The Raelian Movement

He probably decided that dinosaurs were too large for the earth and would not fit in comfortably with man.

Then, he made a mistake? And he had to wipe them out and wait millions of years of evolution to catch up?
There was a special on that science channel that was talking of the effects that El NIno had on the finch bird population. it talked about studies that were done on how that natural phenomena changed the finches. they went from eating small seeds to eatting large seed that the finches had to adapt to and many died because they did not have large enohg beaks and that was when the climate changed there and mani plantlife died and they had to rely on other forms of food and only those that had those adaptations thrived, and then there is that blood sucking finch which also happened in the galapagos due to shortage in food for those birds that they had to find another source, and that is when they started feeding of the blood from the blue footed boobies (galapagos bird booby in singular) and feeding of their eggs actually finding ways to crack the eggs that were almost as big as they were. and i saw how they made them bleed fromdifferent parts and many finches feeding from that. so there are many ways we can see evolution at work whether it is from inscects (metamorphosis) to animals. now i don't expect for many people to care but please dont post insults, give your opinions which you have a right to but i am not here to insult others and would like the same. and the guy that did that report's name is Nigel Marven
Now about the alien thing, i do believe that there must be life out there because from so many planets that must out there it would just be a waste if ours were the only one with life on it, but i don't believe in that aliens created us and i don't care if some people do so long as they don't try to mess with my rights as a person or inforce their believes on me and as long as it does not promote violence nor discrimination towars others that don't believe and whatever.
It's possible carbon lifeforms such as us exist because of meteorites and asteroids pummeling the earth creating a life-soup millions and millions of years ago, it is also possible some of these meteorites and asteroids contained something "alien" to our planet at the time.

But thats about as far as i would go with the "made by aliens" idea.

I tend to think life as a mould or a bacteria that some planets catch, so we may have been hit by something that helped produce this mould/bacteria (life).

Thats all humans are, an evolved lump of disease covering a planet, the planets without life are the OK ones, they are not sick.
How can anyone look at an adult chimp (or other great ape) and not see the immediate connection, in hundreds of details, between us? It's the height of intellectual blindness and fear.

-Yes we could see that, but I'm not jumping like a spider man all over the New York - jet :)

My point, is that if we truly came from primates, I am certain we would've seen a continuation of evolution. We are separated from animals, because of our ability to reason. I just believe that there is no current proof to support evolution.


Do you have any proof? spacecrafts? alien scientist droppings?

-God is billion years more advanced than we are.


He had to start somewhere. He probably decided that dinosaurs were too large for the earth and would not fit in comfortably with man.

-No, God needed a new challenge

He probably decided that dinosaurs were too large for the earth and would not fit in comfortably with man.
Then, he made a mistake? And he had to wipe them out and wait millions of years of evolution to catch up?

-He doesn't need to catch up on anything.
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I just believe that there is no current proof to support evolution.

That's fine, we'll evolve along without you then.

Proof of evolution -

4004, 8008, 8080, 286, 386, 486, Pentium, Pentium II, Pentium III, Pentium IV, Itanium.
Raelian1 said:
Finally, someone asked me the question wher the alien scientists came from. The answer is that they were created from other alien scientists from another planet and these aliens were created from yet other scientists from another planet. This is an infinite process. There is no starting point. If we don't destroy ourselves, we too will create life on oter planets, including intelligent life just like us. Therefore neither gods nor evolution is the answer.
so accepting eternal existence of aliens is far better than believing ever-existed God?
Raelian1 said:
Finally, someone asked me the question wher the alien scientists came from. The answer is that they were created from other alien scientists from another planet and these aliens were created from yet other scientists from another planet. This is an infinite process. There is no starting point. If we don't destroy ourselves, we too will create life on oter planets, including intelligent life just like us. Therefore neither gods nor evolution is the answer.
I couldnt' remember who this story was told about, but on looking it up, I've discovered that the name changes, and it has been told of people like Bertrand Russell and Carl Sagan. Anyway, the story goes like this:

A well-known scientist (some say it was Bertrand Russell) once gave a public lecture on astronomy. He described how the Earth orbits around the sun and how the sun, in turn, orbits around the centre of a vast collection of stars called our galaxy.

At the end of the lecture, a little old lady at the back of the room got up and said: "What you have told us is rubbish. The world is really a flat plate supported on the back of a giant tortoise."

The scientist gave a superior smile before replying, "What is the tortoise standing on?"

"You're very clever, young man, very clever," said the old lady. "But it's turtles all the way down."

I don't know if the Raelian doctrine is literally as described by our Raelian friend there - merely talking about starting life on other planets. There are, however, sound technological reasons for supposing that a sufficiently advanced civilisation would be able to create an entire Universe in simulation, using some advanced equivalent of computer technology. Given that, there is a very high mathematical probability to suppose that this has already happened - and we're living in it right now!
After all, everyone is entitle to believe as they wish.

But why would you want to believe in nonsense? How is that beneficial to you?
What the hell is quano?

The universe was created by a thought first, then spirit did the work. There was no math or science involved.

A thought is a human atribute, a god that thinks is a contradiction. Thought derives of brain mechanism. Does your god posses a brain?. If it does, it can't be eternal existence, it can't be omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, because the brain has it's limitations, thus so would your god if it ever had a thought!. :eek:

A fish is a fish, a monkey is a monkey, and a bird is a bird.

And a pile of Bull shit is a pile of Bull Shit!. :bugeye: It only becomes believable when one is ingnorant of any other alternative, and rationalizes without having any knowledge of reality. Thus the earth is not flat, and the earth is not the center of the universe.

Man does seem to be devolving, but I think it's just due to our education system and liberal tolerance and lack of morality and decreasing belief in God.

You are quite correct in this observation; as long as man insists to believe in mysticism, gods, devils, ghosts, and intelegent design, and other pundits force it in our educational system, a step to contradict science, men would be devolving and becoming idiots as we were once, it's called the dark ages.

Yea, that's it...

"Give me anything but Jesus. And I mean anything."
