The need for GOD...

May be we should just simply ask that God prove his own existance and if he can't maybe he will tell us why not?

After all doesn't the burden of proof rest with God himself?
Q25 wrote
somewhere in the the bible it says:
whatever you ask for,you shall recieve,
my first thought was
I guess depositing million $$ in my bank account isnt too much to ask,but then some super rich smart a@@ might just be able to make my wish come true so,
we'll try something harder,
lets all of us wish/pray for peace on Earth for all people from this day on,no more terorist attacks,and no violent crimes either!
if God the all knowing all mighty entity can arrange this,I would consider that a pretty good proof.
after all he is suposed to love all his children.
But a question follows after that statement, Q25, and I don’t know if you can answer it or not (if not then that’s ok, too :) ). Who are His children? And are you one of them?

Quantum Quack wrote
May be we should just simply ask that God prove his own existance and if he can't maybe he will tell us why not?

After all doesn't the burden of proof rest with God himself?
Excellent question, Quantum Quack, for anyone who wishes to search for God. Since you thought of the question maybe you can share an answer for it. Or maybe ask more specific questions like, What has God done in the past, or is doing in the present, to show that He exists? And how do we determine this is from God or not? (Again, what are your thoughts on this. :) )
Originally posted by =SputniK-CL=
So, I challenge any thiest to present a combination of facts that proves the existence of god.
Before we do anything else let's look at you for a moment. Why are you asking for proof that God exists? What do you believe now and why aren't you comfortable with that belief?
I, for one, cannot prove, nor disprove that God exists. This is the way I look at it. If there isn't a God, and you have treated your fellow man like shit, than you have nothing to lose, but IF there is a God and a heaven and a hell do exist, then you have everything to lose. Think about that before you go blabbering at the mouth. Fact is, the theory of natural selection is a faith in itself. People say there is evidence, but obviously the evidence isn't enough to say definitively that that is what took place--mutation that is.
I, for one, cannot prove, nor disprove that God exists. This is the way I look at it. If there isn't a God, and you have treated your fellow man like shit, than you have nothing to lose, but IF there is a God and a heaven and a hell do exist, then you have everything to lose. Think about that before you go blabbering at the mouth. Fact is, the theory of natural selection is a faith in itself. People say there is evidence, but obviously the evidence isn't enough to say definitively that that is what took place--mutation that is.

hmmm... it's interesting if all references to 'God' are replaced
with 'Smurgle, the wild purple elephant of Ixtar'.
God exists in us.

I see that God does, in fact, exist in the human race. After all, we are God's greatest creation. That being so, God has placed itself within our being. No harm will come to the human race. In fact, to delve further, the human race will not experience hell or heaven. We have already achieved it in our human form. The gates of hell will not prevail on our being. Our creation IS God on Earth. To find God, all we need do is look in a mirror and there is God. The human race does not need religion to glorify God. We each glorify God by our existence. When we start to worship "ourselves" we will worship God. God is not "out there," the kingdom of God is within. I say we should close the doors of all the churches, and open our hearts filled with the spiritual richness that is God. We are God.
What has God done in the past, or is doing in the present, to show that He exists? And how do we determine this is from God or not? (Again, what are your thoughts on this. )

To give you an honest answer to this question may create either a sense of panic or incredibility.

As a very sensitive empath I have sensed that "God" is very busy at the moment just trying to support his creation.

A crisis occured about 4 years ago ( our time) and since then he has been trying to prop up a reality that was failing real bad.

This is my interpretation of what I sense. For what it's worth.
The legendary armagedon was mitigated and now the universe is in a period of recovery.

So in answer to your question about "God's" activities, he has been real busy trying to find away to utilise his multiplistic consciousness to save his creation.

I'm not joking by the way.
That looks like a lot of “spiritual” thinking, Quantum Quack, and it seems to be based on some sort of ethereal thought. :)

As you know, atheists are only interested in a fact, evidence, or proof, that is observable, analyzed, and tested in an objective manner. Any explanation for the existence of God from personal feelings, or taking someone’s word at face value, will not be considered. From your previous response, “After all doesn't the burden of proof rest with God himself,” has a ring of truth with in it. If God does exist, wouldn’t He know we are questioning His existence? Wouldn’t He provide an answer that is suitable, as well as testable? In your response you seem to imply some evidence to indicate He does exist. Can you share that with us? Can you expand on your previous response? (Just curious.)

Any explanation for the existence of God from personal feelings ... will not be considered

Alot of interesting information (behaviors, experiences, etc) can
be explored from people's feelings. Happiness, Sadness, etc.,
are all a result of genetics and who knows what can be unlocked
through their exploration. Bottom line, feelings don't typically
lend themselves to objectivity; however, they can lead to some
interesting observations (not a proof of 'God' but perhaps reasons
why 'God' is needed by alot of folks).
There is something more powerfull than me in the universe also something wich i cannot comprehend. I revisit this feeling whenever i look at the stars.
Me too!

If u do not "feel" God, buddy, u burn!)
Those who feel God are those who look for him and live by him.

...since when was the rational kind of thinking only one of the myriad ways to find the truth. Excuse my zealousness when I suggest its the only way of thinking!
You seem to disagree with yourself here. I will take it that you mean rationality is not the only way to find truth. Well it's not the only way of thinking no, because I'm sure within each of the trinity are more trinities, and no it's not the only way to find truth because one can feel it too.

It is, after all, ink on paper and tainted by human hands.
Well I would say the divinity gave us all we need to advance. Would you disagree then??? :)
The evidence for my statement is out there somewhere.

The reason for the problem is an issue of time.

