The Qur'an

I'm waiting for the sculture Bizza. Post it or conceed the point.

See it's the simple. Just POST a few sculpting from Muslims of the Human Form. Pretty easy. You don't even need to type a word.

Secondly, see if you can see the difference:

Which is it:
Chinese Golden Age or Tao Golden Age.
Japanese Golden Age or Shinto Golden Age
Roman Golden Age or Polytheistic Golden Age

Islamic Golden Age is oxymornic. You've just so deeply brainwashed by the propaganda you can't see it. Go to the list again. Read over ALL Civilizations everywhere from all times Bizza. See if you can get it.

Probably not. Little meme's are firing off right now shutting down avenues or logical thought and *bing* back to make up excuses.
You seriously are delusional on a GRAND scale Michael. Be carefull, you may actually start believing the crap you're saying soon and end up in that little white padded room I mentioned.:rolleyes:

Here's to you Michael, :cheers: the most frustrated Human ever to walk the Earth! And probably the funniest I've come accross on a forum. LOL!
The funny thing is that of all the accomplishments of the Islamic world, the only one Michael obsesses about is one that least imaginative.

Is he impressed by the fact that Muslims developed a sophisticated system of math for tiling? One that is 5 centuries ahead of everyone else?

Nope, he wants to see the boobies

:shh: I think he like boys!
It took you thousands of years of collaborative knowledge to get to the moon mate. Not 80 years! Before that, your ancestors were living in their own faecies and eating the blandest food (and still does today funnily!).

Anyone for chips? :puke:
Waiting for the sculptures Bizza.
You seriously are delusional on a GRAND scale Michael. Be carefull, you may actually start believing the crap you're saying soon and end up in that little white padded room I mentioned.:rolleyes:

Here's to you Michael, :cheers: the most frustrated Human ever to walk the Earth! And probably the funniest I've come accross on a forum. LOL!
hahaha... keep praying to Xenu mate he's going to give you a place on intergallactic space station 635XY4 AFTER you are dead. It only requires a life time of you praying to Xenu 5 times a day, not eating pork and other such superstitious nonsense.
hahaha... keep praying to Xenu mate he's going to give you a place on intergallactic space station 635XY4 AFTER you are dead. It only requires a life time of you praying to Xenu 5 times a day, not eating pork and other such superstitious nonsense.

The fact is it doesn't matter- there is no point to life otherwise either- evolutionary speaking fittest is determined by number of offspring- as long as you do that everything is all good. :rolleyes:

You're gonna die anyways so the fact that one person prayed and the other person became drunk in the end is equivalent- unless you claim that your "good feelings" will last after your death.

So regardless.... believing you won't change anything... so its pointless.

Peace be unto you ;)
The fact is it doesn't matter- there is no point to life otherwise either- evolutionary speaking fittest is determined by number of offspring- as long as you do that everything is all good. :rolleyes:

You're gonna die anyways so the fact that one person prayed and the other person became drunk in the end is equivalent- unless you claim that your "good feelings" will last after your death.

So regardless.... believing you won't change anything... so its pointless.

Peace be unto you ;)
We create our own meaning. IMO, which is just that my opinion. A life spent as an artist, writer, a scientist and the like is a meaningful existence. A life spent worrying about doing what Xenu likes, praying to Xenu, thinking about Xenu is IMO a waste of consciousness at this point in our development. Time to redirect such a wasteful existence into something more meaningful.
We create our own meaning. IMO, which is just that my opinion. A life spent as an artist, writer, a scientist and the like is a meaningful existence. A life spent worrying about doing what Xenu likes, praying to Xenu, thinking about Xenu is IMO a waste of consciousness at this point in our development. Time to redirect such a wasteful existence into something more meaningful.

Your evidence for "meaningful existence" is equivalent to one who finds meaning in religion- (wasn't this your argument for Xenu :p)

Peace be unto you ;)
Your evidence for "meaningful existence" is equivalent to one who finds meaning in religion- (wasn't this your argument for Xenu :p)

Peace be unto you ;)
Yes there are brainwashed cult members of Scientology who have given up everything to their cult and now live in what they preceive as a very very meaningful existance. Even though they no longer contact with their friends and family - to them, they now are happy and their life worshipping the Intergallactic Warlord Xenu is meaningful.

I also know a Japanese woman who visited Egypt and stated dating an Imam there. She now wears a full burka, has a brood of kids, live in AU and has zero contact with her family in Japan. Her whole life is lived to worship Allah.

Both cases are sad IMO but that's just my opinion.

So, yes, I agree that there is no "evidence" of a meaningful existence except at a personal level. When it comes to "meaningful existence" it is the perspective of the individual as to what is meaningful. People who spend every day of their lives praying towards Hollywood 5 times a day and worrying about Xenu and reading the Perfect Words of the Last Prophet Ron Hubbard - well, they think their life has meaning.

If they come to this website I'll tell them what I think is meaningful just as I am telling you. If they want to stay they can if not they can leave. It's really that simple. I suppose I just assume if they are here it's because maybe they are not finding enough meaning in worshipping Xenu day in and day out. Perhaps they'd like to expand their worlds' meaning a little?
So, yes, I agree that there is no "evidence" of a meaningful existence except at a personal level.

If they come to this website I'll tell them what I think is meaningful just as I am telling you. If they want to stay they can if not they can leave. It's really that simple. I suppose I just assume if they are here it's because maybe they are not finding enough meaning in worshipping Xenu day in and day out. Perhaps they'd like to expand their worlds' meaning a little?

