The Post Whatever Thread

sometimes i wonder what drives people to push others
i get most of it
but sometimes, it confuses me because when you apply a risk to benefit ratio to the generic larger equation it appears to be a risk that is not worth the gamble on the predominant bad outcome
but then ive never been any good at gambling
is it gambling ?

im not sure
i think some people run soo many different games with people they forget who they are playing and in what game so they end up playing the wrong game with the person they were playing a different game with.

life is confusing
it requires the modern person to be many things as a multi functional reality in a wide range of variant processes, environments and groups.

it is no longer acceptable to be a single identity/personalty/functional method of interacting and carrying out tasks and solving problems.

the modern person must be all things
this is the modern reality

the coder must be a team player
the engineer must be a sales person
the actor on stage must be politically and socially aware
the leader must be a leader of all things
the new employee/team member must be capable of all things

this is the modern world

i expect we shall see greater comprehension of concepts of mental illness as the mental capabilities of the average person is pushed to evolve.
this seems logical

back around to my first thought ...
what is the fall out ?

what is the mental fall out of those whom can not apply the many different angles of perspective to the many different types of people ?
how is this effecting social culture, society, the work place, careers, professional relationships and business innovation and functionality ?


fyi the whole save yourself rich one scam at a time in personal relationships ...
i get it
but the larger pool the same fish swims in has the same risk to shark ratio by increased thrashing about.
i dont get that bit
do they think physics laws do not apply ?

its a human behaviour thing
deep seated motivational aspect of the inner self
pushing, driving, used sometimes to try and drive others to achieve goals, team work, etc...
occasionally comes out in personal behaviours and personal relationships.
the many faces a good manager has to know how to help their staff one on one achieve personal goals..
the A level 5 star type personality...
the super achievers..
the doers
sometimes some push others to try and play them, push the bhoundarys to achieve something more a personal gain.
almost like a fall back position.
highly technical stuff
the difference between pushing and pushing too much
the difference between helping to make waves to surf on vs creating thrashing around in the water that would draw sharks...
making waves
making waves for people to surf on
thrashing about attracting sharks(possibly disrupting the larger environment/group etc).

i have seen some bad managers who effectively bully people and target them.
while i have seen good managers, work one on one closely unraveling issues and driving the person toward what they really want, helping them find the path to their ideal profession and job where many others would just be the bully.
these are personal aspects
moral fiber of the person/manager aspects of self that come out in situations.

i have always puzzled over this
i guess some people cant help themselves, they need to stick their oar in to make themselves feel part of things even though it may be working really well and not need them to suddenly make changes or assert some type of penis must be in charge inner psyche.

i found myself asking the same question a year or so after i had to ask it for the 2nd time when i didn't come to an answer.

human nature is often irrational
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They simply don't care, RainbowSingularity. They are well aware of the consequences of their actions, but they must ENJOY the fall-out. That's the only conclusion I can draw. :)

"It was an accident." Whoops, whoops, whoops, whoops, whoops.....
They simply don't care, RainbowSingularity. They are well aware of the consequences of their actions, but they must ENJOY the fall-out. That's the only conclusion I can draw. :)

"It was an accident." Whoops, whoops, whoops, whoops, whoops.....
thanks for your comments.

They simply don't care,
i have wondered about the potential of some people whom might live the external world on the outside of themselves to a point where they perceive a singular process of action of cause and consequence to basic things.
like a odd form of a narcissistic process of the self.
"things happen to other people" type of process
similar to the "always being right" but with the twist that other experiential things simply do not apply to them, almost like a dictator that has no comprehension that actions can create actions toward them self unless they are intended self reward or ego.

i like to think that most people care, however that border is highly changeable to be nearer to the caring being about themselves position of boundary's(everyone has boundarys i make a personal moral position of attempting to not knock down other peoples boundarys)
thus caring about themselves but things in the world happen to others.

i am being reflective around some fine tuning aspects of my own processes & other peoples perspectives.
Perhaps the people you are referring to, RainbowSingularity, are simply aware of things that we are not, and CANNOT be aware of.

