The Myth of Critical Thinking

Wait. Critical thinking is hard to define? Since when?
Successful critical thinking just avoids letting assumptions lead analysis.
But due to implicit biases, it's not a completely attainable goal.
Even so, critical thinking in the face of explicit biases is far superior
to no critically thinking at all.
“We are all agreed that your theory is crazy.
The question which divides us is whether it is crazy enough
to have a chance of being correct.
My own feeling is that it is not crazy enough.”
/ Niels Bohr /

My crazy theory: God and Soul in Quantum Theory.
Can the conception of God and Soul have Physical Background?
My answer is: "Yes, God and Soul have physical background
and can be explained by physical formulas, equations and laws."
I will try to prove my position.
Question: what is God?
The Religious answer:
God is something Absolute, Infinite, Eternal, Spiritual,
the Highest form of Consciousness, Who created everything
in the Universe.
The Physical answer ( in my opinion) is more concrete:
There is an Absolute, Infinite, Eternal Reference Frame and IT is
Vacuum in the condition of Absolute Zero: T=OK,
that take the functions of God and create everything in the Universe.
Zero Vacuum T=OK is a "solo fabric" of creation everything in the Universe.
Zero Vacuum T=OK is a Metaphysical / Spirit World.
How can I prove my opinion?
1. God does not create this Material World directly Himself.
2. To create Material World and everything in It, God uses Spiritual Particles.
3. The modern name of these Spiritual Particles is Quantum of Light.
Quantum of Light is most phenomenal particle in the World.
Quantum of Light is the structural essence of the Material World.
The essence of all material objects is Quantum of Light.
Through the behavior of Quantum of Light we can understand
what an Absolute God has the Highest form of Consciousness.
In the Vacuum Quantum of Light has maximal speed : c=1
(from our earthly- gravity point of view).
No material particles can ever attain this velocity. It means that this
constant characteristic brings quantum of light to the world which
is different from Material World and this is Vacuum World of Spirits.
Many kinds of so-called different particles (waves) are only different
manifestation / modifications of Quantum of Light.
How can I prove this opinion?
It seems that different particles create different waves:
EM-waves, Gamma-Radiation waves, Röntgen-Radiation waves,
Light-Waves, Ultraviolet -waves, Super/Ultra-High-TV-waves,
Short/Mid/Long wave- length Radio Emission waves . . . but . .
. . . but the energy of each of them is written by formula: E=h*f.
It means that the difference between all these particles / radiations
depends only on frequencies and the background of these modifications
is one and the same particle: Quantum of Light in different frequencies.
Why the simple quantum particle electron has six ( 6 ) formulas:
+E=Mc^2 and -E=Mc^2 ,
E=h*f and e^2=ah*c,
E=-me^4/2h*^2= -13,6eV and E= ∞ ?
My answer:
Because an electron and quantum of light / photon and antielectron
are one and the same particle in different actions and conditions and
" The Law of conservation and transformation of energy/ mass "
unites them together.
The Quantum of Light is not static / firm particle.
Quantum of Light is an elastic particle and can change its geometrical form.
Through so-called "vacuum fluctuation / transformation" Quantum of Light
can materialize or dematerialize its body ( virtual particle can become real
and vice versa) using its own inner impulse h or h*=h/2pi.
(Newtonian physics explains movement as a result of outside influence,
Quantum physics explains movement as a result of own inner power / impulse
of particle and therefore Quantum physics is only a modern Aristotle's metaphysics)
1. The potential state of Quantum of Light in the Zero Vacuum is: E=Mc^2.
2. In the straight constant movement its speed is c=1 and its energy is: E=hc
Quantum of Light behaves like a "particle".
3. In the rotation around its axis Quantum of Light behaves like "wave"
with energy: E=h*f. In the Zero Vacuum nobody has influence on
behavior of Quantum of Light. Quantum of Light by himself decided
in which state He wants to be, it means that Quantum of Light has some
kind of consciousness. The consciousness of Quantum of Light can evolve.
Quantum of Light takes part in creation atom, cell, flower, . . . etc . . . and
in creation every living being. And Its evolution of consciousness is going
step by step (from atom, cell, flower . . . to a living being ) according to ancient
Vedas conception: ‘ from vague wish up to a clear thought ’
Now . . . . . if . . . .
If Quantum of Light have some kind of consciousness which can evolve and
the Absolute Zero T=0K gave the birth to this conscious Spiritual Particles . . . .
then . . . . then it means that the T=0K by Itself has an Absolute the Highest
form of Consciousness.
The tendency to understand "God" by physical laws, formulas,
equations using the Quantum Theory never will be ended.
Does Quantum Physics Make it Easier to Believe in God? ... elieve-god
Does Quantum Physics Prove God's Existence?
Does quantum theory prove God exists? ... od-exists/
In 1954 Einstein wrote:
" All these fifty years of conscious brooding have brought me
no nearer to the answer to the question, 'What are light quanta?'
Nowadays every Tom, **** and Harry thinks he knows it,
but he is mistaken.'‘
In 1987 Feynman wrote:
‘ It is important to realize that in physics today,
we have no knowledge of what energy is.
We do not have a picture that energy comes in little
blobs of a definite amount. ‘
================ . . .
My concussions:
We don't accepted Absolute Reference Frame T=0K and therefore
we don't know what Quantum of Light and Electron are and therefore
every speculation is possible. I say:
1) God is simple: T=0K
2) Soul is simple: Quantum of Light
( c/d=pi, R/N=k, E/M=c^2, h=0, c=0, i^2=-1, h=E/t, h=kb,
h=1, c=1. h*=h/2pi, c>1, E=h*f , e^2=ach* , e^i(pi)= -1)
3) Everything else (material) is complex.
‘If we were looking for something that we could conceive
of as God within the universe of the new physics, this ground
state, coherent quantum vacuum might be a good place to start.’
/ Book ‘The quantum self ’ page 208, by Danah Zohar. /
" The reasons of a modern science give, maybe, the opportunity
to make the conclusion, that the religion became acceptable
for sensible scientific mind, since 1927. "
/ Sir Arthur Stanley Eddington /
The God's Code of Nature.
§1. Vacuum: T= 0K, E= ∞ , p = 0, t =∞
§ 2. Particles: C/D= pi=3,14, R/N=k, E/M=c^2, h=0, c=0, i^2=-1
§ 3. Photon: h=E/t, h=kb, h=1, c=1
§ 4. Electron: h*=h/2pi, c>1, E=h*f , e^2=ach
§ 5. Gravity, Star formation: h*f = kTlogW : He II -- > He I -- > H-- >
§ 6. Proton: (p)
§ 7. The evolution of interaction between Photon / Electron and Proton:
a) electromagnetic
b) nuclear
c) biological
§ 8. The Physical Laws:
a) Law of Conservation and Transformation Energy/ Mass
b) Pauli Exclusion Law
c) Heisenberg Uncertainty Law
§ 9. Brain: Dualism of Consciousness
§ 10. Test and Practice: Parapsychology. Meditation
The secret of God, Soul and Existence is hidden in
" The theory of Vacuum and Quantum of Light"
Best wishes.
Israel Sadovnik Socratus.
we have no knowledge of what energy is.

