The necessary truth of mathematics (?)

Newtonian mechanics are NOT false. They work perfectly well when applied judiciously.

and . . .

But that is the nonsense that requires responding to at the level I can respond to....:eek:

I was not going to respond again, but it's about time this confusion -- once again the result of philosophical illiteracy -- was straightened out once and for all.

First thing to note: Immediately after making one claim ("Newtonian mechanics are NOT false") Write4U then justifies it with another -- completely irrelevant -- claim ("They work perfectly well when applied judiciously.")

One might as well argue: "It is not false that Glasgow is the capital of the UK. It's a beautiful city."

Whether something is true or false, and whether or not something works, are entirely different questions, and must be addressed individually. It is well known that false theories, as well as true theories, can work very well.

You may have a star-headed screwdriver (or whatever they're called) in your home. It may work very well, at least when applied to screws of a certain size and design. It works far less well with screws that are too big or too small, and it works not at all with regular non-star-head screws. Moreover, and needless to say, it makes no sense whatsoever to speak of a screwdriver -- a tool or an instrument -- being true or false.

No one denies that Newtonian mechanics -- as a tool or instrument (like a screwdriver) -- works very well for certain applications. That is to say, in certain circumstances it yields predictions that are accurate -- indeed accurate enough to send people to the moon. This is not denied!

Note, meanwhile, that other theories that are regarded as false work too, to varying degrees. Phlogiston theory and geocentric theory, just to name two, also yield predictions that are accurate for some applications. The theory "All humans live to be over 100 years old" and "All mammals lay eggs" also work if you hang around with the right kind of people and the right kind of mammals: both will yield predictions that are correct in some circumstances.

Q1: Do you think "All mammals lay eggs" is true or false? How about "All humans are women"?

The latter in particular works extremely well, indeed will yield correct predictions in about 50% of cases, and will yield only correct predictions if you stick to the right "domain" (e.g. a convent for nuns).

We now come to the separate question of truth/falsity. A tool or an instrument such as a screwdriver or Newtonian mechanics, if treated as such, is neither true nor false. Tools, in and of themselves, are not the kinds of things that can be true or false; the terms do not apply. They can, however, work more or less well.

For the question of truth/falsity to even arise, something has to be asserted, you have to state something, you have to make a statement. E.g.

"This screwdriver was made in China"

Wiki states Newton's law of gravitation thus:

"The gravitational attraction force between two point masses is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of their separation distance. The force is always attractive and acts along the line joining them."

The main reason this statement is now regarded as false by contemporary physicists is that the subject term does not refer, they believe there is no such attractive force. The statement therefore is exactly analogous to:

"All massive bodies are pulled towards each other by an invisible unicorn (or Santa Claus or some other fictitious entity -- see below) according to an inverse square relationship"

Here's Albert Einstein saying the same thing (my emphasis):

"We can indeed see from Newton's formulation of it that the concept of absolute space, which comprised that of absolute rest, made him feel uncomfortable; he realized that there seemed to be nothing in experience corresponding to this last concept. He was also not quite comfortable about the introduction of forces operating at a distance. But the tremendous practical success of his doctrines may well have prevented him and the physicists of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries from recognizing the fictitious character of the foundations of his system."

- essay, "On the Methods of Theoretical Physics"

Perhaps modern physicists are wrong, though, you might reasonably retort. Perhaps Einstein is wrong, Newton is right, and there is such an attractive gravitational force. This still won't do!

Regardless of whichever ontology we nail our colors to, the laws in question do not invariably yield the correct values. This is conceded by all physicists. Some, like yourself, due to philosophical naivete, react by saying "Newtonian mechanics is still true within a limited domain."

Note first: Newton did not propose laws applicable to a limited domain. They were advanced as general laws applicable to all domains. What you are defending, then, is not Newtonian laws or Newtonian mechanics, but a revised version thereof.

What you are doing, thus, is analogous to arguing that "All mammals lay eggs" is true within a limited domain (e.g. certain parts of Australia perhaps, or a sanctuary for monotremes).

