The Rapture


Realistically Surreal
Registered Senior Member
Does anybody think the rapture is an event preceding the second coming, and if so, what is the timeline for these events? Other characters in the bible were abducted by God at times, only to turn up miles away and unable to speak of thier experiences.
Is it something folks look forwards to in wonder, or in dread?
Does anybody think the rapture is an event preceding the second coming, and if so, what is the timeline for these events? Other characters in the bible were abducted by God at times, only to turn up miles away and unable to speak of thier experiences. Is it something folks look forwards to in wonder, or in dread?
M*W: Sounds like alien abduction.
Does anybody think the rapture is an event preceding the second coming, and if so, what is the timeline for these events? Other characters in the bible were abducted by God at times, only to turn up miles away and unable to speak of thier experiences.
Is it something folks look forwards to in wonder, or in dread?

I believe the rapture is an event that will happen on the day of the Messiah's Second coming. Not before.

Some will look forwards to it with great longing. Some will look upon it with great dread. In what group shall you be?

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Some will look forwards to it with great longing. Some will look upon it with great dread. In what group shall you be?
I'm in the "Ho hum, more specious crap being spouted" group.
I'm in the "Ho hum, more specious crap being spouted" group.

lol same here dywy.. but whenever something major happens like the big quake that suppose to hit california you know all the religious are gonna be saying ohh god the rapture is here!!:bugeye:
I believe the rapture is an event that will happen on the day of the Messiah's Second coming. Not before.

Some will look forwards to it with great longing. Some will look upon it with great dread. In what group shall you be?

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Me? I'll be so surprised it happened at all that I'd actually be quite impressed.
I believe "The Rapture" or ANY Rapture has its roots in the people who support it.

I personally ain't waiting for Christ to re-appear... my mind is full of ideas about the next few thousand years of humankind, too busy to imagine The Rapture coming.

I am willing to believe Christ was a Prophet- maybe one of the Top 5 Prophets of all time. But no, I don't believe He's coming to save/redeem/curse/punish all of us- I just don't buy it. There's too many religions with too many different endings for me to believe Christianity has a leg up on any other religion... all religions are based in a basic goodness- even the bad ones.

So no, I am not waiting for The Rapture to happen anytime soon.
i don't know what to think about the rapture. i looked up some scriptures about it the other day...

to me, the purpose of christ is a perfected human existence. a physical one. when christ was resurrected, he had a physical body, and we as the church are according to scripture, to receive perfected, immortal, physical bodies as well. how's that going to happen? magic?

on one hand, i honestly don't think i'm going to die. i know that sounds ridiculous, but i've always gotten the impression that somehow i'll escape physical death. i don't know why. it could just be a pipe dream. and i have seen some seemingly magical stuff in my life. most magical seeming was the stationary that wadded itself up on my coffee table all by itself one afternoon. weird stuff happens.

on the other hand, i'm more inclined to think of something more practical. i have no idea as to what, but there have to be some logistics, some process. what is the kingdom? where is the kingdom? on earth? how am i going to get from here to there? it's hard to contemplate.

MW's comment made me think of something i read on zetatalk i think. i've read some things written by people who claim to channel, or receive messages from aliens somehow, and they all talk about an upcoming planetary transition...impending cataclysmic earth changes, and a leap in human evolution. not sure how or why the aliens know this, but that in itself is kinda scary. but anyway, i'm pretty sure it was on the zetatalk site where the aliens apparently said that not all humans would be "ready" to evolve, and would be taken to another planet to live.
MW's comment made me think of something i read on zetatalk i think. i've read some things written by people who claim to channel, or receive messages from aliens somehow, and they all talk about an upcoming planetary transition...impending cataclysmic earth changes, and a leap in human evolution. not sure how or why the aliens know this, but that in itself is kinda scary.
Um, the "aliens" don't know this. There are no aliens being channelled.
If you persist in reading crank sites then you will see cranks spouting nonsense. Which bit of that sequence escapes you?
Um, the "aliens" don't know this. There are no aliens being channelled.
If you persist in reading crank sites then you will see cranks spouting nonsense. Which bit of that sequence escapes you?

