The Rabbit Hole

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X-planes are experimental aircraft......all of them Air Force included, not just NASA's.
You never said one thing when I proved you wrong on that.
You weren't man enough to admit you were wrong.
i re-read the thread, didn't see where you ahem "proved me wrong"
I will stay on this until the moderators ban you if you continue this.
doing what? calling your bluff?
you play yourself like "oh man i know black secrets".

i called your bluff on it and now you have the frikken nerve to report me?
kiss the proverbial ass.
Interesting ideas, if not a bit far fetched, in regards to the radiation being used to impact the neurons.

There was some paper or discussion on the creation of "Super cells" some time ago, this involved multiple cells having their membranes broken but then re-establishing the membrane as one giant membrane around multiple nuclei. If this posed "Super Cell" was created with a Neural cluster it would allow a larger area to work with when it comes to radiological interaction.

Considering the Temporal Lobes as I mentioned control both Hearing and Vocal manipulation and they are prone to shrinkage for many reasons, they are the most likely brain region to be used.
Poster Etiquette

Will all posters please refrain from "Trolling". There is no need to report one another for one violation or another and then posting how you've reported it. This in certain respects is just rubbing salt into peoples wounds through harassment.

It can be difficult to moderate such threads as peoples own "Theories" with nothing more than circumstantial evidence are often disagreed on, however this is what it's about a theory is a theory and if it becomes anything more than a proven fact, it's only so after a long line of peoples interaction on the subject.

Otherwise we could state the moon is made of cheese and nobody( and I mean nobody) would be able to do anything to prove otherwise. (Even if they go there and prove it isn't)

Please refrain from flaming in the future, otherwise I'm going to have to start editing everything or just outright locking the thread.
You can find a small passage on it within Cheryl Welsh's original work.

I don't necessarily buy into everything Cheryl has written however I do know that such project exist and those that are Civilian/Commercial follow far stricter guidelines than those done by the Military or State. (For instance The Nuremberg Code and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights would obviously prove to be violated in most cases. Universities would have to pose projects to a Science Council to pass before they are allowed to do the project and it's the nature of the Science Council to pickup on any legal grey areas or outright illegality before allowing the project.)

The Nuremberg Code does cover the need for not just willing volunteers, but the project results themselves have to be worthwhile while limiting the danger to the volunteer. The Volunteer is suppose to have 100% control over terminating such project should they feel things are going beyond the bounds of where they draw the line.

Although the Nuremberg Code is referenced for vivisection, it does reference that it's a code where ever a human volunteer is present. (The reason I mention all this is because some people out there don't know where to point the finger at what is going on and they have a hard trouble trying to ask the questions that need answering to the right people)
An anti aging treatment was developed supposedly that stops aging.

The process was finished nearly ten years ago and all the records of the research and the gen-tech company that patented the process....disappeared.
"TeloVector" took a harmless virus that had been used in research for 30 years, and altered it to create telomerase in the human body.

Telomerase and Telomeric are an enzyme inverse of each other.
One causes rapid cancer tumor growth, true.
The inverse was developed to alleviate this problem.

A virus has no "reproductive" mechanism of it's own.
It punctures the cell injects it's DNA, and when the cell divides the virus is copied also....correct?

This is the "vectoring" mechanism used to introduce the telomeric enzyme into every cell in the human body, without triggering tumor growth.
It was patented by a gene tech company in 1996 or so and was called "TeloVector".
That is where the story dead ends.
What do you think would happen on a planet of 6 billion humans with a 75 year average lifespan, if that were suddenly with the taking of a pill increased to 500 years, or 1000?

Can't happen can it?
At least not till the nuclear weapons created by the same labratories.....Los Alamos, Livermore,ect...have thinned down the population a bit.
That's what they are waiting on.
what are you suggesting here?
that a handfull of people are going to nuke the planet, hide out in caves for the next 30 or so years, then inject themselves with an immortality serum?
This is a partial explanation of the genetic research and anti-aging science and what it is going to be used my opinion.