Note again: As a matter of simple logic and a little empirical inquiry "All mammals lay eggs" is false - FALSE!! Ask a logic professor at your local uni if you have any doubts. Exactly the same applies to Newtonian mechanics.

The revised version "All mammals in a limited domain lay eggs" is true, but trivially so. It reduces to the assertion that "All Xs are Y in circumstances where Xs are Y". Nicholas Rescher puts the point thus (emphasis in original):

"It may seem tempting to say that later theories simply provide localized readjustments and that the old theories continue to hold good provided only that we suitably restrict their domains of purported validity. On such a view, it is tempting to say: "Einstein's theory does not replace Newton's; it does not actually disagree with Newton's at all but simply sets limits to the the region of phenomena (large-scale, slow-moving objects) where Newton's theory works perfectly well". Such temptations must be resisted. To yield to them is like saying that "All swans are white" is true all right; we just have to be cautious about its domain limitation and take care not to apply it to Australia. This sort of position comes down, in the final analysis, to the unhelpful truism that a theory works where a theory works."

-- Nicholas Rescher, "The Limits of Science", p69


* It is not denied that Newtonian mechanics works. But other theories widely regarded as false also work. False theories can work too! Newtonian mechanics is now widely regarded as being false.

* To appraise any claim about truth or falsity something has to be asserted. What exactly are you asserting about Newtonian mechanics? State it in plain English. A screwdriver asserts nothing, neither does an uninterpreted mathematical equation. Before we even begin to appraise the latter -- e.g., "h = 1/2 bd", or "e = mc squared" -- for truth or falsity you'll have to tell us first what the constituent terms mean. Meaningless claims have no truth value (T/F), a fortiori cannot be appraised for such.

* Yes, you may hear scientists make the kinds of claims that you are making, but I submit that if you do, it will emanate from the mouths of the philosophically clueless (e.g. Lawrence Krauss, Neil deGrasse Tyson, etc.). You will not, I daresay, hear such claims from more sophisticated scientists. I've noticed that you are an admirer of David Bohm. I am too! He was such a wonderfully clever and philosophically sophisticated man. See what he says on all this below.

To be continued ("message too long") . . .
@ Write4U. As for your incurably obtuse and philosophically illiterate friend . . .

Correct. Only posters who want to pick scientifically illiterate holes in science say this kind of stupidity.
I can only guess the silly nonsense you are responding to.

Please convey the following, if you wish.

Your tedious, incessant, and fundamental confusions -- invariably stated with an implacable arrogance that only the truly incompetent can muster -- could be so easily avoided by simply educating yourself in a little basic philosophy, especially the philosophy of science and language. Fortunately, one needn't appeal to philosophy to refute your latest absurdities. I'll let the finest scientists speak for themselves . . .

(Bold emphasis added, italic emphasis in originals)

"The two theories of relativity are among humankind's most precious achievements, and with them Einstein toppled Newton's conception of reality. Even though Newtonian physics seemed to capture mathematically much of what we experience physically, the reality it describes turns out not to be the reality of our world. Ours is a relativistic reality. Yet, because the deviation between classical and relativistic reality is manifest only under extreme conditions (such as extremes of speed and gravity), Newtonian physics still provides an approximation that proves extremely accurate and useful in many circumstances [cf. it works - axo]. But utility and reality are very different standards. As we will see, features of space and time that for many of us are second nature have turned out to be figments of a false Newtonian perspective."

- "The Fabric of the Cosmos", Brian Greene, p10

"It was this task to which Einstein boldly dedicated himself, and with the dazzling framework he developed after close to a decade of searching in the dark, Einstein overthrew Newton's revered theory of gravity."

