The Purpose of Life

Who told you that? Don't bother. Seriously whoever told you that is one sick puppy with one scrambled dumb brain

Perhaps we dont see the Sun for what it is.
For example, what if the Sun (and other stars but this is more complicated to explain) is the inner part of a black hole ? (A white fountain)

So if you fall into a black hole (and your matter resist this process, what he would not for sure, but let say at least the disorganized matter can, as a "gedanken experiment").
So you fall in, and soon you pass the Schwarzchild limit, ooops, the space-time, like à sock, invert.
What would we see ?
Not a hole from the inside, but a... bright sphere, like the Sun.
Bright because the light coming from outside push in at very fast rate, because, in the hole, time get very slow relativ to the outside.
An you can go around this bright sphere and doing so you are not aware that you are in a hole and that the surface of the sphere is the border of the hole.
This hole is some kind of Hell for the matter...

So what, you ask me, what has this speculation to do with the fact that the sun could be something else we believe we know ?
The light...
Because outside, it is the Heaven (much bigger and it is why the Hell is a hole), and the purity of the light went into the hole.
But why do the Sun burn ?
No, the sun do not burn holly matter, it burns what is in contradiction with the light.

This explain eventualy the million degrees mystery on the surface of the Sun.
It is probably the Firewall phenomenon predicted by some physicists near the surface of a black hole.
Wikipedia said:
A black hole firewall is a hypothetical phenomenon where an observer falling into a black hole encounters high-energy quanta at (or near) the event horizon. The "firewall" phenomenon was proposed in 2012 by physicists Ahmed Almheiri, Donald Marolf, Joseph Polchinski, and James Sully[1] as a possible solution to an apparent inconsistency in black hole complementarity. The proposal is sometimes referred to as the AMPS firewall,[2] an acronym for the names of the authors of the 2012 paper. The use of a firewall to resolve this inconsistency remains controversial, with physicists divided as to the solution to the paradox.[3]

Space said:
Temperatures rise dramatically in the corona, which can also only be seen during an eclipse as plasma streams outward like points on a crown. The corona can get surprisingly hot, comparable to the body of the sun. Temperatures range from 1.7 million degrees F (1 million degrees C) to more than 17 million F (10 million C), according to the NSO.

"The corona is incredibly hot, hundreds of times hotter than the layers below," Bernhard Fleck, a European Space Agency project scientist for NASA's Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) said in a statement. "Since the sun's source of energy is at the center, on a simple level, we would expect the corona — the outermost layer — to be the coolest." SOHO is just one of several solar missions exploring this and other mysteries.

This is extremely speculativ, i agree, but if that can help to understand the purpose of life, why not pay attention and verify.
Perhaps we dont see the Sun for what it is.
For example, what if the Sun (and other stars but this is more complicated to explain) is the inner part of a black hole ? (A white fountain)

So if you fall into a black hole (and your matter resist this process, what he would not for sure, but let say at least the disorganized matter can, as a "gedanken experiment").
So you fall in, and soon you pass the Schwarzchild limit, ooops, the space-time, like à sock, invert.
What would we see ?
Not a hole from the inside, but a... bright sphere, like the Sun.
Bright because the light coming from outside push in at very fast rate, because, in the hole, time get very slow relativ to the outside.
An you can go around this bright sphere and doing so you are not aware that you are in a hole and that the surface of the sphere is the border of the hole.
This hole is some kind of Hell for the matter...

So what, you ask me, what has this speculation to do with the fact that the sun could be something else we believe we know ?
The light...
Because outside, it is the Heaven (much bigger and it is why the Hell is a hole), and the purity of the light went into the hole.
But why do the Sun burn ?
No, the sun do not burn holly matter, it burns what is in contradiction with the light.

This explain eventualy the million degrees mystery on the surface of the Sun.
It is probably the Firewall phenomenon predicted by some physicists near the surface of a black hole.

This is extremely speculativ, i agree, but if that can help to understand the purpose of life, why not pay attention and verify.
Almost the perfect post to use

I have conducted a systematic study of what this might look like, and it seems to me that it is generally something like this: 1: have good friends. 2: Have a decent amount of money. 3: live in a pretty place. 4: have a desirable job. (What that is is subjective.) 5: learn to speak properly. 6: take care of your body.
1: have good friends

True but how often do you hear, about a good friend "They were always so quiet...."

2: Have a decent amount of money

Appropriate to the society you inhabit

3: live in a pretty place.

Agree but as you mentioned, subjective. In the arctic, rain forest, dessert, all can be pretty or hell depending on your formative upbringing

4: have a desirable job.

Had a few. Best of my bunch Midwife

5: learn to speak properly.

Not yet fully mastered

6: take care of your body

Start this one early, but do not be obsessive about it. My 2 cents, avoid detrimental life styles

True but how often do you hear, about a good friend "They were always so quiet...."

