The Nothingness of Nothing

Which possibility do you agree with for the universe

  • God did it

    Votes: 8 25.0%
  • Something from nothing

    Votes: 4 12.5%
  • Always existed (no beginning)

    Votes: 8 25.0%
  • Some other possibility

    Votes: 12 37.5%

  • Total voters

Why bother with God at all? Why not just apply the same thinking to the multiverse, or the universe itself? Perhaps the universe has always existed. Perhaps the multiverse is outside of time and space as we know it.

If you're speculating that the multiverse is outside of space and time as we know it then you can't deny that it would be completely different from anything in the universe for all we know the multiverse beyond space and time could be God.
I share this view of future discoveries that might yield a new understanding of states of energy. Right now the thought of an eternal universe has too much of a religious connotation to be acceptable to some reasonably large percentage of the scientifically oriented. A new or better understanding of physics will bring us closer to an understanding of reality. Right now the term "reality" is considered philosophical by some of those in that reasonably large percentage. There is a gap between math and reality, i.e. between the correspondence of mathematical representations of physical phenomena and that philosophical concept of reality. Science narrows the gap as understanding improves.

I think the kind of advancements and discoveries you refer to will lead to explanations of how our enemy entropy is managed by an eternal universe without the need for either the hand of a Creator or the falsification of Ex nihilo, nihil fit.

For physicists to actually observe nothing coming from nothing it implies they must physically do something, IMO doing something that brings "everything" together, could possibly satisfy the logical fallacy of Ex Nihilo, nihil fit that is represented very nicely by your understanding of the difference between math and reality.
waow, weird how can you be silly sometimes, nothing, means, totally nothing, means, don't even exist, means, nothing nothing nothing exists, how can that nothing nothing nothing, become something?? there's nothing to be transformed or something.