The Rabbit Hole

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Are we supposed to be impressed? You said -a thousand feet deep-. A mile wide is far different from this.
Remote viewing, maybe. There are some minor confirmations of some phenomena assocaited with it. But it is telling that both the CIA and KGB abandoned such projects. If psychics were truly good for reliable stuff, the CIA and KGB would have used remote viewers as high ultra-secret agents. They didn't.

Such projects exist however I wouldn't suggest people in use are Psychic, for the most part any person used as a remotely viewed Agent is more than likely to not know they are even being used. Imagine capturing an agent in this instance, no matter what interogation methods used they would have nothing to tell you, since they actually know nothing, they are literally just a "vessel".

However with such systems it still requires a sophisticated network of equipment to matrix those individuals and the usual bullshit cover stories (Ghosts, Aliens, Religious envisionments etc)

You do realize that if the US decides to, they could utterly destroy Russia whilst s uffering no reprisal besides a nuclear winter which could cause major problems, but survivable oes?

If Russia even THINKS of attacking the US seriously, we could litterally castrate Russia.

I wouldn't bother with the "My one is bigger than your one" debate, what people tend to neglect in these arguements is that although the US and Russia are super powers, they are not the only ones on the planet capable of Nuclear retailiation. This is why the world has the UN and NATO, WARSAW pact (not to forget the other one that concerns most of ASIA but the Abreviation has slipped my mind)

Of course the UN is really about trying to sort out messes before they arise, as apposed to NATO which is actually treatised countries.

The reason for all these countries developing Nuclear weapons in the first place was to stop bully boy tactics of other countries, they were never really meant to be applied in wars after the Japanese defeat in WWII. (The results from the bombs in Japan terrified all countryman regardless of country.)

This is why though Nuclear concerns are more related to how potential splintergroups or subcells can purchase the material needed to create dirty bomb's on a countries soil. Simply the Enemy can be inside the walls now and what makes it worse is the worlds history of confrontation, so paranoia and finger pointing could be what is preyed upon.

The UN, Nato, and Warsaw Pact have no capacity for nuclear retaliation on a MAD level. That is, as alliances they rely wholly on their member states to protect their interests. NATO itself would only be capable of MAD if the US participated.

Regarding remote viewing, I had thought they mostly cancelled those programmes, when it was found they were utterly useless for anything?
X stands for experimental, and experimentation is the single purpose of the X-planes.

NASA uses the X-for-Experimental designation series extensively for its own research aircraft.

It is interesting to note that there is no purpose designator letter for "Experimental". This means that purely experimental vehicles (other than prototypes of operational vehicles) are not intended to receive standard designations.

the airforce designation for experimental aircraft is "Y" not "X"
Status Prefix (Optional). Indicates a nonstandard use of an aerospace vehicle, such as test, experimental, prototype, etc. Appears to the immediate left of the modified mission symbol or basic mission symbol for aircraft. Appears to the immediate left of the launch environment symbol or basic mission symbol for rockets and missiles. EXAMPLE: YF-16A. Status prefix "Y" denotes an F-16A prototype.
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Regarding remote viewing, I had thought they mostly cancelled those programmes, when it was found they were utterly useless for anything?

The sort of remote viewing that was cancelled would be the ones involving where someone guesses what another person has seen on a card the opposite side of a partition in a room etc.

Such experiments never revealed any real natural psychic phenomena, however it never stopped the progression of artificial systems being designed or operated, considering the number of uses in Espionage alone would be enough to justify their continued development.

In regards to X-Craft, From reading James Glieck's "Chaos", within the Introduction is an opening to explain about the first researchers of Chaos theory over at Los Alamos, New Mexico. It suggest there were three Divisions at Los Alamos at that time: X, T and C. X was the Weapons division for military projects, T was for Theoretics and C was for Computers.

It wouldn't be too difficult to assume that C Division still is resident at Los Alamos Laboratory, however for the Military projects the suggestion is that they perhaps Moved the Division to a Secure Base, for instance Area 51.

