The Nonsensical "Growing Earth" "Theory"

Muir Wood's "refutation" of Carey re: the Pacific is baloney and, to anticipate a later topic, a strawman.

This is what Muir Wood wrote in the article you linked: "...Professor Carey even argued that two pieces of accepted data about the Pacific Ocean, that its size has decreased while its perimeter has increased, were irreconciliable; but a simple demonstration can show that once larger than a hemisphere (the approximate size of the Pacific Ocean) the perimeter does decrease while the area increases." (Emphasis added.)

Unfortunately, Muir Wood's "simple demonstration" that the Pacific perimeter decreases while the area of the Pacific increases is valid only if the Pacific actually occupies more than a hemisphere (as Panthalassa in the Permian would have). Unfortunately, he is simply wrong when he says "the approximate size of the Pacific Ocean" is equal to or greater than a hemisphere; it is not. The surface area of the modern earth is 510 million sq km. The surface area of the Pacific is 165 million sq km, and even if you add all of the Southern Ocean (including the area south of the Atlantic and Indian Oceans), the Pacific would still be only 185 million sq km. You don't need a PhD to realize that the Pacific would have to be 255 million sq km in order to occupy a hemisphere. In short, the Pacific is significantly less than a hemisphere; it covers only about one-third of the globe. So, while Muir Wood's argument may have been valid for Pantalassa during the initial disruption of Pangaea, when Pantalassa still presumably covered more than a hemisphere on a constant-sized earth, say during the Triassic and Early Jurassic, it's not valid for the Pacific, especially since the Cretaceous.

So you are claiming that Muir Wood's refutation of "Pacific Paradox" is not valid, because it is not valid today but "may have been valid for Pantalassa during the initial disruption of Pangaea". Since today is not the age/epoch/era when take place the "Pacific Paradox", I am not convinced.

If I add the surface of the Atlantic ocean (which was closed at the time of Pangea) to the surface of the Pacific ocean, it give 165,000,000 km² + 106,000,000 km² = 271,000,000 km², which is more than 255,000,000 km². (adding surface of Southern Ocean and part of Indian Ocean would increase further)

So roughly speaking, the Pacific Ocean was more than one hemisphere at the time of Pangea. So after Pangea breakup, its perimeter increased whereas it surface decreased, and there is no topological issue here.

Two words: gaping gores. See paragraph 4 of this.

I don't see your point.

Yes, the crank link is entertaining but does it really shed any light on any of this?

It does "shed light" on my personal beliefs.

BTW, why doesn't your link mention that global warming "hockey stick?"

Because this page is about geology. The page about meteorology and climate is here (please notice "What's Wrong With Still Waiting For Greenhouse?" marked as "anticrank"). See also this.

If you want a good example of a straw man, then I refer you to this.

I fail to see a straw man in this.

Well, before opening a new case/folder/subject, maybe we should finish/conclude the Arctic Paradox.

As for me, the conclusion is short : Carey made two claims ("all of the continents except Antarctica have converged on the Arctic [...] since the Permian", "since the Permian [...] the Arctic has been an area of extension"), that appear to be unsupported, and false/wrong according to mainstream science. I conclude that, in my opinion, he used a straw man and was incompetent/untrustable.

How can you still say that Carey's claim that "all of the continents except Antarctica have converged on the Arctic" appears "to be unsupported, and false/wrong according to mainstream science?"

I can still claim it appears to be unsupported because I still haven't see any evidence supporting this claim. Where are the damned evidence that "all the continents have moved towards the north pole since the Permian [...] all the blocks moving from different directions converging on the Arctic by large angles"?

I still claim it is false/wrong according to mainstream science because I still see mainstream science's paleogeographic maps showing something else that "all of the continents except Antarctica have converged on the Arctic" (but North America, Europe and Siberia moving to the North side-by-side between Permian and Jurassic).

Did you even look at the Irving maps?

Yes, of course I did look.

Did you even look at the Irving maps? All of the continents, except Antarctica, move north!


Now, if you're quibbling over the phrase "converged on the Arctic," as though Carey was saying that they "met in the Arctic," then obviously that is semantical doubletalk.

I don't see your point. What is the diferrence between "converged" and "met" in your opinion?

So let me try again: on a globe, the longitudes (i.e. the lines that run north and south) "converge" at the poles. Therefore, if the continents drift north, they must follow the longitudes, which means they must "converge on the north pole."