About 10 years ago the "time continuum" developed a significant error, approximately 3 to 5 seconds so that for example across the universe the relationship everything has with each other had an error of about 3 to 5 seconds overall and growing

This manifests it self in an error of perception in that the time it takes for thought to become action was delayed by a minute amount.

Even when taking into account differences inherent in time due to gravity and mass there was an error in the relationship.

Some where out in the universe is a hole of absolute nothingness that developed because of this error.

the universe was being slowly eaten away beacuse of this error.

When time starts to "wobble" the immediate outcome is errors in perception. The dimensions that hold this universe together as three dimensions where sort of "leaking" and energy was being lost from this closed system called a universe.

It means that whilst we have an atomic clock with profound accuracy it's usefulness was diminishing.

I suppose metaphorically one could say that "God" had cancer.
10 years ago the error was about 3 to 5 seconds
4 years ago the error was about 7 seconds. ( awareness of the error occured)

Now it is about 1.5 to 2 seconds.

The reason I know this is that empathy, love, thought, feelings , perception, imagination etc all rely on "no distance" the instantaneous. A time error creates a distance that should be effectively zero.

Feelings are normally instantaneously related subconsciously

My friends in London are in direct instantaneous relationships with me ( Australia ) for example. But the existance of a time error places a delay on this relationship and I managed to sense it and understand it.

Here on earth the delay is microscopic and normally unable to be discerned but over the scope of the universe the error was apparent.

In the future some time there will be more than enough evidence.

Why did this error come to be?

I'm not sure but logically I would assume that some where some thing or some one was playing around with a mechanical time device, attempting to go back to the past, and even though they thought it safe generated a huge time conundrum that manifested this error in time. The Now slowly being destroyed. Thus the state of universal ill health.

From what I understand the universe has reacted to this error and this devise by attempting to localise the conundrum to the device.

On earth the error has manifested in mainly the inability to sense a future properly and well, that woud be expected as until the problem is fixed there was none. Health Issues such as SIDS SADS and ADHH come to mind.

Essentialy the infrastructure that supports us was in a bad way.

Some where on earth there will be a measurment of an anomoly to do with time that does not make sense. Possibly where time over distance has lost it's reference such as light speed "c"

The ability to be confident in a physics standard that we take for granted will be questioned.

There will be random anomalies that are unexplainable showing up in Science over the last 4 to 10 years.
The way the universe is healing itself is not all that hard to understand.

When you have a leg amputated you adapt. The universe is adapting to the error. Once adapted the error is no longer an error and stability is achieved. Once stability was achieved over the last 4 years healing can be also.

The impression I get is that the error at the source is about 200 odd years our time.

The universe localised the error but leakage meant overall max of 7 seconds or so. ( 4 years ago)

The universe ( God ) has it's own auto-immune system not all that unlike a humans. But it wasn't until 4 years ago that it became aware that it had "cancer" and for the universe, awareness leads to a 100 % cure.
Ah, I was wondering if anyone had noticed.

As I have indeed just about healed the rift and consolidated my powers to the point where I cannot be superceded I can finally admit the truth. The rift or 'error' you sensed was not caused by any mechanical time machine or temporal paradox caused by such. Quite simply, I eliminated god (killed would not be the proper term) and took over his position. The temporary void caused, as you can imagine, a terrible disruption in the continuum and while I was able to avoid most of the disruptions by halting time the use of such massive power does have effects that cannot be entirely eliminated (if one were to remove the entire ocean and then replace it one must expect a few ripples in the pond). The side effects, however, did not include SIDS SADS or ADHH but instead had far more insidious and cruel results such as Emmnemm's 'music', Kansas banning the teaching of evolution, and Ben Affleck's 'acting' career. Trust, however, that I am working quickly to resolve these problems.

~Raithere (god)
Oh I am .....

My comments have lttle spiriual reference except in that human spirit, the will to survive, the ability to adapt to a crisis and the ability to sacrifice the short term for the long term all play a part.

Another aspect MAYBE worth considering is that some thing like this may have happened before approximately 2000 years ago.

A guy called Jesus took it upon him self, unwittingly helping the universe to heal.

Jesus' interpretation was religious due to scientific ignorance but in the reality of it all it could simply be a universe physical practicality.
Originally posted by Quantum Quack
May be we should just simply ask that God prove his own existance and if he can't maybe he will tell us why not?

After all doesn't the burden of proof rest with God himself?

"If you do your job right its like you've done nothing at all"

"God" says to Bender in Futurama.

Heh..reminded me of it.
Quite an interesting response, Quantum Quack, but could you point out again where this evidence is, or was, that was observed, analyzed, and tested? Where and when the "time lagged" occurred? Why you think this "occurance" gave rise to the items and conditions you have stated? And is this any proof that God exists?
I have already answered your question about evidence and I certainly don't expect you to believe me on just my word alone.

The second question about the proof that God exists is dependant on your definition of what God is.

The "God" I know (the universe ) is self evident so I see no way to argue this point except in stating what I just have.

I was just responding to your earllier question

What has God done in the past, or is doing in the present, to show that He exists? And how do we determine this is from God or not? (Again, what are your thoughts on this. )

You asked for my thoughts and.....well you have them.....

Can I ask SVRP for your definition of God so that I can determine the proof you require?
I apologize, Quantum Quack, if my persistent questioning is not agreeable to you. I just wanted to understand who or what God was to you and where your evidence was. Please excuse my curiosity.

You asked for my thoughts and.....well you have them.....

Can I ask SVRP for your definition of God so that I can determine the proof you require?
The Creator and Ruler of the universe; the Supreme Being.