- "The Fabric of the Cosmos", Brian Greene, p64

"To present such new ideas without relating them properly to previously held ideas gives the wrong impression that the theory of relativity is merely at a culminating point of earlier developments and does not properly bring out the fact that this theory is on a radically new line that contradicts Newtonian concepts in the very same step in which it extends physical law in new directions, and into hitherto unexpected new domains"

- David Bohm, "The Special Theory of Relativity", preface, page xvi

"It is now nearly a full century since Einstein destroyed Newton's concept of space and time as absolute, and began laying the foundations for his own legacy."

- Kip S. Thorne, "Black Holes and Time Warps: Einstein's Outrageous Legacy", p523

"A theory that has real predictive content must then, as it were, "stick its neck out". But if it does this it is likely in time to "have its neck chopped off". Indeed, this is what did happen eventually to a great many theories such as Newtonian mechanics, which were confirmed up to a point but then shown to be false."

- David Bohm, "The Special Theory of Relativity", pp 149-150

"It is clear that the form of Newton's laws of motion is not invariant under a Lorentz transformation. And since the experimental facts that have been discussed (as well as others) make it evident that the actual transformation between coordinate frames must be that of Lorentz and not that of Galileo, as well as that the laws of mechanics are indeed invariant to a change of velocity of the reference frame, it follows that Newton's laws cannot be the correct laws of mechanics (except as an approximation holding in the limiting case as v/c approaches zero)."

-- David Bohm, "The Special Theory of Relativity", p87
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But that is the nonsense that requires responding to at the level I can respond to....:eek:
I am glad you are doing that not me. Trek the actual champion of ID, the DI and AIG seems to have left the building.
I posted from the Aron Ra site about another attempt to insert religion into Texas schools.
Not via science this time.
One might as well argue: "It is not false that Glasgow is the capital of the UK. It's a beautiful city."
No, one might not use that as an argument.

Your argument is that most applied science on earth rests on a false reality as exists in the "local" conditions of the earth's physical biome.
Applied science on earth rests primarily on Newtonian mechanics as they apply in a defined limited sense.
The difference is our inability to measure at Einsteinian quantum scales.

Utility is also a relative aspect of universal potential. In a dynamic environment the Evolutionary process sorts out the utilitarian advantages that allows for adaption and persistence of durable utility. Newtonian Mechanics offers the equations associated with naturally occurring utilitarian adaption and is very much part of a local deterministically driven objective reality . The Einsteinian versions address the question at the extreme ends, beyond our limitation in measurements at that fine scale.

The Newtonian scale is practical to our sciences of physically observable expressed chronologies. The unfolding of the future. Predictive properties..
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Newtonian mechanics are NOT false. They work perfectly well when applied judiciously.

Correct. Only posters who want to pick scientifically illiterate holes in science say this kind of stupidity.
I can only guess the silly nonsense you are responding to.

Suit yourselves. You can choose ignorance, or you can choose to educate yourselves. Neither rational argumentation nor the explicit statements of experts in the field has any effect on people like yourselves. You know better!

"A theory that has real predictive content must then, as it were, "stick its neck out". But if it does this it is likely in time to "have its neck chopped off". Indeed, this is what did happen eventually to a great many theories such as Newtonian mechanics, which were confirmed up to a point but then shown to be false."

- David Bohm

P.S. It does not matter at what speed you're going or how strong the gravity, if you take modern physics seriously, our universe is not Newtonian - anywhere!

As you move away from places where relativistic effects are more pronounced -- near a black hole perhaps -- are you seriously laboring under the misapprehension that space and time somehow untangle from one another and become independent, absolute, and uniform once again (a la Newton)? Are you seriously suggesting that Einsteinian spacetime curvature gradually reduces to a good old fashioned Newtonian attractive force?

If you take Einstein et al seriously, there are no such things in our universe. Our universe just isn't like that, even if it appears as if there are such things.

You simply cannot -- on pain of logical inconsistency -- have one foot in a Newtonian universe and the other in an Einsteinian universe. I've told you, experts in the field have told you, and you are unmoved.