As for always being right, RainbowSingularity, the Oedipol complex exists so that, "the truth will set you free."

The pompous, the humble, the know it all, the always right, the wrong, the pervert, the prudent, the everything and the nothing, all ended up dead. Regardless of their actions or thoughts, their conclusion was the same. So then, the Father is free to simply "be himself" and enjoy life carefree from judgement.
Let me start by saying that, in general no one knows what you are talking about and that is why you don't get so many responses.

I see bits of what you write that are totally lucid and understandable. So that tells me that you are capable of writing like that.

When you throw in too many terms that are disjointed and don't add to your point, it doesn't help.

I'm not sure of what you are asking as you've written so much but...being a manager isn't an easy task. Many people are thrown into the job as part of a larger job responsibility and many are not really good at it.

You are right, a good manager knows how to work with/motivate different personality types differently. Some people want/need to be pushed before they will do their best. Others resent it and provide all the self-motivation needed.

It also depends on the business. Some business environments are just harsh such as high pressure sales jobs where the product/service isn't particularly unique. Managers in those fields are more likely to just push people to the point that they either meet their goals or they are fired.

In other fields no one would put up with that and it's not required anyway just due to the nature of the field/job.

Regarding most people being nice/good people...yes, that is usually the case. The culture/type of business determines a lot of the environment however. Some businesses just aren't going to be very pleasant to work in.

Beyond this, I have no idea what you are talking about. Take out all of the terms that aren't needed in your sentences and you will be understood much more easily. I've seen you comment that most people won't be able to understand you because they aren't smart enough and because you are so deep. Lose that.
Australian police strip searching children in public or secret locations ...

1 ever week ...

doesnt wash

highly suspect !

unles they are a suicide bomber suspect or need CPR or expected to be carrying a knife or gun(probable cause will need proof with purpose and evidence)

civil suits will start soon i should imagine
excessive use of force without due cause resulting in the direct removal of the childrens rights under the UN charter of human rights to being a protected entity of the child protection process.

or exploitation of coercion of a minor (sexual crime)

next minute ...
just another tool up ya box ...
routine strip searching of children is an effective tool as a psychological weapon against children & validates the use of internal searches ...
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Australian police strip searching children in public or secret locations ...

1 ever week ...

doesnt wash

highly suspect !

unles they are a suicide bomber suspect or need CPR or expected to be carrying a knife or gun(probable cause will need proof with purpose and evidence)

civil suits will start soon i should imagine
excessive use of force without due cause resulting in the direct removal of the childrens rights under the UN charter of human rights to being a protected entity of the child protection process.

or exploitation of coercion of a minor (sexual crime)
Yes, that sounds fishy. No need to involk the UN charter of human rights. I'm sure that are plenty of local laws and regulations being breached with this one.
sometimes i wonder what drives people to push others
i get most of it
but sometimes, it confuses me because when you apply a risk to benefit ratio to the generic larger equation it appears to be a risk that is not worth the gamble on the predominant bad outcome
but then ive never been any good at gambling
is it gambling ?

im not sure
i think some people run soo many different games with people they forget who they are playing and in what game so they end up playing the wrong game with the person they were playing a different game with.

life is confusing
it requires the modern person to be many things as a multi functional reality in a wide range of variant processes, environments and groups.

it is no longer acceptable to be a single identity/personalty/functional method of interacting and carrying out tasks and solving problems.

the modern person must be all things
this is the modern reality

the coder must be a team player
the engineer must be a sales person
the actor on stage must be politically and socially aware
the leader must be a leader of all things
the new employee/team member must be capable of all things

this is the modern world
this is the modern world

i expect we shall see greater comprehension of concepts of mental illness as the mental capabilities of the average person is pushed to evolve.
this seems logical

back around to my first thought ...
what is the fall out ?

