An "exchange of views", Myles? When you continually send me away from this forum, telling me to "find my own way" and such?
I am exchangibg my view with your previously expressed view, he, he
There is no basis for duscussion unless one can agree on some common ground. So here goes:
When I talk of knowledge I am referring to the search for some understanding of the universe in which we find ourselves and what it means to be part of it. This boils dfown to following the question where it leads as opposed to setting a goal and then seeking knowledge which will enable us to arrive there. This approach inevitably involves ignoring or rationalising that which does not fit in with our programme.
I have found no purpose in life other than that which I choose to give it. My life has value because I am part of a loving family, enjoy music, literature and so on. I am comfortable with this.
There is not the slighest shred of what I would regard as evidence to support the notion of a deity. That is why I am an atheist.
I do not deny the role of religion in helping some people get through life but I regard believers as deluded. The only evidence they can adduce is based on personal experience and hearsay, i.e., what they have been told. In my experience, theists take their beliefs for granted. Thinking is not part of their make-up.
I should clarify this by saying that I do not regard Bible scholarship and suchlike as anything more that elucidating what people are predisposed to believe in the first instance.
In general, I view religion as an escape from reality. It represents a submission to superstitious beliefs which cannot be supported by empirical evidence. I have no quarrel withy the religious who quietly get on with their lives. I do have a quarrel with proseltyzers who would have me accept their beliefs which, in the final analysis, they cannot support in a manner which I regard as satisfactory.
I have set out my core beliefs which I have arrived at, not by wishful thinking ,but by observation and reason. Am I wrong ? Probably ,in some respects. as it is human to err. But I make no claims to profound insights of the kind one finds in religious literature.
I have no urge to convert others to my way of thinking but, if a discussion arises, I will defend my beliefs.
That's it !