THE REAL [GOD] = ALLAH ...... join here you all need to know

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I think nutbar is getting desperate:

DiamondHearts said:
My points have been consistent that Islam does not allow Slavery. The word for prisoners of war in Islamic terminology is a slave of the state (the reason why some Islamic texts talk of prisoners of war in such a regard), yet they are far different than what the West has practiced of slavery. Prisoners of war are human beings as viewed in Islam and have the right to pay for their freedom, they are either allowed to stay in prisons (as is consistent with Western practice) or they are allowed to serve Muslims in their home to gain freedom.

In other words, as slaves. Are they allowed to just move in, like Jack Roper? Are they guests? Of course bloody not. They're slaves. What happens if they refuse to obey? Prison, beating or death? Any of those fits the bill: slavery.


Contrary to your labelling of me as an apologist, I am presenting the proper and true word of Islam (being a student of Islamic Theology) and am very much entitled for this view to give my opinion, while you aren't qualified as all.

Argument from false authority. You evidently aren't a student of logical discourse.

A final question I have for you is this, what is the reason for such a malicious and constant barrage of ugly charges against Islam and Muslims? What do you get from all this? Why are you engaging in this propaganda?

My interest is in pointing out that islam is not perfect; and certainly not better than any of the religions it despises so. Your whole objective here has been propaganda from the get-go. What do you get from all this? Why are you posting propaganda?

I suggest you take a thorough look at yourself, is this what you want to be? Do you want to live your life in such a way?

Un-islamic? You'd better believe so.

I suggest you take a look at Islamic sources by yourself, to read the Quran in english translation with a desire to actually understand, read the books of the above scholars (in a proper translation) seeking to learn and further yourself as a human being.

But, of course, islam isn't too concerned about the finer aspects of humanity - only submission. What islam - or you at least - calls "good" and everyone else calls "good" are very different things.

I wish the best for you and your family.


I agree that this is probably a misnomer.

i know who god is. and all you mother756845848's better listen to me go damn it. if you dont i'm gonna &^^%$%%^% you and another thing dress just like me mother 45834894589's and eat like me mothert9054905490480's
33:50 O Prophet! We have made lawful to thee thy wives to whom thou hast paid their dowers; and those whom thy right hand possesses out of the captives of war whom Allah has assigned to thee; and daughters of thy paternal uncles and aunts, and daughters of thy maternal uncles and aunts, who migrated (from Makkah) with thee; and any believing woman who gives herself to the Prophet if the Prophet wishes to wed her;- this only for thee, and not for the Believers (at large); We know what We have appointed for them as to their wives and the captives whom their right hands possess;- in order that there should be no difficulty for thee. And Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.


I was thinking about this verse again and this is what (I think) it says.

1) Muslims may capture females during war.
2) Female prisoners of war can be held in a prison (prisoner) or taken as a bonded servant (slave).
3) Male Muslim may have sex with the female prisoners of war (be they held in captivity or enslaved).
4) Muslims may wed their first cousins.
5) Muslims may practice polygamy (4 wives and many enslaved females “prisoners of war”)
6) Mohammed may have more than 4 wives. Actually as many as he would like.
7) Its implicit that Mohammed can make war.

Actually, it sort of reads like a warmongers wet dream. No?


O Prophet! We have made lawful to thee thy wives to whom thou hast paid their dowers; and those whom thy right hand possesses out of the captives of war whom Allah has assigned to thee; and daughters of thy paternal uncles and aunts, and daughters of thy maternal uncles and aunts, who migrated (from Makkah) with thee; and any believing woman who gives herself to the Prophet if the Prophet wishes to wed her;- this only for thee, and not for the Believers (at large); We know what We have appointed for them as to their wives and the captives whom their right hands possess;- in order that there should be no difficulty for thee. And Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

My summary:

O Prophet! We have made lawful to thee thy wives to whom thou hast paid their dowers;

God will give Mohammed the opportunity to be polygamist by making it lawful.
(If there were a God, which there is not, but if there were then this would have obviously been a test. Note the word Lawful. A test that Mohammed failed by jumping in dick first)

and those whom thy right hand possesses out of the captives of war whom Allah has assigned to thee;

Mohammed can make war.
Women can be taken as war booty.

and daughters of thy paternal uncles and aunts, and daughters of thy maternal uncles and aunts, who migrated (from Makkah) with thee;

Mohammed can have marry and sex with any of his first cousins.

and any believing woman who gives herself to the Prophet if the Prophet wishes to wed her;

Again, just in case you missed it in the beginning yes Mohammed can take as many women as he would like.
(This can/or will include first cousins, slave women, a child and his

- this only for thee, and not for the Believers (at large);

Well well, only Mohammed gets as many women as he would like.

We know what We have appointed for them as to their wives and the captives whom their right hands possess;- in order that there should be no difficulty for thee. And Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

To be fair other Muslims can take more than one wife as well. Just not as many as they would like - as Mohammed can. But they do get as many female Slave women as they can possess - - so it all works out for them just the same.

Gee how enlightening, how beautiful, how poetic, how utterly asinine and pathetic,

Did Buddha or Jesus (in the dieing god allegory) act anywhere even remotely like this?
Did they?!?!?!?
I seriously don’t think so?