Suit yourselves!
Suit yourselves. You can choose ignorance, or you can choose to educate yourselves. Neither rational argumentation nor the explicit statements of experts in the field has any effect on people like yourselves. You know better!
I think I know the difference. "Better" is just another guess. Mathematics do not guess. It is either true or false

I come from the perspective that all functional spacetime mechanics are expressions of mathematical truths, allowing for dynamic variances.

When the maths are not true, the results are not true. (garbage in, garbage out).
But when the maths are true the results are true at all levels from the most subtle to gross expressions.

So far, the only time a known mathematical function using the proper input (values) renders a result of "not true" is by the introduction of an unknown value into the equation.

Note that the only time you are citing a false result is by the introduction of an unknown value, proving that in the absence of that unknown causality the original results will always hold and the equations are fundamentally true, within their natural limitations.
I come from the perspective that all functional spacetime mechanics are expressions of mathematical truths, allowing for dynamic variances.

“As far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain; and as far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality.”

― Albert Einstein

Physicists now believe that the mathematical apparatus (leaving aside the even more problematic question of ontology) associated with Newtonian gravitational theory does not correspond with reality. In other words, it is now widely believed that Newtonian theory is not true.

Yes, to repeat for the umpteenth time, it yields predictions that are very accurate in some contexts. Then again, so does "All humans are women".
Yes, to repeat for the umpteenth time, it yields predictions that are very accurate in some contexts. Then again, so does "All humans are women".
So, in "some contexts" you agree. Excellent!

But it is nothing like "All humans are women". Only in context of "Some humans are women" does the prediction allow for the label of "truth".
Can we agree on that as well?
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Your argument is that most applied science on earth rests on a false reality as exists in the "local" conditions of the earth's physical biome

Props to you. You have stamina.

I have been looking at similar cases to Dover in detail going back to 1968.
Creationist garbage being rebranded as creation science and finally intelligent Design or cdesign as they inadvertently called it.

This is exactly what Dawkins was warning his general readers with the "Blind Watchmaker" and other books.

The latest assault on the establishment clause looks like it will be concluded in November. Hopefully they will not have to destroy them in court again, to keep this sinister superstitious nonsense away from children.
So, in "some contexts" you agree. Excellent!

But it is nothing like "All humans are women". Only in context of "Some humans are women" does the prediction allow for the label of "truth".
Can we agree on that as well?

@ Write4U

I mean no disrespect, I don't want to be rude to anyone or hurt anyone, but I simply can't keep responding to you. There are two reasons why:

(i) You are attempting to speak intelligently and competently and authoritatively on subjects that you are simply not qualified (in either a professional or non-professional sense) to speak intelligently and competently on. You lack the appropriate grounding.

(ii) Again, I make no allegation of improper behavior, but your replies are simply a never-ending flow of logical fallacies. Most commonly, you move the goalposts. This happens because, time and time again, you simply do not understand what was said, and move on to something different and irrelevant.

The above will no doubt be regarded as hubristic (happens a lot), so for what it's worth, I'll briefly repeat some comments I made to James in private recently. These apply not just to yourself, but to several other members here (especially the most frequent posters).

There is a general atmosphere (with exceptions) on the site of hostility towards philosophy in general, and philosophy of science in particular. The general opinion is that philosophy of science is a lot of rubbish; it is mere "navel gazing" and "mental masturbation."

The degree of hostility is directly proportional to the degree of ignorance, i.e. those who express the greatest contempt are those who know the least about it.

The majority, perhaps the vast majority, of discussions on this site (that I've seen since I joined anyway) are not so much discussions about science (e.g. the nuts and bolts of some particular scientific theory) but rather discussions about the philosophy of science. Those include discussions about what is science, what are its methods, how does science differ (if at all) from non-science (pseudoscience, metaphysics, religion, Intelligent Design, etc.), what is evidence, how does evidence support a theory, what is a scientific theory, and so on, and so forth.

