained by the "ascended masters" is about as far fetched as anything I have ever heard.

So you're on a crusade to show people that I'm crazy? :roflmao:

If the shoe fits ...

Actually, I see that people continue to treat you as an equal and continue to argue with you. This says a lot about them. So continue with your insanity. I just felt they should understand who you are.
cole grey said:
probably the way people usually do it, which is by being based in what their internal compass tells them, what their predispositions lead them to, without proof or empirical data beyond simply non-falsifiable interpretation. There is logic involved, but i would say that most of the great philosophers presented ideas that were internally logical, and can only be called wrong based on more interpretations of empirically non-verifiable data. It isn't science. There should be a poll here on how many people think philosophy is a science requiring empirical data. I believe it would make a lot of people think deeply about how they assess their own ideology.
But in reality philosophies or anything else are judged to the degree possible through objective analysis and their relative conformity to it. This analysis varies according to one’s knowledge and understanding (their internal compass). If Gautama Buddha existed today I’m sure his philosophy would be more reflective of the current state of knowledge.

i am not using the words metaphorically. I am not asking for us to redefine certain religions or secular social movements. If you actually don't want to muddy the waters you could use accepted terminology, or ask that for the sake of understanding some point, others temporarily use your definition, because there is nothing really wrong about it, besides the fact that it excludes some religions apparently.
Since most social behavior contains the elements necessary for religious designation, where do you suggest we draw the line? What qualifiers do we apply? If I inquire about a persons religion, should I expect to hear about their political, entertainment and hygiene practices?

i am just saying don't expect people to accept your definitions that you use to make some particular point as if your definition is the definition, the way you do with your discussion here by saying philosophical satanism is mystical, or buddhism has deities in it which are analogous to other modern religious deities. From what i have seen, the deities described in buddhism serve basically no purpose other than to tell stories and make points about them.
I did clarify what I consider a religious practice and how particular concepts fit that definition. That said the question moves from the definition to its applied consistency.

A case can be made that LaVeyan Satanism originated with mystic attributes that seem to have withered away over the years through reorganization of the church. On its face, today’s Church of Satan appears to be generally lacking mystical concepts.

In Buddhism, it’s not so much the deities but the traditional tenets of cyclical rebirth, reincarnation, and eternal release that are the prominent mystical qualities.

and for now most people just accept these ideas as part of the landscape, ideas the non-scholars don't deeply understand, ideas many of which are simply interpretations which are not falsifiable, and can be used to describe any process in the brain which is not within the subject's awareness. Sounds like religious ideology, which deals with the external rather than the internal (and is even sometimes just thought of as an interpretation of the internal). I am as willing to drop other interpretations of God the way i have dropped the actual man-like being who lives up in the sky, when the science falsifies my ideology.
So you’re arguing that because ignorance and illogic may exists in one area, we should excuse it everywhere else.

Syne said:
Until you can successfully differentiate simple, distinct terms, the bias that motivates your conflation (let us see... "concept of god", "god", "religion", and "mysticism... so far) will remain a hindrance to any discussion with you.
Funny how you can’t seem to comprehend the relationship of the terms you listed.

And you cannot get out of your ignorant conflation by merely saying "you too". That only illustrates the uselessness of humoring you and the lack of intellectual honesty that is all I can seem to expect.
In other words you’re taking the fifth on the questions I asked. I expected as much.
Yes, I know, theism is whatever you say that is theism, because you are god and all that ...

Sorry, but I don't make up definitions, I simply use a dictionary. Try using one yourself, sometime.