As I previously wrote, I think that
It is not because Mollweide projection (oval globe) show converging upper border, that the North side of the Earth is a triangle and continent which move norther than Arctic circle must converge and stack up there.
Could you show me an event (actual mesurement, or mainstream science reconstruction, but not EE reconstruction that I would not trust) were several location of one or some continents are moving to the North pole in the way you say? Could you show me those location following the longitudes and converging at the North pole, stacking up there?

So if you're suggesting that since North America and Eurasia were not circum-polar during the Permian (at least according to PT), then yes, strictly speaking, they did not converge on the "Arctic," which didn't exist yet. But they did converge on the North Pole, and there's no denying that.

If by "there's no denying that" you mean "it is useless to deny that, because I will never be convinced", then I am sorry for you. If by "there's no denying that" you mean "it is useless to deny that, because I am here to evangelise and will never give you a point", then I am sorry for you too.

So, we could've avoid all of this had Carey simply written "all of the continents except Antarctica have converged on the North Pole, which is currently occupied by the Arctic and has been (according to plate tectonics) since the Early Cretaceous.

I do not see what you mean by "all of this".

But, of course, I, Carey, maintain that on an expanding earth the continents didn't move northward at all. Rather, the latitudes on North America and Eurasia moved south as the earth expanded more in the southern hemisphere than in the north."

Of course.

But, before doing so, we probably need to clear up one more semantical problem. In saying that the "Arctic has been an area of extension" since the Permian, Carey was not claiming extension has been continuous and on-going since the Permian. He was simply saying that since the Permian, the only tectonic activity that has occurred in the Arctic has been extensional (i.e. divergent) and there has been no compressional (i.e. convergent) activity.


If that's so (and this is only an hypothetis, because until now I have never Carey explaning his "since the Permian [...] the Arctic has been an area of extension" in the way you say), then my previous comment about that would be obviously irrelevant.

If that's so, then i could answer that, according to mainstream science, since the Permian there has been mostly no change in the area currently inside the Arctic circle, some extensional activity (in the "Amerasian Basin" and at the Gakkel Ridge), some compressional activity (between Alaska and eastern Siberia).

And the sentence would be wrong as for my understanding of mainstream science.

With respect to Carey's claim that "since the Permian [...] the Arctic has been an area of extension," which you also say is "unsupported, and false/wrong according to mainstream science," I can finally provide links to the articles that I cited earlier which refer to Arctic extension now that I've made the grade on this blog by reaching the "20-post threshold."

Not yet totaly read.

I was looking at these ones yesterday:
I have 23 of the 24 maps sitting on my hard drive.

It seem those paleogeographic maps deal only with the Arctic region. I guess they are more precise and detailed than world paleogeographic maps. You are the lucky one.

Suit yourself. Whatever shall I do? :shrug:

Stay/keep up believing the EE fairy tale, such flat earther, creationists, mormons, Jehovah's witnesses (including the missionary/evangelism part)? Or go back to scientific and critical thinking? The choice is up to you.
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Gee, Professor Euler, I don't think I ever I heard nothin' 'bout no rotation about no pole. Please 'splain it to us!

(Will it be on the test?)

Well, I'm sorry if you found the question offensive, I'm not generally inclined to assuming that people who study in any given field (Chemistry, Geology, Biology, Physics) are intimately familiar with every aspect of that field, or, for that matter, that they remember everything they have learned.

I tend to assume instead that they are human and ask questions rather than making assumptions.

But it seems like being asked questions is too much for some participants in this thread to bear.
It seem those paleogeographic maps deal only with the Arctic region. I guess they are more precise and detailed than world paleogeographic maps. You are the lucky one.
Do a google image search. enter in "GIF SITE:" and google should retrieve them for you. The filenames are sequential so any that aren't retrieved can be gotten fairly trivially.
Where are the damned evidence that "all the continents have moved towards the north pole since the Permian [...] all the blocks moving from different directions converging on the Arctic by large angles"?

About this source, I saw something interesting.

Carey said:
Well if you put together the continents as Wegener had them [...] you find that the Pangea of Wegener is just a bit bigger than a hemisphere. So the specific [Pacific Ocean] of that time was just a bit less than a hemisphere.