There were two humanoid species in the "days of old" before the flood.
A natural species with inherent brute strength and enormous size, and a smaller spiritual higher order of humans.
The spiritual species was capable of immortality, and lived nearly 1000 years.
The larger brutes were shorter lived, and of a sensual fleshly nature, devoid of any spiritual understanding.

There was a contest created.
This world was allowed to be a carefully balanced mixture of the two.
All remnants of the original species were destroyed in the last world wide flood.
This created man as he exists today.....a hybrid of the two.
Occasionally the hybrid quotient has reverted back to one of the original parent species as any hybrid plant does when it "goes to seed".
This would explain giants and prophetic visionaries coming up every so often, as throwbacks to a time before the mixture of the two.
And their extermination when they arose.
Follow me so far.
Lets don't get lost in semantics here arguing whether or not what I've just stated can be "proven" or not.
That's not the point.
That was just for a background, if it offends anyone, lets say it's hypothetical....ok.

The point I'm making is the world today was "created" by the careful manipulation of the inhabitants of the previous world as the way it was.

And the world shortly to going to be the same way.
There will be people who are allowed to live or put to death over their DNA.
There will be people who are an advancement of the species which is really a restoration back to the original, and some that are a careful mixture.
What's coming is another carefully balanced but different world.
and you seriously believe this?
i agree that the future of this planet is going to ge a highly technical process but i disagree that people will be allowed to live depending on their dna. nazi germany and the extermination of the jews is still fresh in everyones mind.

the debate on nanotechnology and immortality is raging as we speak. the situation is squarely in the face of the people.

how do you suggest to get this past the peoples scrutiny?
how do you suggest to get this past the peoples scrutiny?

Go back to the top of page one on this thread...."The Rabbit Hole" and read it again now with this in mind.

I'm still on the same subject.
I didn't shift from planes,trains and automobiles to genetic cleansing and manipulation here at the end.

This has been the "subject" all along.

An Expose'.....
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so in essence you are saying a worlwide conspiracy is going to eliminate people according to their dna?

you never did explain how "they" are going to accomplish this.
are "they" going to somehow buy off every doctor on the planet? every scientist?

who are "they" anyway?
so in essence you are saying a worldwide conspiracy is going to eliminate people according to their dna?

you never did explain how "they" are going to accomplish this.
are "they" going to somehow buy off every doctor on the planet? every scientist?

who are "they" anyway?

John saw it all in a vision 2000 years ago on the Isle of Patmos.
He was "caught up" into the "Lord's Day".....this day, the seventh one thousand years since Adam.

And looking behind him, in time......he saw......the last two thousand years in symbols.

"They" are many things........"the powers that be" allowed by God to rule this world.
In many ways, these powers that be are doing the very will of God....while at the same time some would say opposing Him.

Bringing about a Judgment, and a change.

Read the Bible,....... Reagan at the same time he was conferring with Gorbachev, according to one article was having council with the world's most "learned" theologians about the prophecy concerning Armageddon.

But that is history, my Expose' has nothing to do with Reagan has everything to do with the real "powers" behind nations.
They formed the League of Nations after WWI, the United Nations after WWII, and are heading for a New World Order, or One World government after WWIII.....

I have explained this "DNA" war, in many different ways.
It's common knowledge in certain groups.....that this war has gone on since the begining of time.

There were two different species originally that make up the human race as it is today.

They have always been at war.
The spiritual, and the carnal.
Since Cain and Abel.

The carnal has no ability whatsoever to receive spiritual revelation, but they are anointed.
That's the mark, the beast, from the beginning.
They will attempt to wipe out all the remainder of the spiritual seed.

Enjoy the time you have left....make every moment count, that's all I can say.
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If there is "no longer any evidence of its existence", how do you know about it, hmmm?
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