what is the mental fall out of those whom can not apply the many different angles of perspective to the many different types of people ?
how is this effecting social culture, society, the work place, careers, professional relationships and business innovation and functionality ?


fyi the whole save yourself rich one scam at a time in personal relationships ...
i get it
but the larger pool the same fish swims in has the same risk to shark ratio by increased thrashing about.
i dont get that bit
do they think physics laws do not apply ?

its a human behaviour thing
deep seated motivational aspect of the inner self
pushing, driving, used sometimes to try and drive others to achieve goals, team work, etc...
occasionally comes out in personal behaviours and personal relationships.
the many faces a good manager has to know how to help their staff one on one achieve personal goals..
the A level 5 star type personality...
the super achievers..
the doers
sometimes some push others to try and play them, push the bhoundarys to achieve something more a personal gain.
almost like a fall back position.
highly technical stuff
the difference between pushing and pushing too much
the difference between helping to make waves to surf on vs creating thrashing around in the water that would draw sharks...
making waves
making waves for people to surf on
thrashing about attracting sharks(possibly disrupting the larger environment/group etc).

i have seen some bad managers who effectively bully people and target them.
while i have seen good managers, work one on one closely unraveling issues and driving the person toward what they really want, helping them find the path to their ideal profession and job where many others would just be the bully.
these are personal aspects
moral fiber of the person/manager aspects of self that come out in situations.

i have always puzzled over this
i guess some people cant help themselves, they need to stick their oar in to make themselves feel part of things even though it may be working really well and not need them to suddenly make changes or assert some type of penis must be in charge inner psyche.

i found myself asking the same question a year or so after i had to ask it for the 2nd time when i didn't come to an answer.

human nature is often irrational

May I suggest we treat your post as an introduction and each sentence as a reference to expand upon and review specific real world examples in an effort to make your casual observations objective.
To do less only gives us insite into a world you have selectively built presumably with a limited supply of materials.
You observe life is confusing but it need not be so...when you find you make a statement ask if it suffers from being a casual generalisation, from there most things can be dismissed by quickly addmitting "I guess I really don't know" however if that is not entirely satisfying take the time to research the matter upon which you make generalised pronouncements and perhaps gather some statistics.
I once would announce the way the world was but in time realised so often my view was constructed on meger input.
My first contact in business with an Indian family had me pronounce " Indians are a pleasure to deal with" contact so all Indians, how many are there again, are a pleasure to deal with...interestingly I kept that view and did indeed find for me they were a pleasure to deal with ... They met my expectation...and yet I have heard others say with anger "I will never deal with an Indian again they never trust me"..true..I found the opposite..but the thing to realise is if I gathered the opinions of all the people I know we may only have less than fifty Indian contacts...the only thing to understand about generalisations is they are invariably inadequate and prone to a bias unrelated to the subject matter.
It's a post whatever there is my contribution.
this is the modern world

Well is it?

Our stone tools have been replaced sure but there exists a high percentage of the population on this planet who are still superstitious and perhaps not far advanced on cave dwellers who worshipped the Bear spirit or early farmers who worshipped the Sun.
Sacrifice is not practiced but is the foundation stone to the most popular religion in our modern Western world.
Think of the bread and wine thing and exactly where that idea comes from... But really who thinks about such things...clearly no one participating I expect.
I do think anyone looking back at us from an enlightened future will see us as the majority presents which I contend is well distanced from "modern".

Anyways must go but thanks you provide a carcass that when I need something to think about I can come back carve off a sentence or two and rant for a page upon page.
most of the time i dont ask because i dont want to be lied to

i find it quite funny how so many people demand to know other peoples personal business & expect them to lie about it as they lie about their own personal business.

faking caring as they think they are supposed to ...
playing the game called "empathy"

i am only interested in playing the game of love

If you're Father has sex with you, instead of killing him, why not...

  • Say, "No"?
  • Simply beat him up?
  • Have sex with him? (A girl could finger his bum-bum.)
  • Run away from home.
  • Report him to the police.
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