The Reason Why No Open Contact Yet

"But then again, who is to say that we HAVEN'T been contacted?......
Excellent point DataBob!, which is exactly the same point I attempted to apply in relation to the "Roswell" incident, yet FA_Q2 failed to recognize.
Who's to say a UFO did "Not" crash there in the fourties?

And if so, it would in "Fact" have been recovered by compartmentalized segments within our GVT & Military establishments, thus leading our normal chronological Time-Line to become altered in such a way that may not have otherwise occured!!

Moreover, FA_Q2 stated the following inaccuracy....."I was referring to our current timeline. Other timelines do not matter as we are not able to observe them."

What the hell are you saying? ...
ALL Time-Lines MATTER!!
and who's to say some of us here on earth are "Not" able to observe them?
Do you know this for a fact to disprove it?

So just because you are unable to observe a Mac-Truck about to swerve into your lane on the freeway, does that make it any less significant?

What affects one Time-Line, affects "All" Timelines! like looking through a row of mirrors into infinity, it is ALL Relative.

[This message has been edited by Time/02112 (edited November 05, 2000).]
I heard something about that whole idea of multiple timelines, of different realitites (or "dimensions" as some scifi shows sometimes call them...) existing simultaneously...
Anyway, I heard somewhere that the human mind, at its most basic, microscopic level, operates on the existence of more than one reality. I will really have to look into this, but as I understand it, it's as if the cells in our brain are actually playing out all the immediate possibilities of the universe before they happen.
So, as Time just described, if I'm driving down the freeway and see a Mac Truck swerving maniacally, my brain cells have a "precognition" of the reality in which the truck falls over and crushes me and I die. Also, they see the universe in which I pull over and the truck instead kills the driver who tailgated me.
I think it is probable that there exist an infinite number of realities in which the random quantum events working within an atom can affect events in the whole, and if our brains really do work as this theory speculates, it mught indicate that by every decision I make, I am actually "steering" myself out of the realities I don't wish to experience. (I.E. being crushed under a truck.) That would be interesting.
Do I have this whole concept of brain function completely backwards? Does someone else know about this? Maybe someone can give a better explanation than me.

What do you think, time?

P.S. Oh... And If I can steer myself from reality to reality, what else can that ability do? Can I change reality, or jump into a timeline I cut off from much earlier? Like, if I see the truck, can I change reality so that I never even got into my car?
Who knows what abilities one might be able to develop with quantum-event-reactive-reality brain cells!
Other thoughts on this?

[This message has been edited by DataBob (edited November 05, 2000).]
Regarding time travel – here is an extract from a dictionary I picked up in the early years of the 22nd century.

Robo sapiens: n (English), from robot, a mechanism guided by automatic controls; and Latin, from Homo sapiens, mankind) 1. A hybrid species of human and robot with intelligence vastly superior to that of purely biological mankind; began to emerge in the twenty-first century. 2. The dominant species of the solar system of Earth. [Microsoft Universal Dictionary, 2099]
Sorry, but I can't find any reference to the word Multiverse, either on the site you gave me or in any dictionary I could find... Pardon me if you find me guilty of not digging deep enough...
But I can kind of imagine its meaning... The idea of many or even infinite realities existing simultaneuosly with our own. Is that it?

Any other thoughts, alternate meanings, etc?
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[This message has been edited by Time/02112 (edited November 10, 2000).]