From a brief scan of your post it appears you start from a point of view god exist and then invent so much Woo Woo I lost track

However the above stood out. Instead of giving your take on what energy is in your own words you give

In 1987 Feynman wrote:
‘ It is important to realize that in physics today,
we have no knowledge of what energy is.
We do not have a picture that energy comes in little
blobs of a definite amount. ‘

Well let me fill in your lack of knowledge in this area

Energy is the ability to do work

How about that? Seven words

There are various types of energy but the ability to do work binds them all together

The We do not have a picture that energy comes in little blobs of a definite amount is because no such picture exist

I'd set homework but then I would have to mark it and I'm far to lazy to become that much involved

There are various types of energy but the ability to do work binds them all together
But that proves God does not exist☺
Print his post out shread it and put in on your tomatoes it should beat any cow pad to date.
Its a wind up surely.
Marks A+for quantity.
But that proves God does not exist☺
Print his post out shread it and put in on your tomatoes it should beat any cow pad to date.
Its a wind up surely.
Marks A+for quantity.
Z- for quality

It looks a bit like "Is this maths" thread

Z- for quality

It looks a bit like "Is this maths" thread

T= infinity and E = infinity so infinity = infinity and T = E...what more proof do you need.
I like the presumed f slip...
"My concussions"

Something weird just happened as I was typi g this with my spell displayed each of the following in separate boxes for no apparent reason...

Vociferous. Jan. Jan Ardena. Seatle. Rajesh Trivedi. , . , . , .Micheal. Neddy.

I will go back and see where the cursor sat....????

How strange????

Maybe it was in the math?
Never had anything like that happen ever.

Quantum at work I guess????

Energy is the ability to do work

The We do not have a picture that energy comes in little blobs
of a definite amount
is because no such picture exist

