The Raelian Movement

Raelian1 said:
We did not evolve from primates,

I got news for you. We *are* primates. We're in the suborder Anthropoidea along with the orangutan, the gorilla, and the chimpanzee.
wow...sounds like we've got satan, jesus, buddha and mohammad all here at once, solving all of the mysteries of the universe. i bet somewhere right now, aliens are cracking up. i believe in intelligent life beyond ours. how insane to not believe! i believe they have intervened, and helped, for years, and are still doing so. i believe that some amazing truths are about to be revealed for us. so may people on this site believe themselves to be so insanely intelligent, that they literally put themselves in another box, without even realizing it...thus limiting themselves to further learning, because they are blocked by their own egos.
so what will we evolve to next, and when is the evolutionary cut off?
SkinWalker said:
I got news for you. We *are* primates. We're in the suborder Anthropoidea along with the orangutan, the gorilla, and the chimpanzee.
FreedomCry75 said:
so what will we evolve to next, and when is the evolutionary cut off?

that's all dependent on what the environmental pressures are tomorrow and which variations enable optimal adaptation to those pressures. The only evolutionary cutoff is extinction consequently. It's a never-ending process otherwise.
My point, is that if we truly came from primates, I am certain we would've seen a continuation of evolution. We are separated from animals, because of our ability to reason. I just believe that there is no current proof to support evolution. We are human, and have evolved as much as we are going to, as a species. I don't see us growing wings or horns, but rather, changing internally and being more multi dimensional and spiritual.
FreedomCry75 said:
My point, is that if we truly came from primates, I am certain we would've seen a continuation of evolution. We are separated from animals, because of our ability to reason. I just believe that there is no current proof to support evolution. We are human, and have evolved as much as we are going to, as a species. I don't see us growing wings or horns, but rather, changing internally and being more multi dimensional and spiritual.

I think there is some confusion surrounding this. We *are* primates and we *are* animals (mammals more specifically). Our intelligence is a variation introduced to our species quite some time ago that promoted survival above and beyond other variations at the time and this led to quite a bit of successful reproduction (which of course propogated the variation).

Regarding proof of evolution, I would highly recommend taking some coursework at a local college for two reasons.

1) there is a significant amount of evidence that supports the theory.
2) there is evidence in this thread that the theory is being misinterpreted (it's not an easy concept to grasp from discussion board context).

What the future holds for the human species is all a matter of what future pressures exist and how we adapt to them (or don't if thats the case). As an example, right now there is a societal pressure for in-depth education and those whom can adapt to this are far more likely to be successful and reproduce. I think the next million years may promote some pretty beneficial mental variations.
For god sake dont they teach science where you come from, darwin was EASY to understand. Much easier than the square root of neg numbers.

You cant see evolution because it happens to slowly, when an animal moves into an area that has resorces ready to be exployted it with thrive, thereby becoming more prominate. When enough of these changes happen (to the point that the creatures cant interbreed anymore) they are concidered a new specises (i think that definition changed since i was taught to be if they WONT naturally interbreed rather than they cant). The old specises may still exist if its "tricks" are still effective or the specises may have branched off more than once or the whole specises may have gone the same way. Evolution is as much luck as anything else. There used to be a specises of fish that proved this perfectly (wish i could rember the name but i couldnt even pronounce it), with the same genetic diversity as humans have from eachother they had evolved into a HUGE variaty of different sub specises including one that just ate eyeballs (rember that specifically because the book i was reading made a joke about it)
How can anyone look at an adult chimp (or other great ape) and not see the immediate connection, in hundreds of details, between us? It's the height of intellectual blindness and fear.
My point, is that if we truly came from primates, I am certain we would've seen a continuation of evolution. We are separated from animals, because of our ability to reason. I just believe that there is no current proof to support evolution.

Well, what you believe and what supports evolution are two different things. The fact the we are able to reason IS a result of evolution.

And, evolution is continuing, each and every day, month, year, etc...

Your religious beliefs are simply contradicted by evidence and you choose your religious beliefs over the evidence. That's no ones fault but your own.
Do you have any proof? spacecrafts? alien scientist droppings? etc

can you debunk the evidence that evolutionists have. such as fossils

do you disagree with evolution? and if so, which of the parts "stronger beings will be more likely to survive" and "Stronger bengs give birth to strogner young (on average)" do you disagree with?
Qorl said:
I believe you completely, if you look at this world you could just laugh to stupid people. Big bang is ridiculous the same as Darwin theory.

Thank You!!

So if Darwin's theory (evolution) is ridiculous, what do you think is the origins of all life on Earth?

Also, if the Big Bang is nonsense, how was the universe created?
Raelian1 said:
Thank You!!

So if Darwin's theory (evolution) is ridiculous, what do you think is the origins of all life on Earth?

Also, if the Big Bang is nonsense, how was the universe created?

The universe was created by a thought first, then spirit did the work. There was no math or science involved. math and science are only used to try to explain what already exists. A fish is a fish, a monkey is a monkey, and a bird is a bird. Man does seem to be devolving, but I think it's just due to our education system and liberal tolerance and lack of morality and decreasing belief in God. This current generation of man is doing exactly what the bible has said it would do.
Raelian1 said:
Thank You!!

So if Darwin's theory (evolution) is ridiculous, what do you think is the origins of all life on Earth?

Also, if the Big Bang is nonsense, how was the universe created?

Unfortunately Darwin's theory is not ridiculous unless one chooses not to believe in it.
I think the Raelian movement is still not getting at the crux of the issue of where mankind came from. At the most, it removes us from being created by God to being created by other beings. Where were these other beings created? By other beings. Where were these other beings created? And so on. So it still doesn't tell us the ultimate question of where human beings came from.

And why the heck couldn't these "creator aliens" just have children and colonize the earth rather than going to all the trouble of creating human beings (which they themselves already were)? Why reinvent the wheel?
A fish is a fish, a monkey is a monkey, and a bird is a bird.

Was a dinosaur a dinosaur? How did they fit in with the first thought?
(Q) said:
A fish is a fish, a monkey is a monkey, and a bird is a bird.

Was a dinosaur a dinosaur? How did they fit in with the first thought?

He had to start somewhere. He probably decided that dinosaurs were too large for the earth and would not fit in comfortably with man.
Oli said:
Two-part answer, in order.
1) Light relief.
2) Because you don't have a clue.

Thanks for the molecule of truth; however, no one on earth has desire for Light relief. I can shed a little light, but cannot give relief to a race that does not feel a need for it.

I think this generation was born dead, with no love for what is good and right.
I've been here 44 years and have been rejected every step of the way. As the bible says "he came to his own and his own received him not". My heart has grown completely cold towards humanity. I told TBN (Trinity Broadcasting Network) in an email 2 days before the NewOrleans hurricane that I was going to stir the waters. I did the same thing just before 9/11/2001. Coincidence? maybe.

If you wound an animal, will not the animal turn on you?

I'm pretty sure that the relief I have to give in the form of light is permanent relief from suffering in physical existence. Again as the bible says something like, "they will be destroyed with the brightness of his coming". The earth will probably quake and bring everyone to their knees at some point. "every knee shall bow".

If the raelian scientists created me and allowed me to suffer this way, I will spend eternity working on their termination also.