As for T Division, your guess is as good as mine, although I think they'd probably be sat on the Computers at Los Alamos.

What good could chaos theory have to weapons?

And artificial systems for remote viewing? How?
-The sort of remote viewing that was cancelled.
-It suggest there were three Divisions at Los Alamos at that time: X, T and C. X was the Weapons division for military projects, T was for Theoretics and C was for Computers.

I just mentioned the remote veiwing for the atheists sake.
I'm not relying on anything so careless.
The vision I talked about is certain 100%.

Beleive me and prepare, or don't and do nothing but mock.....
That is what they did to Noah, while He was hammering the nails in the Ark....
He never even slowed down.

The computers at Los Alalmos [C] were beefed up to finish the Human Genome project.
That netted them near immortality, but their not sharing.
They are using what they got from [X] to thin out the crowd and change the rules.
The rules they got from [T]
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What good could chaos theory have to weapons?

T Division and X Division are Seperate, I wasn't implying that Chaos Theory and Weaponry went hand in hand, although saying that X and T Division was the evolution of the team that Oppenheimer was apart of. The splitting of the team to Divisions was probably a security measure, as well as some scientists really don't want to be working on weapons at all.

And artificial systems for remote viewing? How?

I am by no means an expert, however I have seen the results first hand. I know it's possible for a team of people miles away to insert visual and auditory information into anyone they choose to matrice. I'm guessing it's radiological, I don't believe they used any forms of implantation. I know from various programs on the television that there are at least two documented cases of equipment in use.

One was a DARPA project where an auditory voice was inserted into an individual at distance should they enter a restricted area, they initially had intensions of using it over in Kuwait during the first conflict.

The other was in regards to an inventor that had been working on a commercialised version which he intended to insert tranquil sounds into peoples heads etc. I'm not too sure how far his "invention" went, or if it got shelved. I can't find the information on the net since it's a few years old, however it was mentioned on the BBC website and did involve saying his device looked like a "Waffle Iron".

The system basically worked by pointing at a person and saying something into it, or playing music.

One other project that comes to mind was one that involved the implantation of a Rodent with a microchip that would allow humans to manipulate sexual impulses within the rats brain. These impulses were used to steer the rodent, that applied with a small camera there was talk of using such a rodent in rescue operations in regards to collapsed buildings where rescuers couldn't fit.

However this latter one does use cybernetics at both ends of the system.
The other was in regards to an inventor that had been working on a commercialised version which he intended to insert tranquil sounds into peoples heads etc. I'm not too sure how far his "invention" went....

That's interesting about the radiological device....wouldn't doubt it.
The natural always follows the type see.

There's something else that's been around for years, and it's the real thing they are trying to duplicate.

Where do you think they got the idea for remote veiwing?
From a prophet.

2 Kings 6:11-13

"And the king of Israel sent to the place which the man of God told him and warned him of, and saved himself there, not once nor twice. "
"Therefore the heart of the king of Syria was sore troubled for this thing; and he called his servants, and said unto them, Will ye not shew me which of us is for the king of Israel? "
"And one of his servants said, None, my lord, O king: but Elisha, the prophet that is in Israel, telleth the king of Israel the words that thou speakest in thy bedchamber."

You don't counterfit a dollar bill until there is first a real dollar to counterfit.

The destruction of the United States from Russian nuclear missiles is a vision from God.
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The air raid sirens won't be blaring because there won't be an air raid.

You don't counterfit a dollar bill until there is first a real dollar to counterfit.

The destruction of the United States from Russian nuclear missiles is a vision from God.

You are a lunatic. Truly.

What vision of God? To yourself?

You aren't a prophet.


I am by no means an expert, however I have seen the results first hand. I know it's possible for a team of people miles away to insert visual and auditory information into anyone they choose to matrice. I'm guessing it's radiological, I don't believe they used any forms of implantation. I know from various programs on the television that there are at least two documented cases of equipment in use.