Presumably, most of the contributors are not even aware that, hostility and ignorance of the philosophy of science notwithstanding, they are doing philosophy of science. That is to say, they are attempting to speak intelligently -- without knowing it -- on a discipline which they are not only ignorant of, but explicitly reject as worthless mental masturbation. The results predictably are a complete shambles, analogous to myself attempting to lecture intelligently on organic chemistry perhaps. Of course, it's likely that only those members in the audience who are trained in organic chemistry would notice -- and notice very quickly -- that a complete incompetent is standing before them. The others may even gasp, "Wow, this dude really knows his shit".

It's this unawareness of their own incompetence and ignorance that makes these discussions so frustrating. Those few members who are knowledgeable on the subject are "corrected" time and time again by those who -- and I sincerely mean no offence -- haven't a clue what they're talking about. They simply have not absorbed and grasped the fundamentals.

You're obviously intelligent, so are many other members. I really mean no offence to anyone. The point however is this: without some background in a discipline any attempt to speak authoritatively on that discipline will very quickly result in that person appearing ridiculous to those who do have the requisite background. You may be the most intelligent person in the world, but without some background in a discipline you will inevitably sound hopelessly naive, you will not understand a great deal of what is said, at least at first, and you will say an awful lot of things that are dubious and challengeable at best, and outrageously false at worst.

And you will say these things with the implacable confidence of a . . . Donald Trump! say, completely unaware that there is an entire discipline which has spent centuries examining these things.
Write4U is doing what he always does - posting irrelevances and garbage while trying his best to steer the discussion onto one of the two or three pet topics that he is obsessed with.

If it makes you feel any better, axocanth, you're not the first to try to educate Write4U on a topic. The general experience most people have when they try to interact intelligently with Write4U is that nothing really gets through to him. In a day or a week, or even in the next post, he'll go right on making all the same mistakes you just tried to help him correct. And he'll protest that he was right all along, if you tilt your head in the right way and interpret his words "correctly".

Mathematics do not guess. It is either true or false
What do you mean when you say that mathematics is either true or false?

All mathematical arguments/proofs start with some premises, which are assumptions. The conclusions of a valid mathematical argument follow logically from the premises. But that doesn't make the conclusions true. It only tells us that the conclusions follow from the premises.

When we say that it is true that 2+2=4, we really mean that given certain definitions of the concepts of "two" and "four" and our definition of the addition operation and an axiom (assumption) about mathematical equality, that the conclusion that 2+2 gives 4 logically follows. On the other hand, if we use the same understandings and axioms, 2+2=5 does not follow.

Einstein's and Newton's theories of gravity have mathematical expressions. But whether what those theories say about the physical world is true or false can't be determined merely by looking at the maths. We have to know things like whether the premises of each theory are true of the physical world, for instance. No maths can tell us that.

I come from the perspective that all functional spacetime mechanics are expressions of mathematical truths, allowing for dynamic variances.
This is a typical word salad statement. When you break it down, it is actually meaningless.

Write4U has literally nothing in mind when he strings the words "functional spacetime mechanics" together. They are just words that sound sciencey and technical. I am coming to the conclusion that this is all that matters to him. The same goes for "dynamics variances" here. Write4U never defines his terms in advance - he only ever attempts to define them in retrospective apologetics for his post content. And then, what he inevitably produces is dictionary definitions of the constituent words. So if he addresses this at all, expect to see wiktionary definitions of "functional" or "dynamic" or "variance". After posting those, Write4U will claim that his word original word salad concatenation of random terms was "correct" and meaningful, because other people use the same words, if not necessarily in the same order or in the same context.
When the maths are not true, the results are not true. (garbage in, garbage out).
How do you determine when the maths are true, Write4U?
But when the maths are true the results are true at all levels from the most subtle to gross expressions.
Give me a specific example of these "subtle" and "gross" levels you have in mind, Write4U.
So far, the only time a known mathematical function using the proper input (values) renders a result of "not true" is by the introduction of an unknown value into the equation.
When did that happen, pray tell? Who dared to insert an unknown "value" into an equation? Somebody must be punished!

