The Picture Thread Mark V

Ummmmmmmmmmm SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO anybody like what someone did with my picture? lol

It reminded me of this:
Viva revolution! Viva Shorty! Down with the facists!

You need to let your mustache grow out a little more. :) j/k
Weird, shorty...your last post about needing a new hat just disappeared.

Something messed up there :shrug: Yeah I was saying that hat says 2002 but I took the picture in 2007... I have a drawer of a bunch of cool poor boy hats. I can't seem to part with that one though lol
Something messed up there :shrug: Yeah I was saying that hat says 2002 but I took the picture in 2007... I have a drawer a bunch of cool poor boy hats. I can't seem to part with that one though lol

That is a pretty cool hat.
I am broke. I don't have money to buy food. Tomorrow I am going to go get bum food.

why dont you get a job? Go find a newspaper and open the job adv, there is
always vacancy for unskilled job like cleaning somebody's garden. :confused:

Till this summer I used to do that type of job on weekend. I worked in a hotel
to clean room including toilet, but I got 8 Euro/hours, up tp 400 Euro/months.
Sometimes I also do drawing stuffs (when there is such job). Now I got better
part time job though... and it dont disturb my study or dating schedule :p :)