Well then, we are all agreed, Mohammed’s extraordinary insight into the human condition, only surpassed by his leading the most exemplary life of any a God’s creature, has revealed these hard won truths to humanity in a nice easy to read book formate collected sometimes later into what is called the Qur’an:

• Muslims (not all humans’ …. just Muslim-humans) may capture females during war.
• Female prisoners of war can be held in a prison or enslaved and serve their male Muslim masters.
• Male Muslims may have sex with their female prisoners of war (be they held in captivity or enslaved).
• Muslims may wed their first cousins and have sex with them too.
• Muslims may practice polygamy (4 wives and many enslaved females “prisoners of war”)
• Mohammed being an extra special Muslim gets to have more than 4 wives - actually as many as he would like.
• Mohammed can make war and so war and killing are good in Gods eyes.
• God is an evil SOB.

You know, it’s really odd but I, being a typical Atheist, would think:
• That monogamy is better than polygamy,
• That the female citizens of cities sacked by Muslims should not be enslaved.
• That having sex with your first cousin may not be a bright idea.
• That fancying your daughter in-law, marrying her and having sex with her is warped.
• That a 53 old man marrying a child is sick.
• War is Wrong

But then again I'm an Atheist,
Go figure?

Shouldn't more people read this topic ?

please atheists we don't want your bad words , we just want to show you the Right way and its 100 % Truth . so either accept it or refuse it we dont need money from you and we dont want any thing from you .

.La 'ilaha 'illa ALLAH .
Excellent post Michael.
it appears the brainwashing is more pervasive than we thought.

they even have the mindless chanting!

"bad words", ??? pfft.
i suggest you review the fact that "jihad" is one of the pillars of your faith.
before you typing a post criticising the west, technology, civilisation, science etc,
try turning off your computer.

then type in your message while the power is still off.
whoops where did the power go? oh allah (swt) took it away.

Hello people :)

recently i've seen so many posts wondering who is God

, are there many gods ?

, and if there is only one God , how can we know him ?

why are there many religions ? and what is the real religion that i should beleive in ?

( in fact people should know the truth that the true religions are a sequence in one chain came over years and history as a message of God .... but people edited the truth and made lies over year , and then came islam with the quraan as the last message of God to people and God promised to keep this message and it will never be changed .)

from what i read on these forums i found so so many people who don't know the truth , and most of them know it but refuse it .

so i like to give more people a chance to read this topic , they may be find the right way .

i wish if i can help at least 1 human to know the right way and save him from being lost .

thank you :)
Son of Allah is Jesus Christ. If this is not a true statement than God should strike me with lightning. I have a guts to say that because God told me, to tell you! The difference between religions are necessary for humans to evolve. There is only one God who have one millions names, should I start counting

I know you have relationship with God, ask him if I'm lying?
Hello people :)

recently i've seen so many posts wondering who is God

, are there many gods ?

, and if there is only one God , how can we know him ?

why are there many religions ? and what is the real religion that i should beleive in ?

( in fact people should know the truth that the true religions are a sequence in one chain came over years and history as a message of God .... but people edited the truth and made lies over year , and then came islam with the quraan as the last message of God to people and God promised to keep this message and it will never be changed .)

from what i read on these forums i found so so many people who don't know the truth , and most of them know it but refuse it .

so i like to give more people a chance to read this topic , they may be find the right way .

i wish if i can help at least 1 human to know the right way and save him from being lost .

we aint lost,my friend,we know exactly where we stand,its called REALITY.
the religious ones are those who are lost in fantasy!

if there was god dont you think ALL people would describe it SAME?
why so many different gods and which one is the right one?
they are all INVENTIONs of humans imagination

the UNIVERSE is UNCAUSED, ETERNAL and ENDLESS,the Big Bang was just one part of its endless changes,
therefore gods arent needed and dont exist,
case closed!

Crom laughs at your universe.

Crom lives on a mountain, whence he sends forth his devils to test man's valour and laughs at the misery of the fallen.

He is the supreme power and only those who know the answer to the Riddle of Steel shall pass into his graces.
There are dozens of gods; MILLIONS even. There is only one perfect being. I suppose.

Why should I believe that YOURS is the most best of all gods?

( in fact people should know the truth that the true religions are a sequence in one chain came over years and history as a message of God .... but people edited the truth and made lies over year , and then came islam with the quraan as the last message of God to people and God promised to keep this message and it will never be changed .)

So men edited all other truths but ONLY the quraan stayed pure? UNlikely. Why? Because EVERYONE says their truth is the only pure one! The very fact that you think that you know everything is blasphemous beyond recognition by ANY god who has made gospel. I cannot but think you've been seduced by the old You-Know-Who.
I would just like to take a moment out here to thank Islam for their prayer music, the chanting sound works extremely well with lsd. So I heard. And if you have satellite, and can tune into that channel that shows mecca all the time, the visuals apparently help as well.
Look peoples, there is NO GOD. Thats right, I'm a godless infidel who believes in peace, live and let live, DON'T FUCKING BLOW YOURSELF UP IN THE NAME OF ALLAH! AAHHHAHAHAHAHA

So much mind wash in this world.

Allah is the only god. The mormon god is the only god. The Jewish god is the only god. The mormons are the one and only chosen people, the islamic people are the one and only chosen ones, the jewish peoples are the one and only chosen ones! AHHH AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA This is the funniest part of it all

So many "one and only religions" all claiming the exact same result. Believe in MY religion and you get to the ONE AND ONLY HEAVEN! DAMN RELIGIOUS MIND CONTROL!
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