i didn't say i thought it was true. then again, i'm not so entirely insecure regarding my own existence that i automatically reject anything i'm not familiar with, or don't understand as nonsense either, like some people. :bugeye:

ok you asked for wanna know what i think? :D

i think that aliens are the nephilim...demonic genetic concoctions of some sort...and that they will at some point present themselves falsely to be our creators, and to be our saviors at a time when things are REALLY bad and a lot of people are desperate, and terrified, like any day now. i think they'll usher in the reign of the antichrist and the false prophet, and perpetuate the mark of the beast, which will be some type of genetic manipulation or alteration of some sort.

and if the rapture does happen, i think they'll lie and take credit for it, just like the zetatalk site says.
As I understand the scripture, the rapture is to be followed by an extended period of earthly peace and tranquility..Gods' protectorate. The event itself is said to happen "in the clouds", so I take it that this means 'our' clouds.
The only rapture is when the people writing Rapture books get their publisher cheques.
I'm starting one. What dyer think?


Billy looked up. Where was John gone? He was in the office a minute ago.
Billy smirked. "Prolly off 'vangelisin' as usual. Big Iddiyet"
Then Billy looked out the window. There was a big Cross in the sky, with light round it.
John was being sucked up into the sky towards it. Ssschlllooooop!
He was about two hundred yards away, up in the sky.
"Oh No.", said Billy "He was right all the time. I shoulderev listened to him.
Where's that Bible he gave me?"
He opened the Office window, and looked up.
"John",He shouted, "Where's that Babble yer gave ter me?"
"It's in the bottom drawer", said John. John's voice sounded far away, because he was far away...............
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i didn't say i thought it was true. then again, i'm not so entirely insecure regarding my own existence that i automatically reject anything i'm not familiar with, or don't understand as nonsense either, like some people.
Oh, you're assuming again. Isn't that sweet?

i think that aliens are the nephilim...demonic genetic concoctions of some sort...and that they will at some point present themselves falsely to be our creators, and to be our saviors at a time when things are REALLY bad and a lot of people are desperate, and terrified, like any day now. i think they'll usher in the reign of the antichrist and the false prophet, and perpetuate the mark of the beast, which will be some type of genetic manipulation or alteration of some sort.
Well of course. And I think the Teletubbies may well play a significant role in this, possibly with Winnie the Pooh and Barney the Dinosaur going all-out to save us, but eventually being discredited through some concocted arms-for-drugs scandal.

and if the rapture does happen, i think they'll lie and take credit for it, just like the zetatalk site says.
Zetatalk is a crank site with crank opinions and zero substantiation.
On the other hand, if this "rapture" gets rid of the cranks (all of them), then it gets my vote.
As I understand the scripture, the rapture is to be followed by an extended period of earthly peace and tranquility..Gods' protectorate. The event itself is said to happen "in the clouds", so I take it that this means 'our' clouds.
Easily solved then.
We just sign over all the clouds to someone else and get it notarised.
Then it's their problem.
Heehe! Just don't let on what they're taking on..that'll be thier surprise!
As I understand the scripture, the rapture is to be followed by an extended period of earthly peace and tranquility..Gods' protectorate. The event itself is said to happen "in the clouds", so I take it that this means 'our' clouds.

The new testament is clear on what the cloud is . Most people don't catch it as they are thinking of clouds in the sky . It is stated like this in the book of Romans? I think. I came in such a great cloud of people . So I interpret the symbolism of cloud to mean crowd of people.
I came in such a great cloud of people . So I interpret the symbolism of cloud to mean crowd of people.
Or maybe it means that people are going to be put in a large blender and ground into bits small enough to be suspended in the atmosphere.
Or maybe it means that people are going to be put in a large blender and ground into bits small enough to be suspended in the atmosphere.

That is funny you say that as I had a recurring dream as a child were I was cut up and in the air with pieces of me suspended in the air . It was a scary dream for there was no gravity so to speak and I was afraid I was going to fly off into space . I was sure glad to wake up and find out it was just a dream . I thought maybe the dream was spurred from watching the Jetsons cartoon to much
That reminded Me of a true story were the son of the leader of the Missfit Motor Cycle gang put a baby in a blender and did that very thing . It was the most sickening thing I had ever heard of back in the day . That very leader lived across the street from Me at the time. His son lived some where else and even he could not believe his son would do such a thing . I don't remember if he got the death penalty. I don't think he did for there was no death penalty in California at the time if my memory serves Me right , but I think the death penalty was reinstated shortly after that