The need for GOD...

I believe in humanity, no deity required.
you are an atheist, you dont believe in any other religion but islam, do you.
so your atheistic to all other religions.
Let me know what do you beleive in so that we can walk together towards the truth.

I have no need to 'believe' in anything. I simply follow the laws of nature; reality.

There is only one right religion, it can not be two ore more. And the others are either perverted or man made religions

You think of your religion the same as every other theist, hence your religion is also manmade and perverted.

There shall be only one who created us all. The one who began every thing.

And of course, the thought never crossed your mind that there is no creator, that the universe simply came into existence on its own, as all the evidence indicates it did.

The miracle is the Quran, which is the words of God.

No, they are the words of Muhammed who claimed he received them from an angel; Gabriel. It can be concluded Muhammed was probably schizophrenic. In other words, he made up the whole thing based on his mental disorder.

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Thanks, but the Quran is available all over the internet, which I've already read.
(Q) said:
I have no need to 'believe' in anything. I simply follow the laws of nature; reality.

My Dear Q,
Please tell us more about the laws of nature, and what you mean with "reality."

(Q) said:
And of course, the thought never crossed your mind that there is no creator, that the universe simply came into existence on its own, as all the evidence indicates it did

WaW, so the universe simply came to exsistence on its own. How clever !!
Please let us know some of your scintific evidences, and the theories that proves what you say.

Peace be upon you.
audible said:
I believe in humanity, no deity required.
you are an atheist, you dont believe in any other religion but islam, do you.
so your atheistic to all other religions.

Dear Audible,
So you beleive in humanity !!
At least there is something you beleive in.
So please let me know, what is the humanity's requirements so that I become a humanitarian. How did humanity created us and what does it require from us. Does it require from us to ber good or bad ? Please mention your evidences.
Ask humanity, why we were created and how ?

Please be upon you.
Dear Arnold, please explain how supposedly god made the universe?

What theist like you have done, brainless may I add, is get an unexplained phenomenon, like the universe, and "create" an answer with yet! another unexplained phenomenon like a god!. So do please explain were is this so called god of yours, how did it create itself out of nothing, and then decided to create our earth with us in it, to amuse his fuking mind by having idiots worship him?.

Godless said:
Dear Arnold, please explain how supposedly god made the universe?

he said: Be! and there it was :)

So do please explain were is this so called god of yours,

In heaven (within)

how did it create itself out of nothing,

Nothingness doesn't need to create itself.

and then decided to create our earth with us in it, to amuse his fuking mind by having idiots worship him?

God wants us to honor and believe in the truth (ie. God)
Godless said:
Dear Arnold, please explain how supposedly god made the universe?

What theist like you have done, brainless may I add, is get an unexplained phenomenon, like the universe, and "create" an answer with yet! another unexplained phenomenon like a god!. So do please explain were is this so called god of yours, how did it create itself out of nothing, and then decided to create our earth with us in it, to amuse his fuking mind by having idiots worship him?.


I shall ask you to choose your words carefully and not to use words that may not be proper.
We may be different in our beleifs. But that does not justify insulting the God I am beleiving in.
I shall consider that any of those who are raising the discusion with me will not insult God; otherwise, I shall not partisipate in any of these discussions.

If you have other theories of creation, I shall be glad to listen to you, because as I mentioned before, there are only three logical ways of creation which are again :
1) The threory of a Devine cosmos.
2) The theory of the great explotion.
3) Created by a God or as others say super power.
Yorda_7 said:
he said: Be! and there it was :)

In heaven (within)

Nothingness doesn't need to create itself.

God wants us to honor and believe in the truth (ie. God)

Nice and logical for those who have minds. ;)
God bless you.
Peace be upon you
Sorry jackass I can insult a fucking non-existent as much as I please!. Untill you prove, with emperical evidence that a fart like a god exists, you only believe in fary tales!. ;)

Godless said:
Sorry jackass I can insult a fucking non-existent as much as I please!. Untill you prove, with emperical evidence that a fart like a god exists, you only believe in fary tales!. ;)

It doesn't matter what you think, because God knows.

Try reading a book other than the Quran, you might actually learn something about reality.
Should we bring up yet again Mohamed the pedophile?. LOL, LOL..