Now if you look at the present globe which is the same size according to them, the Pacific is still a little bit less than the hemisphere. And yet Pangea has increased in area well the whole area of the Atlantic, the whole area north and south, the whole area of the Arctic, the Indian Ocean and Southern Ocean and a lot of marginal basins; now that's impossible unless the earth is expanding, you've got to expand it by the area of those oceans. Because the Pacific is still the same size very nearly. This is hard-nosed fact of life which nobody can explain.

Carey assume a constant Earth radius, close the Atlantic Ocean, put North America near Europe and Africa, put South America near Africa, put Antarctic near Africa, put Australia near Antarctic, then he get a Pacific Ocean with the same size as today, something that "nobody can explain" (lets call this "Second Pacific Pradox").

My explanation is that he made a mistake somewhere. What is your?

Do a google image search. enter in "GIF SITE:" and google should retrieve them for you. The filenames are sequential so any that aren't retrieved can be gotten fairly trivially.

Thank you for the tips. I have them too now.

The fig. 21 to 25 show several converging lines (the lines with little triangles) inside the current Arctic during all Cretaceous.

About the "Pacific Pradox", I suggest to read Robert Meservey, Topological Inconsistency of Continental Drift on the Present-Sized Earth, Science, 31 October 1969, Vol. 166 no. 3905 pp. 609-611, DOI: 10.1126/science.166.3905.609; mentionned in S. W. Carey, The expanding earth — an essay review, Earth-Science Reviews, Volume 11, Issue 2, June 1975, Pages 105–143, DOI: 10.1016/0012-8252(75)90097-5.
Thank you for the tips. I have them too now.

The fig. 21 to 25 show several converging lines (the lines with little triangles) inside the current Arctic during all Cretaceous.

One of the reasons why I raised the points I did about sutured subduction zones, and the compressional tectonics in Svalbard, Alaska, and the Canada basin.
Hey, I think we just discovered a new paradox!

Yes, I guess you rapidly got an idea about Trippy, BTW still denying the conclusions of Mazumder et al ESR 2005
Idem with Gneiss2011.

You're wasting your time with these obscurantists. The only positive point with them is that we can easily expose their true side so that the general reader can rapidly understand on which side are the rational thinkers.
So you are claiming that Muir Wood's refutation of "Pacific Paradox" is not valid, because it is not valid today but "may have been valid for Pantalassa during the initial disruption of Pangaea". Since today is not the age/epoch/era when take place the "Pacific Paradox", I am not convinced.

If I add the surface of the Atlantic ocean (which was closed at the time of Pangea) to the surface of the Pacific ocean, it give 165,000,000 km² + 106,000,000 km² = 271,000,000 km², which is more than 255,000,000 km². (adding surface of Southern Ocean and part of Indian Ocean would increase further)

So roughly speaking, the Pacific Ocean was more than one hemisphere at the time of Pangea. So after Pangea breakup, its perimeter increased whereas it surface decreased, and there is no topological issue here.


Some people can't get a point, though this one was quite simple.

The surface of the Pacific is currently about 165,000,000 km² while it used to be half an hemisphere 255,000,000 km² sometimes after the Pangea break-up according to Plate Tectonics.
It follows that it must have shrunk from 255,000,000 km² to 165,000,000 km² lately, so should have its perimeter.
Except that there are no evidence that its perimeter shrank lately, while there are plenty evidence that it expanded...

Hopefully, the general reader can get such a simple point... hopefully...
Yes, I guess you rapidly got an idea about Trippy, BTW still denying the conclusions of Mazumder et al ESR 2005
Idem with Gneiss2011.
I'm not denying his conclusions, I am asserting that he is wrong. I have taken a great deal of time and effort to explain to you why I think Mazumders criticisms are invalid. You have repeatedly ignored, not understood, or otherwise failed to address the points I have raised, and even produced papers that support my criticisms of Mazumders work.

Stop telling porkies.
You're wasting your time with these obscurantists.

You are totaly right. Not only contribution to rational/skeptic/science forum will not provide converts, but a Jehovah's Witnesses risk to see inconvenient messages, jeopardizing his beliefs. So the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society must forbid its followers to discuss in sceptic forum, to look at contrarian blog/forum, to look at the Internet.

The only positive point with them is that we can easily expose their true side so that the general reader can rapidly understand on which side are the rational thinkers.