I'd set homework but then I would have to mark it and
I'm far to lazy to become that much involved
About an electron
a) Planck and Einstein found the energy of electron as: E=h*f
b) Sommerfeld found the formula of an electron as : e^2=ah*c
c) Dirac found two (2) more formulas of electron’s energy:
+E=Mc^2 and -E=Mc^2
d) According to QED in interaction with vacuum electron’s
energy is infinite: E= ∞
e) Electron tied with atom by the energy: E=-me^4/2h*^2= -13,6eV
Nobody knows why electron has six ( 6 ) formulas and we don't know
what are interactions between these formulas.
Electron has six (6) formulas it means that the electron can be in
six different states and electron can come from one state to another.
To come from one state to another one must be some mechanism
of changes. What is mechanism of its changes? Nobody gives answer.
=====. .
a) The electron follows Fermi- Dirac statistics.
b) The electron obeys Pauli Exclusion Law.
c) The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle / Law
d) Electron takes important part in Maxwell's electrodynamics ( Lorentz force -
- theory of electrons: F = qE + qv × B )
e) The electron must observe
'' The Law of conservation and transformation of energy/ mass''.
Why does '' simple'' electron obey fife ( 5 ) Laws ?
===============. .
Electron is not a stable, solid, firm, steel particle .
Electron's size, mass, energy is dependent on its velocity.
Electron's size, mass, energy is dependent on its spin / angular momentum.
The angular momentum can be different: 1/2, 3/2, 5/2, 7/2 . . . . etc.
When angular moment is stronger, its size is smaller, the frequency is higher and
the energy is bigger: E=h(bar)f.
Today electron is an abstract, symbolic construction.
Mainstream physics doesn't know what electron is.
Book " What is the Electron?", by Volodimir Simulik Montreal, Canada. 2005. /
In this book:
‘ More than ten different models of the electron are presented here.
More than twenty models are discussed briefly.
Thus, the book gives a complete picture of contemporary theoretical
thinking (traditional and new) about the physics of the electron.’
And In the internet is possible to find 100 different models of electron.
All of these models of electron are problematical.
We know electron by what it does, not by what it is and the orthodox style
of thinking wouldn't open the door to understand what electron is.
=================================. .
And In the internet is possible to find 100 different models of electron.
All of these models of electron are problematical.

And unfortunately in the forum can be found Cowpat Woo Woo

To which you have added a pile of your own

To which you have added a pile of your own

To which i can add Heinrich Hertz quote:

''One cannot escape the feeling that these mathematical formulas have
an independent existence and an intelligence of their own, that they
are wiser that we are, wiser even than their discoverers, that we get
more out of them than was originally put into them. ''
/ Heinrich Hertz /

The laws of Nature are much wiser than we are thinking of them
The laws of Nature are much wiser than we are thinking of them
I agree with the above in principle, but would not call the mathemtical functions of Nature "wise".
Law of Nature are controlled by the mathematics of "values" and cause mathematical imperatives which make the laws of "cause and effect" a purely deterministic process.

The confirmation of these Natural Mathematical functions are observable and quantifiable and gave rise to the Sciences (the study of Natural phenomena).
I agree with the above in principle,
but would not call the mathemtical functions of Nature "wise".
Law of Nature are controlled by the mathematics of "values" and
cause mathematical imperatives which make the laws
of "cause and effect" a purely deterministic process.
You say: ''Law of Nature are controlled by the mathematics of "values" ''
To control something needs mind / brain.
Does mathematics have mind/brain ?
Are there particles which can carry mathematical (controlled) functions ?

Classic physics obeys deterministic laws.
Quantum physics prefers statistic laws.
As far as I know, not while they were in office. Usually, good lawyers could make a lot more money in the private sector, but give that up to be of service to the nation. If after their sevice they make a million dollars on having a best selling book and being invited to lecture, that would be just reward.
They traded their political connection for money. You know it and I know it.
To which i can add Heinrich Hertz quote:

''One cannot escape the feeling that these mathematical formulas have
an independent existence and an intelligence of their own, that they
are wiser that we are, wiser even than their discoverers, that we get
more out of them than was originally put into them. ''
/ Heinrich Hertz /

The laws of Nature are much wiser than we are thinking of them

Well I respect nature

Unfortunately nature doesn't get it right every time

As a retired midwife I occasionally saw the results of nature getting it wrong and the result was a child, how can I put it charitable, no matter what you put into the child you were never going to get anything out :(

I strongly suspect your mathematics and formula to be like a unfortunate child

Should I be wrong I will pay my own way to your Nobel prize ceromonc and I will be the one clapping the loudest

You say: ''Law of Nature are controlled by the mathematics of "values" ''
To control something needs mind / brain.
That's a false assumption.
Does mathematics have mind/brain ?
Are there particles which can carry mathematical (controlled) functions ?[/quote] Yes, it's their values (potentials) which determine the function.
Classic physics obeys deterministic laws.
Quantum physics prefers statistic laws. ============
None of which require sentient decision making by the values (potentials) involved.

Potential: a latent excellence or ability that may or may not be developed.
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a) Potential state.
b) Active / dynamical state
To pass from one state to another potential energy / particle
must have '' a latent excellence or ability '' to change situation.
Yes, but this ability needs not be sentient. It is determined by the mathematical imperatives of those potentials and abilities.
And you believe this conversation happens when an oxygen molecule meets a hydrogen molecule or do they just bond to make HO When 2 Hydrogen molecules meet an Oxygen molecule, do you believe they discuss how they shall bond to make H2O?

It is their properties and potentials (values) which mathematically determine how they must bond.

Critical thinking is a peculiar necessity for decision making by sentient organisms, which are able to make choices.
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