Great so we agree that its a pointless argument and that what you are doing is essentially preaching to those who "come to this website" so that you'll "tell them what I think is meaningful just as I am telling you"

Preaching is a no no... :itold: <forum rules>

Peace be unto you ;)
Still waiting for the sculptures Bizza.

What? 800 years of Golden showers and Golden "Islam" couldn't produce a few examples of the Human Form? That's odd? Gee, when I look at Rome, Greece, China, India, Japan, Egypt, Cambodia, Korea, Russia - everywhere, I can find a plentiful number of beautiful examples of the Human Form cut in stone. It's such a natural form of expression that it's universal. Like a drink with friends.
Great so we agree that its a pointless argument and that what you are doing is essentially preaching to those who "come to this website" so that you'll "tell them what I think is meaningful just as I am telling you"

Preaching is a no no... :itold: <forum rules>

Peace be unto you ;)
I can talk about meaningful existence when the subject arises. It's an intellectual debate. What is "meaningful" for example.

You do agree that there is the same amount of scientific evidence for Xenu as there is for Allah?
Still waiting for the sculptures Bizza.

What? 800 years of Golden showers and Golden "Islam" couldn't produce a few examples of the Human Form? That's odd? Gee, when I look at Rome, Greece, China, India, Japan, Egypt, Cambodia, Korea, Russia - everywhere, I can find a plentiful number of beautiful examples of the Human Form cut in stone. It's such a natural form of expression that it's universal. Like a drink with friends.

Really.... so when you touch a nude statue you feel the natural expression :bugeye:
Would you call this the start of pornography- helped the world greatly :bugeye:

Peace be unto you ;)
I can talk about meaningful existence when the subject arises. It's an intellectual debate. What is "meaningful" for example.

You do agree that there is the same amount of scientific evidence for Xenu as there is for Allah?

See your problem is this - you don't know what "scientific evidence" is- on top you are claiming to be involved in an "intellectual debate"- how? You don't even know what scientific evidence is-

Xenu and Allah are both entities that science doesn't even cover- science only explains natural phenomenon- not supernatural- to assert anything about "scientific" evidence for them is complete nonsense as Science is not in the business of explaining supernatural phenomenon. Since Science doesn't cover supernatural - to use words such as "scientific" or "unscientific" is not only irrelevant but a show of ignorance. :p

'nough said :cool:

Peace be unto you ;)
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So there is an equal amount of evidence for the existence of Xenu as there is Allah.

Allah = Xenu.

Good we're getting somewhere.
I know a Muslim from Iran who converted from Islam to Scientology. As a Scientologist she found much more meaning in the writings of Ron Hubbard and the Worship of Xenu than in the Qur'an or the worship of Allah.

You would agree that her life therefor became more meaningful AFTER she LEFT Islam and became a Scientologist.
I know a Muslim from Iran who converted from Islam to Scientology. As a Scientologist she found much more meaning in the writings of Ron Hubbard and the Worship of Xenu than in the Qur'an or the worship of Allah.

You would agree that her life therefor became more meaningful AFTER she LEFT Islam and became a Scientologist.
What's even more interesting is how you draw insights on the basis of one data point.
So there is an equal amount of evidence for the existence of Xenu as there is Allah.

Okay... I don't think you'll ever learn. All you did was the take "scientific" out- thats a start. Secondly, we are talking about 'supernatural' entities- as such we can't really define "evidence" for either as "evidence" for the human brain and logic is something more tangible (i.e natural)- I wouldn't be able to say that the evidence for them is equal- this basically an opinion rather than anything else- as there is no "evidence" that you can define for them- it turns out to be a personal thing. If the number of people who believe in them were to be considered evidence then Allah has more "evidence"- Anyways if you get what I'm saying- your question again is pointless...

Allah = Xenu

This statement is unprovable if you are referring to the "evidence". If you are referring to them "as entities" being equal then the statement is false. Anyways basically you wasted your time writing this equation.

Good we're getting somewhere.

No- we would only get somewhere if you asked questions that were not pointless, and also you understood what was being asked and what is considered "evidence".

Peace be unto you ;)
I know a Muslim from Iran who converted from Islam to Scientology. As a Scientologist she found much more meaning in the writings of Ron Hubbard and the Worship of Xenu than in the Qur'an or the worship of Allah.

You would agree that her life therefor became more meaningful AFTER she LEFT Islam and became a Scientologist.

Irrelevant to the topic. Secondly there are people who left other religions and came into Islam and found more meaning. Anyways- the argument is pointless.

This is far from an intelligible discussion.

Peace be unto you ;)
Really.... so when you touch a nude statue you feel the natural expression :bugeye:
Would you call this the start of pornography- helped the world greatly :bugeye:

I call it the appreciation of that which is beautiful.

The steps following it were entirely unnecessary, and only related in the minds of the puerile.
I call it the appreciation of that which is beautiful.

The steps following it were entirely unnecessary, and only related in the minds of the puerile.

I take it your family lives unclothed, you go unclothed to work, and if you saw an unclothed chap holding your naked kid on his lap you'd appreciate the beautiful picture they made. I suppose if your wife was flashed by some guy, she's tell you how much she appreciated the beauty of the moment.

I recommend you strip during class and let everyone appreciate the beauty of the human body. You might even pick out a couple of specimens of beauty among y9our students and ask them to strip instead, since the nude figure is so paramount to civilisation.

Let me know how it goes.