Appropriate to the society you inhabit

Agree but as you mentioned, subjective. In the arctic, rain forest, dessert, all can be pretty or hell depending on your formative upbringing

Had a few. Best of my bunch Midwife

Not yet fully mastered

Start this one early, but do not be obsessive about it. My 2 cents, avoid detrimental life styles


Okay. Well what do you recommend in order to facilitate all of this then? I am not coming at you despite what it might seem. I'm just genuinely wondering.
I know how to speak properly because I gave myself instructions on how to then tested them in debates with smart people. However I'm not so sure about how to do any of the other stuff mentioned properly.
have good friends - go with your gut - if it tells you something seems wrong make discrete checks

have a decent amount of money - more if you can and squirrel away excess for emergencies

live in a pretty place. - subjective so if you think it is pretty - good enough

have a desirable job - for you? or the people or the changes your job makes - if you consider any to be desirable again good enough

learn to speak properly - you say you have this covered - moving on

take care of your body - this, my 2 cents, is the most important aspect of your existence. As I mentioned do not be obsessive about it (aim to make it perfect) and certainly do not treat as a rubbish dump (detrimental life styles)

Good luck

Not if you are the light.
It was a little parody on a joke about a man who wanted to know the secret of life.

After many years of searching in vain he was told about a wise man who lived alone on the mountain and if anyone might know the secret of life this was the person to see.
The man climbed the mountain until came to a cave and behold there was the wise man sitting deep in thought stroking his 3 ft long beard.

After waiting a week at the entrance of the cave the man finally got the courage to ask the question "wise man, can you tell me the secret of life."
After waiting another week he asked again and this time the old man answered, "I have pondered this question and raising his voice he firmly declared, "the answer is "life is like dark deep well".

Astonished , the man exclaimed "Life is like a dark deep well????

The wise man looked up slightly bewildered and retorted "Well, isn't it?"
have good friends - go with your gut - if it tells you something seems wrong make discrete checks

have a decent amount of money - more if you can and squirrel away excess for emergencies

live in a pretty place. - subjective so if you think it is pretty - good enough

have a desirable job - for you? or the people or the changes your job makes - if you consider any to be desirable again good enough

learn to speak properly - you say you have this covered - moving on

take care of your body - this, my 2 cents, is the most important aspect of your existence. As I mentioned do not be obsessive about it (aim to make it perfect) and certainly do not treat as a rubbish dump (detrimental life styles)

Good luck


Thanks. I am a writer but I haven't been paid for it so it's not technically a job yet. Anyway, to elaborate on a previous point, I think that few people actually want to work per se, but they just need to because that is how stuff goes. Then again, there are those other people who just farm the land, and also the parasitic elite class as exceptions to this rule.
have good friends - go with your gut - if it tells you something seems wrong make discrete checks

have a decent amount of money - more if you can and squirrel away excess for emergencies

live in a pretty place. - subjective so if you think it is pretty - good enough

have a desirable job - for you? or the people or the changes your job makes - if you consider any to be desirable again good enough

learn to speak properly - you say you have this covered - moving on

take care of your body - this, my 2 cents, is the most important aspect of your existence. As I mentioned do not be obsessive about it (aim to make it perfect) and certainly do not treat as a rubbish dump (detrimental life styles)

Good luck

Oh yes and good luck to you too.
parasitic elite class

Parasitic if their main source of income is buying and selling money. Elon Musk would fall into the parasitic class since he made his early fortune from selling PayPal. PayPal is a slight twist on Credit Card, charges no interest IF you make your 4 payments as agreed. With the thousands signing up to PayPal bound to be those who do not. Charging those people excessive fees made millions in profits. Look how many copy cat PayPal companies sprang up. Still makes money via comments he makes about the stock market

Like what he is doing with his money, employing smart people to innovate smart ways to get into space and return while selling payloads at a comparative lower price than competition

Hope he gets to Mars and back

Good luck with writing

Parasitic if their main source of income is buying and selling money. Elon Musk would fall into the parasitic class since he made his early fortune from selling PayPal. PayPal is a slight twist on Credit Card, charges no interest IF you make your 4 payments as agreed. With the thousands signing up to PayPal bound to be those who do not. Charging those people excessive fees made millions in profits. Look how many copy cat PayPal companies sprang up. Still makes money via comments he makes about the stock market

Like what he is doing with his money, employing smart people to innovate smart ways to get into space and return while selling payloads at a comparative lower price than competition

Hope he gets to Mars and back

Good luck with writing


Okay. Thank you. If just a comment of his can affect the stock market to a noticeable extent then he is probably pretty damn influential. Does he do it deliberately to value/devalue stocks?
take care of your body - this, my 2 cents, is the most important aspect of your existence. As I mentioned do not be obsessive about it (aim to make it perfect) and certainly do not treat as a rubbish dump (detrimental life styles)

Good luck


That's a hard one. I would say that it is probably the second most important aspect of my existence. Good guess. I am very vain. Why did you think that it was the most important aspect of my existence? because I am a teenage girl?
Okay. Thank you. If just a comment of his can affect the stock market to a noticeable extent then he is probably pretty damn influential. Does he do it deliberately to value/devalue stocks?

Does he do it deliberately to value/devalue stocks?

Seems so. From memory bought Bitcoin, talked the price up and then sold out

The purpose of life is to experience fully the condition of a real living being, so as to be able to have mercy the day we will encounter some little being, experiencing himself the same problem we have already encounter.

There is surely many levels of reality for a living being and we dont need to experience all the problems of life, but we will at least have to experience one problem (or there is no use to live).
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