"Citing passages from the Hadith, the collected sayings of Mohammed, ... by his own account, the founder of Islam was often possessed by Satan. The phrase "Satanic Verses" refers to words that Mohammed first claimed had come from God, but which he later concluded were spoken by Satan. Mohammed married 11 women, kept two others as concubines and recommended wife-beating (but only as a last resort!). His third wife was 6 years old when he married her and 9 when he consummated the marriage. To say that Mohammed was a demon-possessed pedophile is not an attack. It's a fact."click

So much for that religious nut case! next?

(Q) said:

Try reading a book other than the Quran, you might actually learn something about reality.

Dear Q,
You did not find what you claimed about muslems in Quran, Did you ?
Why try other book ?
You know whats your problem ? Your problem is that you read the quran with a narrow mind. You just read it searching for evidence to debate others.

It is clear that you have better quality of understanding than " Godless " who is simply an immature, ignorant, and impolite child that does not know how to use his brain, if he has any.
We are ordered by God in Quran not to make nonbeleifers insult God. He debates just for debating, running in all directions with no aim.
And inspite of my warning to " Godless" not to, he insists in turning our discussing to street fight, without considering others beleifs.
Thats why I dicided not to consider any of his thoughts or his replies, for also another reason, that his ideas do not enrich our thoughts or the readers' .
Getting back to your last message, what reality are you talking about ? If you do not beleive that a God created a cosmos, who or what do you think created it, and I shall answer you back.

Peace be upon you.
You did not find what you claimed about muslems in Quran, Did you ?

Yes, I did. There was plenty of fodder.

Your problem is that you read the quran with a narrow mind. You just read it searching for evidence to debate others.

I read it to get educated on the Quran. You should read other books to get educated.

We are ordered by God in Quran not to make nonbeleifers insult God.

To kill them wherever you find them, yes, I know.

Getting back to your last message, what reality are you talking about ? If you do not beleive that a God created a cosmos, who or what do you think created it, and I shall answer you back.

There is only one reality, have a look out your window to see it. Any gods out there?

The universe came into existence on its own, no ONE created it.

You are here at a science forum, have you not been reading the science threads? Are you not interested to find out just how the universe came into existence?

Of course not, your beliefs won't allow it. Ever wonder why?
It is clear that you have better quality of understanding than " Godless " who is simply an immature, ignorant, and impolite child that does not know how to use his brain, if he has any.

Opinions are like assholes! Everyone has one!. :eek:

You don't know me dip shit. So you don't qualify to state your fucking statements. I am the way I am, I deal with idiots all the fucking time, I treat those who treat me with respect with respect, "respect is earned" not quickly given. Earn it and you shall see. But too late now asshole. I do the fucking dirty work, of bringing you facts and you shade away from it because it's fucking facts and you can't take it.

Mohammed was a pedophile. That's a fact.

The qua'ran if full of miscrepancies just like the bible and that's a fucking fact.

I don't judge you as a person, only as a deluded theist. You may be a nice guy and all, but you still got your fucking head stuck up your ass.

Some samples of Quranic contradictions for you
Prepared by: Syed Kamran Mirza
Special Note: Quranic ayats are taken mostly from the Quran translation of Maulana A. Yousuf Ali and Maulana Muhiuddin Khan. Hadiths were taken from Bukhari Sharif (Sahih).

Numerical Contradictions: There are many numerical contradictions in the Quran. God cannot make an error in doing simple calculations.

How many days did it take to create the Heavens and the Earth?

· Quran-7:54: Your guardian-Lord is Allah who created the heavens and earth in Six Days

· Quran-10:3: Verily your Lord is Allah, who created the heavens and earth in Six Days

· Quran- 11:7: He it is Who created the heavens and earth in Six Days

· Quran-25:29: He Who created the heavens and earth and all that is between, in Six Days

The above verses clearly state that Allah ( God) created the heavens and the Earth in 6 days. But the verses below state

· Quran-41:9 : Is it that ye deny Him who created the earth in Two Days ?

· Quran- 41:10: He set on the (earth) Mountains standing firm high above it, and bestowed blessing on the earth, and measured therein all things to give them nourishment in due proportion, in FOUR DAYS…

· Quran-41:12: So He completed them (heavens) as seven firmaments in Two days and …

Now do the math: 2 (for earth) + 4 (for nourishment) + 2 (for heavens) = 8 days; and not 6 days.

You can see similar mistakes in the verses: Quran-4:11, 4:12, and 4: 176 in inheritance law. In these verses one can see the total property after adding all distributed parts adds up more than the available property, i.e., the totals become more than 1 which are: 1.125 and 1.25. How come? A gross mathematical error, is it not?

The above were from smart muslims who became secularists.
