The moon isn't real

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Registered Senior Member
I now believe, completely, that the moon does not exist.

You can see it. But think about it – without the help of so-called "experts", how do you really know what you’re looking at? It could be a hologram, projected from various government installations throughout the world. It could be a large, crudely painted balloon, held in place by helium and propelled by tiny sails and rudders (which is why it moves across the sky so slowly). Or, most likely, it could have been different things at different times and different places, depending on the technology available to the conspirators and the culture and beliefs of the population being deceived.

The hoax could easily have been imposed on a gullible world at many points in human history. Perhaps it began as a collective hallucination or a religious myth, or perhaps an especially bright star that came to be exaggerated over time. However the moon story started, early proponents of the hoax were swift to recognize how it could be exploited for their benefit, and shrewdly devised a scheme to use it to their advantage.
No, Im not. Notme, its obvious that the moon landing was fake, but have you really stopped and thought that maybe, just maybe, the moon doesn't even exist in the first place? It's fake. It's a secret illumaniti conspiracy. And you heard it here first, on sciforums.
It is possible... But not at ALL probable...

And don't get me started on the moon landing...
This is all a plot, what with the recent shuttle accident. I bet that NASA found out that the crew found out something very important... Like for instance THE MOON IS REALLY FAKE! So they killed them.
OMG, you're right!!! Oh crap! The sky is falling! Run Run! :rolleyes: But don't run too far or you might fall off the edge of the earth...

Sorry man, take some advice: THINK. It's ok to entertain an idea as crazy as that, but to believe whole heartedly is just naive...

Ok, it was funny to begin with, and I was quite prone to go along with you and start denouncing the feasibility of the existence of the night sky as a whole, but then you had to get stupid and trivialize a tragedy which happened on this very same day (errm, plus a few hours) that's just disrespectful, man.
Hey I'd like to complain.. I posted this same exact thing and someone deleted my thread! ;)
Mystech, Im sorry. I will not delete my previous posts so that everyone can see what a butthead I just made of myself.

Counselor hasn't slept in a while, he's kind aderanged right now. So forgive me, please?

I do not believe that the moon is fake, that is a joke. But it is a good read and does have interesting points.
Notme, Im not crazy. But it is possible that the moon doesn't exist. Just think about it! How do you know it's really there? Sure, you can see it. But I can see clouds to, doesn't mean that there real. Have you ever been on the moon? Have you ever heard any scientists say "Hey, maybe the moon isn't real!" No. All the scientist agree that the moon is actually up there, kind of odd really. How come they all agree on the same thing?
The whole Mad Revisionist site reminds me of 'The Onion' from the mid 1900s. At the time the writings would have seemed insensitive, they are now looked at as ironically funny.
But it is possible that the moon doesn't exist
As I said earlier, it is possible but not at all probable. And when it comes down to it, all we can really use to differentiate between what we believe and what we concider is probability.

this is not true! do you believe this shit?...


Off course,FBI doesnt exist.
CIA is not true.,NSA stands for No such Agency...etc...etc...


Here's another theory. CouncslerCoffee is not real.
Think about it, you've read his posts but have you ever seen him or heard his voice.

How can we know he is a real human being and not just another alien-cyborg hybrid prototype? Even if we did see him, how do we know he isn't just an alien-cyborg holographic projection?

I think he's in on the moon conspiracy, ah very cunning indeed, tell the people that the moon is not real, people say he's out of his mind and after that noone will suspect that it isn't real again.
Moonman, we denign... I mean, I denign that Im a secret a agent. The moon isn't real yall.

The moon is a hologram, it's gotta be. So many scientist agree that the moon does exist, how can that be? They never agree on everything 100% but they agree on the moon theory. These scientists are liars.
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