(Note for those who are unfamiliar with Write4U: it is a mistake to assume that Write4U means anything at all when he uses the word "value". He is unable to define that word or use it consistently or coherently. It means whatever he needs it to mean at any given time.)
Note that the only time you are citing a false result is by the introduction of an unknown value, proving that in the absence of that unknown causality the original results will always hold and the equations are fundamentally true, within their natural limitations.
Notice how this sentence doesn't refer to anything that came before, despite referring "back" to unspecified "original results". What does this mean? Nothing, really. It's just words for the sake of saying something and getting some attention.
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All mathematical arguments/proofs start with some premises, which are assumptions. The conclusions of a valid mathematical argument follow logically from the premises. But that doesn't make the conclusions true. It only tells us that the conclusions follow from the premises.
It always comes down to the human use of mathematics. But spacetime mathematics do not obey human premises. They teach the premises.
The simple equation 2 + 2 cannot mathematically result in 5, in spite of human premises and mental contortions.

When did that happen, pray tell? Who dared to insert an unknown "value" into an equation? Somebody must be punished!
Every counter examples used in this discussion involves the introduction of a variable. I have no dispute with that. But you are right, I am using fundamental mathematical logic, without any "special relativities"

(Note for those who are unfamiliar with Write4U: it is a mistake to assume that Write4U means anything at all when he uses the word "value". He is unable to define that word or use it consistently or coherently. It means whatever he needs it to mean at any given time.)
Oh, I use the term "generic (intrinsic) value" appropriately. And I have defined it several times which you chose to ignore or just plain dismiss.
It is you who is using the term "value " in an anthropocentric way.

Instrumental value = that which has an effective relational potential that has nothing to do with human symbolic numbers or morals.

What is the instrumental value of an exhausted car battery when trying to start the car? I believe we use the term "useless" (having no value).
What is the instrumental value of a fully charged car battery when trying to start the car? I believe we use the term "useful" (having value).

What is the value in physics?
Value of the physical constants is a fixed numerical value. These values do not involve directly in any of the measurements but they are the backbone in many calculations and applications. These definite constant values aid the learning process by bringing down the potential to be spent on grasping the concepts.

The Value of Nature: Economic, Intrinsic, or Both?​

There has been a long standing argument that ecosystems have intrinsic value and so there is no need to put a price tag on Mother Nature (cf., McCauley 2006). And further, that it is wrong to do so. The concept of intrinsic value reflects the perspective that nature has value in its own right, independent of human uses.
Intrinsic value opens us to the possibility that nature has value even if it does not directly or indirectly benefit humans. Intrinsic value is viewed from an ecocentric standpoint. Conversely, the economic concepts of use and non-use values are viewed from an anthropocentric perspective (Munns and Rea 2015). Non-use values describe the worth, typically in monetary terms, that people ascribe to ecosystem services that they do not directly or indirectly use yet view as affecting their well-being.
Habitat preservation, existence value (e.g., threatened and endangered species) and bequest value (e.g., wilderness areas set aside for future generations) are examples of non-use values.
While non-use values can be quantified monetarily using economic valuation approaches, if at times imprecisely, there are no standard metrics or methods for describing the intrinsic value of ecosystems.
Or that "quality" possessed by any interactive system or object for that matter. I see "value" as a generic term with many associated "meanings".
To paraphrase Farrell (2007), our current inability to quantify the intrinsic value of the “priceless” life-supporting services of ecosystems might be due to our reliance on valuation approaches that are simply not capable of representing their economic worth. This is problematic when it comes to environmental management and decision making.
Yet ironically, when people express a desire to base decisions affecting ecosystems (or their components) on intrinsic values, they may be reflecting their own (anthropocentric) non-use existence values for those ecosystems (Goulder and Kennedy 2011). Even so, intrinsic value has been the foundation of environmental management decisions, such as establishing the US National Park system.

Does that help?

