The Rapture

Further reading has revealed that the time of the rapture is a secret known only to God. Not even his angels are privy to this information. This rather puts a kybosh on the preachers claiming to know the date of the second coming. If they read the scripture they would know this, so how do they manage to convince followers that they have somehow divined this information known only to God?
Only the one with the name !! What name ? The one that has the Temple with him . What Temple? The one not made with human hands . The Temple Solomon made to show the name of God . So it was after 3 days they found him in the Temple. Pray the lord of the harvest sends out his laborers. Gotcha! Funny funny Me . Play Guitar because we like to
The key verse is from Matthew

Matthew 24:40-41
Two men will be in the field; one will be taken and the other left. Two women will be grinding with a hand mill; one will be taken and the other left. (NIV)

You've got a fifty-fifty chance. And it all depends on who you are with at the time.
The thing to do is stand next to someone really bad.

Ha ha ha ha :D good one.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
The Rapture.

Bill prayed hard, and as he prayed he felt himself lifting into space.
He passed a pigeon on the window ledge.
"Hey there pigeon!, I'm going to heaven" he said.
The pigeon jumped up on Billy's shoulder.
"Aw! Now a'm gonna look like a pirate", said Billy.
Up into the sky he went.
Looking down he saw the devastation below.
"Poor Sinners! They's crawlin' around in the mud like swamp toads"
"Hey sinners", he shouted. "There's still time. Get your bibles out."
They couldn't hear him.
There was too much noise from people screaming, and buildings collapsing............
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