One was a DARPA project where an auditory voice was inserted into an individual at distance should they enter a restricted area, they initially had intensions of using it over in Kuwait during the first conflict.

Could this be related to bone conveyance of sound?
Could this be related to bone conveyance of sound?

I'm not 100% sure of the technique since that information has been kept from me, however I am a little bit of a reverse engineer when it comes to technological things.

From what I guess you are referring to is the use of certain wavelengths of sound generating a reverberation thats audible from the skull bone, however this I believe to be a complete fictional creation by those that wished to work out how such systems work.

It's known that how we hear is via the ear drum, which itself is just a membrane which vibrates with sound. It can be suggested that certain frequencies that are concluded to be non-audible usually do have the capacity to vibrate the ear drum at the same level as if a sound was actually heard.

The above method however is one way in the sense that it's just the manipulation of sound, as apposed to the manipulation of involuntary actions. While it is possible for certain involuntary actions to be created via certain lower levels of frequency, other higher functions need manipulation of actual neurological reactions which in turn imply the actual manipulation of neural structures.

The simplest of neural structures in this instance that would grant the greatest of effects is the Temporal Lobes. These particular regions of the brain are identified as being the control centres for sound recognition and speech synthesis. (Consider explanations of hearing voices in a persons head or Torrets) The Temporal Lobes are also renound (By Classical Psychiatric thinking) for "Shrinking" in regards to Schizophrenia, however the actual reason for shrinking is caused by overuse.

If the brain is manipulated externally through radiology, obviously the waveforms are being used to generate excitement within the confines of the cellular tissue. This means that the cells are exposed to outputting more energy than normal due to such radiology generating the artificial reaction of being overworked.

The shrinkage in turn eventually causes a neurological effect were a person suffering such effect can be overloaded by multitasking. A simple analogy would be that as a person progresses through such misuse, the will find their normal methods of dealing with certain tasks triggering "all" tasks that are usually dealt with by a "Greater" region (The region that has shrunk)

What you can suggest is that the artificial manipulation of the mind will create damage based on the duration of use, that in turn is permanent. This damage from a Doctor would seem complacent with classical schizophrenia considering such projects outside of the confines of an Academy (And subsequently the Nuremberg Code) would be heartly frowned upon if not criminalized and therefore would not be seen as occuring. (Simply Doctors don't necessarily know that such projects and technology exists let alone is in use, therefore palm their snakeoil of a century of consensus rather than think anything more about a persons ailment.)

As for visual insertions, it's known that everything we see in the world around us isn't seen by one Neuron a lone but a cluster within our minds thats had that information moved to it via our optics nerve. It would suggest that in our minds itself we actually have a "virtual" representation of the world we see and as such is again manipulatable at a cellular level. After all if you know the region and know how a person interprets an object through sight, would it not be possible to artificially insert the same stimuli as just neural patterns into anyones brain to make them see the same object even though the object in question is nothing more than a figment of their imagination?

Again in all instances this artificial insertion exerts energy which will cause people used to feel withdrawn, tired and perhaps cause them to sleep more and suffer lack of motivation.

In all I wish I could sum up in full how things work, however the powers that be would rather have a bunch of "Hypothesis" available rather than one country "Puppet mastering" some other countries Prime Minister/Premier/President.

The air raid sirens won't be blaring because there won't be an air raid.

What vision of God? To yourself?

You aren't a prophet.

Not my vision.
I never claimed to be a prophet.

Look at Russia today, pulling back from UN. sanctions against Iran citing the reasons such sanctions would interfere with their free trade and enterprise in providing Iran nuclear technology.
German warships off the coast of Israel, refusing to take part in U.N. border patrol of Lebenon.....

The one that saw the vision was a major biblical prophet, and they
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All that, really?

-Megaton size is irreverent...
-America cuts head off snake.
-Large bombs to heavy anyway....shoot 'em down with a pistol.
-No shockwaves...with 20 megaton nukes that put a mushroom cloud into the ionosphere, where symmetrical ice rings form around it from the cold of space.
-No thousand foot craters.... despite blowing holes in the Marshall Islands you can see from orbit.
-I have no conception......I see. :bugeye:

You've been reading to many Captain America comic books kid.