Write4U said:
Note that the only time you are citing a false result is by the introduction of an unknown value, proving that in the absence of that unknown causality the original results will always hold and the equations are fundamentally true, within their natural limitations.
Notice how this sentence doesn't refer to anything that came before, despite referring "back" to unspecified "original results". What does this mean? Nothing, really. It's just words for the sake of saying something and getting some attention.
2 + 2 = 4 is the "original result" that will always hold up in the absence of an unknown additional causal value. What is so difficult about that?
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To the posts above I'd just add, for what's it worth, that one common view on the statements of pure mathematics is that if they are true at all (e.g. 2+2=4), they are analytically true. That is to say, they are devoid of any empirical content, they tell us nothing about how the world is; their truth can be known a priori (from the comfort of your armchair); and they are necessarily true - true in all possible worlds, as it is sometimes put.

The true statements of mathematics, then, are true in the same sense that other analytic statements such as "Vixens are female foxes" are true; true by definition, if you like, not something that we discovered about the real world. Thus, we're never going to discover that there are vixens which are not female foxes, or that 2+2 does not equal 4, for the simple reason that it's a logical impossibility.

Meanings of words can change, of course, but that's another matter.

Needless to say, there are alternative takes on all this.
P.S. And with regards an earlier brouhaha in this thread, one does not show that 2 + 2 does not necessary 4 by switching into Base Three, say.

"2 + 2 = 11" (Base Three) is just another way of saying "2 + 2 = 4" (Base Ten). Might as well say it in Japanese!
P.S. And with regards an earlier brouhaha in this thread, one does not show that 2 + 2 does not necessary 4 by switching into Base Three, say.

"2 + 2 = 11" (Base Three) is just another way of saying "2 + 2 = 4" (Base Ten). Might as well say it in Japanese!
And again this is an example of introducing an anthropomorphized variable into the equation. Can't you see this?
The true statements of mathematics, then, are true in the same sense that other analytic statements such as "Vixens are female foxes" are true; true by definition, if you like, not something that we discovered about the real world. Thus, we're never going to discover that there are vixens which are not female foxes, or that 2+2 does not equal 4, for the simple reason that it's a logical impossibility.
Oh, but all natural mathematics are discovered, because they are true. Human descriptive symbolism has nothing to do with innate universal logical values and functions.

Maths is innate
Nature exists and functions due to an underlying rule of mathematics, which humans have discovered during our endeavour to understand our natural world, and hence mathematics provides predictive power (that is, it generates testable predictions).
Interestingly, the Ancient Greek philosophers and mathematicians Pythagoras, Plato and Euclid (the ‘father of geometry’) believed, to varying degrees, mathematics to be the architecture of nature – that nature is a physical manifestation of mathematical laws.

But today we know that these giants were all wrong? Is that what you are saying?

I know why the concept of universal mathematics is so vehemently opposed. It does away with "Intelligent Design", for shame.

What is evolution in mathematics?
An equation that can be interpreted as the differential law of the development (evolution) in time of a system.
The term does not have an exact definition, and its meaning depends not only on the equation itself, but also on the formulation of the problem for which it is used. Feb 14, 2020
Evolution equation - Encyclopedia of Mathematics
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And again this is an example of introducing an anthropomorphized variable into the equation. Can't you see this?
I believe this is explained with "falsifiability".


In subject area: Mathematics
To say that a certain hypothesis is falsifiable is to say that there is possible evidence that would not count as consistent with the hypothesis.
According to Popper, evidence cannot establish a scientific hypothesis, it can only “falsify” it. A scientific hypothesis is therefore a falsifiable conjecture. A useful scientific hypothesis is a falsifiable hypothesis that has withstood empirical testing.
Just a quick check:

Troll one exits the building at post 1165

Troll 2 enters the building at post 1170

I am not suggesting these two posters are the same (different positions, style of posting, use of quotations) I am just pointing out that this is exceedingly bad luck.

Up to that point some great posts regarding "the Wedge document" which I knew a little about but now I am more aware of, details on the trial itself and lots of examples of Evolution in action.

Why post now? Well another case has cropped up similar to Dover that could be trickier so I wanted to bow out now and leave you guys to it.