The Raelian Movement


Registered Member
We did not evolve from primates, nor were we created by a supernatural god. All life on Earth, including us, were created by scientists from another planet. If you are interested in learning more about the Raelian Movement, just go to The Raelian Movement website and download a free e-book starting with "Intelligent Design: Message from the Designers".
Bull. Fucking. Shit.
Also, isn't it against forum rules to, uh, post advertizements to your site, to sell us crap? Oh, yeah, it is.
take me to your leader, we are not crazy, this is a science forum, not a out of your head forum, it's bad enough with religious fantasy, but now we have Intelligent Design by aliens, take a hike loon.
Raelean1 - Help me, please. I'm utterly lost and alone and don't know where to turn. I feel I may one day explode without knowing why I'm here and who I am.

Can you help?!?
Raelian1 said:
We did not evolve from primates, nor were we created by a supernatural god. All life on Earth, including us, were created by scientists from another planet. If you are interested in learning more about the Raelian Movement, just go to The Raelian Movement website and download a free e-book starting with "Intelligent Design: Message from the Designers".

I personally know your VP from the SF chapter (Felix Clairvoyant... he worked
at Sugen for a while -a biotech company-). As much as he thought he was
a 'bonified microbiologist', he was nothing more than an absolute fruitcake;
although, the sex parties he mentioned were interesting. Go take your
modified star of david and make some flying saucer videos.
Lawdog said:
And who or what created those scientists/designers?
Finally, someone asked me the question wher the alien scientists came from. The answer is that they were created from other alien scientists from another planet and these aliens were created from yet other scientists from another planet. This is an infinite process. There is no starting point. If we don't destroy ourselves, we too will create life on oter planets, including intelligent life just like us. Therefore neither gods nor evolution is the answer.
(Q) said:
Raelean1 - Help me, please. I'm utterly lost and alone and don't know where to turn. I feel I may one day explode without knowing why I'm here and who I am.

Can you help?!?
:eek: Help you how???
Raelian1 said:
The answer is that they were created from other alien scientists from another planet and these aliens were created from yet other scientists from another planet. This is an infinite process. There is no starting point.
Sounds illogical. A scientist must have a starting point.
Lawdog said:
And who or what created those scientists/designers?
theres a good starting point for you, lawdog.
now try putting that same logic to how your non-existent deity came about, does a little light switch on in your head.
Hey! Isn't that a mexican hat with stairs on the front page of the raelian website? And isn't that a rather tall oompah-loompah standing at the base of the steps?
Hi Raelian1:

Whatever became of your organisation's claims to have cloned a human being?
I believe you completely, if you look at this world you could just laugh. Big bang is ridiculous the same as Darwin theory.
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I believe you completely, if you look at this world you could just laugh to stupid people. Big bang is ridiculous the same as Darwin theory.
Translation: My brain is a barely functioning soup of biochemical compounds with the consistency of watery oatmeal.

Believe me when I say beweddle blurg, selphiperous ix dogflaggle. Comblump wezeldraph uwth ogsfornisquibble.
-There is little room left for wisdom when one is full of judgment. ~ Malcolm Hein
-Intellectuals solve problems, geniuses prevent them." ~ Albert Einstein
-Genius is close to idiot. ~ Steve Cator
-Man is a genius when he dreams. Dream what you are capable of. The harder you dream it, the sooner it will come true. ~ Akira Kurosawa
-There was never a genius without a tincture of insanity. ~ Aristotle
-No one can arrive from being talented alone. God gives gifts us talent, work transforms talent into genius. ~ Anna Pavlova
-I believe that instinct is what makes a genius a genius. ~ Bob Dylan
-Genius ... is the capacity to see ten things where the ordinary man sees one. ~ Ezra Pound
Oh shit! Quotes, much more convincing than evidence. I'm coming over to your side guy, sign me up.
Help you how???

Why am I here, who am I? Can't your scientists answer these questions?
So then, who am I?

Kid Rock called me Paul with the Ball.
Dave Mathews sang Lift me up love, come on, come on Paul.
Stevie Nicks and Cheryl Crowe call me master sorcerer.
Joan Osborne calls me God.

What did these scientists put me here for and how do these sorcering rock and roll people know who I am before I do?
What did these scientists put me here for and how do these sorcering rock and roll people know who I am before I do
Two-part answer, in order.
1) Light relief.
2) Because you don't have a clue.