Bert the turtle knows what to do....

HAHAHAAHA i love these old video fottages! I believe TheVisitor is my new best friend!! lol
There will be no nuclear war. Russia is not going to attack. Aliens won't "stage an invasion".

You are speaking out of your asses and the worse thing about it: You know it.

Truly, do not tell us that you aren't aware of this nonsense you are spouting off as truth.

Russia will not help Iran fight the world, nor will Germany attack Israel...

No green men are going to come down.

There are no "major Biblical prophets" saying this nonsense.

Interesting ideas, if not a bit far fetched, in regards to the radiation being used to impact the neurons.
Reagan was the first President of the United States to talk about the possibility of an alien invasion from outer space.

(Remember, my point here is not the revealing of a "real" alien invasion......but something that will be made to "look" like one.....OK?)

He has done so not once or twice but in three speeches.

Reagan during a December 4, 1985, speech at the Fallston High School in Maryland, spoke about his first summit with General Secretary Gorbachev in Geneva.
According to a White House transcript, Reagan remarked that during his 5-hour private discussions with Gorbachev, he told [Gorbachev] to think, "how easy his task and mine might be in these meetings that we held if suddenly there was a threat to this world from some other species from another planet outside in the universe.
We'd forget all the little local differences that we have between our countries ..."

Gorbachev himself confirmed the conversation in Geneva during an important speech on February 17, 1987, in the Grand Kremlin Palace in Moscow, to the Central Committee of the USSR's Communist Party.
He said; "At our meeting in Geneva, the U.S. President said that if the Earth faced an invasion by extraterrestrials, the United States and the Soviet Union would join forces to repel such an invasion.
I shall not dispute the hypothesis, though I think it's early yet to worry about such an intrusion..."

Notice that Gorbachev doesn't say this is an incredible proposition, he just says that it's too early to worry about it.

Reagan again spoke in the Q&A period following a speech to the National Strategy Forum in Chicago's Palmer House Hotel.
He said; "I've often wondered, "what if all of us in the world discovered that we were threatened by a power from outer space, from another planet."

And then he emphasized his theme that this would erase all the differences, and that the "citizens of the world" would "come together to fight that particular threat..."

To the Forty-Second Session of the General Assembly of the United Nations on September 21, 1987...
President Reagan said; "in our obsession with antagonisms of the moment, we often forget how much unites all the members of humanity"
"Perhaps we need some outside, universal threat to make us recognize this common bond".
"I occasionally think, how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world"

Then Reagan added; "What could be more alien to the universal aspirations of our peoples than war and the threat of war?"

There it was right there.
A war coming........disguised to look like an alien invasion, to bring the world under one government.
Get it?
He was trying to tell us something.
Like I said, I always liked that guy.

Both Reagan and Gorbachev were looking at something.....
Something that would someday take THE APPEARENCE of an alien visitation, but Gorbachev said; "I think it's early yet to worry about such things....."

That was 1987.

Not aliens,......... just the secret high technological advances of the last fifty years in the hands of certain humans.
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Proving you're nuts, you take a speech from Reagan about a possible thing,t hen say it will a "war will be staged".

Proving you're nuts, you take a speech from Reagan about a possible thing,t hen say it will a "war will be staged".


Three speeches from an American President and one from the head of the Soviet Union.

Remember He wasn't saying there would be an alien invasion, or really even asking what would happen if there was one.
He could have been hinting at something else in a "roundabout" method of speech, without coming out and saying it plainly.

What would happen to the nations of the world if it appeared there was a common outside threat....

Taken in that context, his conversation with Gorbachev in the post above and Gorbachev's responce; ""I think it's early yet to worry about such things"......... begins to make sense.

They were refering to the One World government's manipulation of indivual nations into wars and a previously planned timetable leading them into WWIII, including the masses deception by hidden advanced technology.
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