If you are a rational thinker, then could you explain why there are still EE proponent in spite of this?
Carey said:
Objective tests are imminent to determine the expansion of the earth. [...] Three optical observatories at Canberra, Honolulu, and Tokyo have telescopes capable of receiving reflected laser light from a lunar comer-cube [...] According to the "plate tectonms" hypotheses these three observatories are approaching each other at a rate of several centimetres per year. According to the expanding earth model they are separating at a few centimetres per year. Remeasurement after a few years would establish the truth.
(excerpt from S. W. Carey, The expanding earth — an essay review, Earth-Science Reviews, Volume 11, Issue 2, June 1975, Pages 105–143, DOI: 10.1016/0012-8252(75)90097-5)

The surface of the Pacific is currently about 165,000,000 km² while it used to be half an hemisphere 255,000,000 km² sometimes after the Pangea break-up according to Plate Tectonics.


Except that there are no evidence that its perimeter shrank lately

Have you seen recent (at least later than 1973) mainstream science's paleogeographic maps about Mesozoic's change between Australia and Southeast Asia, or between Eastern Siberia and Alaska?
If I add the surface of the Atlantic ocean (which was closed at the time of Pangea) to the surface of the Pacific ocean, it give 165,000,000 km² + 106,000,000 km² = 271,000,000 km², which is more than 255,000,000 km². (adding surface of Southern Ocean and part of Indian Ocean would increase further)

The surface of the Pacific is currently about 165,000,000 km² while it used to be half an hemisphere 255,000,000 km² sometimes after the Pangea break-up according to Plate Tectonics.

According to S. W. Carey, The expanding earth — an essay review, Earth-Science Reviews, Volume 11, Issue 2, June 1975, Pages 105–143, DOI: 10.1016/0012-8252(75)90097-5, "On the plate model the present Pacific must be smaller than the Permian Pacific by the combined area of the Arctic, Atlantic and Indian Oceans." According to Wikipedia, the curent area of the Pacific, Arctic, Atlantic, Indian oceans are 165,200,000 km², 14,056,000 km², 106,400,000 km², 73,556,000 km². 165,200,000 + 14,056,000 + 106,400,000 + 73,556,000 = 359,212,000 km².
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How can you still say that Carey's claim that "all of the continents except Antarctica have converged on the Arctic" appears "to be unsupported, and false/wrong according to mainstream science?" Did you even look at the Irving maps? All of the continents, except Antarctica, move north!

Indeed. And thank you to point out this 1983 paleogeographic maps serie (from E. Irving, Fragmentation and assembly of the continents, Mid-carboniferous to present, Surveys in Geophysics, vol 5 4, 1983, DOI:10.1007/BF01453985).

It show most of continent moving north during Permian, Triassic and Jurassic, stucked in the Pangea, and therefore moving side-by-side to the north. During Jurassic and Cenozoic, Pangea est broken, the continent do no more move side-by-side all together; Antarctica stay on south pole, Australia move to the north solely and later than other continents, North America and Eurasia do not move to the north anymore; etc.

I do not see in those maps that "all of the continents except Antarctica have converged on the Arctic by several tens of degrees since the Permian". Do you see that in those maps?
  • If yes, then please tell me where and how exactly you do.
  • If no, then please acknowledge that, since at least 1983, Carey's claims "all of the continents except Antarctica have converged on the Arctic by several tens of degrees since the Permian", "[they] have moved [...] from different directions converging on the Arctic", "since the Permian, North America, Europe, and Siberia have each converged on the north pole by large angles", are not supported by mainstream science.

For the information of the readers: the last quote is from 1996 Carey book. 1996 - 1983 = 13 damned years.
The unknowns..

One thing is for sure (obviously)... that the earth is either expanding or it is not...
and if it is... then it does not matter if multiple aspects of this revelation wildly conflict with our current consensus science world view...

Assuming for a moment that the earth is actually expanding (for the sake of the argument) then in this case it would be irrelevant that additional aspects of this revelation also can not be explained by conventional wisdom, the same "wisdom" that brought you to such a spectacularly erroneous conclusion in the first place.

So where the extra mass is coming from? If the earth is growing that is the least of your worries...
Because once this "lid has been peeled off" who knows what else lies in that can of worms that will sit like egg on the face of the intellectual authority of consensus reality scientific dogma.
Perhaps it comes from other dimensions of which you are also clueless... best to keep this one under the rug where it belongs.