What exactly is wrong with "clinging to authoritarianism"?
We always cling to one authority or other. We would go mad if we wouldn't - because it is impossible to act, make decisions, live from day to day without believing that one version/interpretation of/doctrine about reality is the superior one, the authoritative one. Whether we consider ourselves to be the authority, or some other person, or scripture, or a scientific theory does not change the fact that we do "cling to authoritarianism".
You are wrong. Many of us believe that knwledge is provisional. We give the best explanation we can at any point in time, knowing that the future will almost certainly prove us wrong. We have learned to live with uncertaint, and get on with life. We do not cling.
Not me, but you perhaps. You seem to think that I (or other people who do) accept certain religious doctrines on account that those doctrines themselves state that they are superior. But this is not the reason I accept them. I accept those doctrines through support of my personal experience and through agreement of pondering views.
I have yet to come across a religious doctrine which makres sense to me. I find the word doctrin e.( teaching ) uncomfortable. If you , however, find one doctrineor another satisfying, then adopt it, live according to its tenets and don't waste time on a science forum.
Given the ingredients, it does not promise something that might be delicious to me. I do have some cooking experience by now.[/COLOR
You are saying in different words whta you have said a number of times elsewhere. You want some form of guarantee of a succesfuk outcome before committing yourself. In other words, you want to arrive at a destination wihout making the journey,
And similarly in some religious traditions, I have not encountered a mixture of "ingredients" that would make me doubt the "edibility" of the result. Although this has occured in regard to some traditions/philosophies/wordlviews.
Then , again, why not get on with it. You are free to choose what to believe and how to lead your life. What are you waiting for ?
Then you perhaps have more specific ambitions and goals than I do.My main goal is to be truly happy, a happiness that is beyond aging, illness and death. The only question is how to get there.
You are wasting your time on this one. You are asking for the impossible. See if you can learn contentment, happiness is a vague concept, and let tomorrow take care of itself.
I do not see being religious as a matter of "following someone else's ambitions and goals".It's my own ambition, my own goals. A religious practice only offers a possible way to make proper use of those ambitions and to achieve those goals.
Yet again, who is holding you back ? If you truly believe something, what others think is irrelevant.
Because it is only with concepts like karma and rebirth -and some important others- that life makes sense to me, and is worth livig
As you are still living, I assume you have accepted the dooctrine of karma and rebirth. So get on with a life which is informed by these beliefs and cease to seek assurance from members of this forum
Stop thinking so much and starty living !