The purpose Life has

You can't do it can you? You have nothing to say, because cause and intention are the same thing.

Use and purpose are the same thing.
A choice is something made intentionally.

So when do you choose to unintentionally observe a rock, that you didn't see visually, because you're wearing a blindfold (so you can't see a thing with either of your eyes, except blackness, and the patterns made by "random" neural activity)?
Conversation with ignorant kid who doesn't really want to understand anything:

Kid: "My toe hurts"
- Other kid: "What did you do to your toe"?

"Nothing, I unintentionally kicked a rock before."
- "Unintentionally? If you kicked a rock, you must have done it deliberately, on purpose."

"No, I didn't mean to kick it, I wasn't looking."
- "So you intentionally didn't look for rocks in the way?"

"My brain didn't look for rocks, you mean."
- "Well, it's your brain, you use it. Your toe hurts because your brain is telling you it hurts. It hurts because you hurt it."

"No, the rock hurt my toe, my toe told my brain about it."
- "But where is your brain? Isn't your brain extended through your body? It isn't just in your cranium you know."

"But my toe hurts because my sense of touch got activated by this rock."

- "Your sense of touch is in your skin, not in your brain?"
"Yes, and my sense of vision is in my eyes, not in my brain."

- "You mean your senses are distinct, or disconnected from your brain? I don't think so."
"Well, my toe hurts, because of the neurons in the skin of my toe, that are communicating with my brain."
- "You mean the neurons in your toe are part of your brain, don't you?"

"Well, anyway, it's the rock's fault my toe hurts, I didn't intend to kick it."
- "You mean you didn't want or desire to kick it, but you did kick it."
"But I didn't do it on purpose."

- "You mean: you didn't mean to kick it and stub your toe; but you did, so how come it wasn't intentional?
You can't do anything unintentionally, what you mean is you didn't expect to observe this rock, but you did - inadvertently'.
That means you didn't avoid kicking it.
But you kicked it as you walked intentionally along, with intent. Your toe connected with this rock, and it was because of your intentional actions."


and so on...:shrug:
Maybe you can explain the "difference" between cause and intention.
While you're at it, what's choice? How about purpose?

You have, so far, indicated that you have "standard" meanings and apply them rigourously (from what I've seen). You wouldn't, for example say that "purpose" and "use" mean the same thing. And you would deny that choice and intent are the same thing either, right?
So do you know what any of these words mean? Can you help me and my poor befuddled mind?

From your tone, arrogance and misplaced self-importance I can only conclude that:
a. You can't be helped.
b. You don't want to be helped.
c. Both a and b.

Congratulations !! You are to first to get on my ignore list ! :)
Ah yes, the brush-off.
The "I can't be bothered explaining it" strategy; implying there is a possibility that you know what you're talking about.
Thanks so much!

P.S. Does this mean I won't see any more of your obstinacy, or refusal to concede a point?