The Mayan Long Count System?

Actually it's worse than religion, since the books this sort of crap is based on are written by known liars, cranks and idiots.

No, it's based on scam artists looking to make a quick few bucks from the gullible by inventing crap and getting it published.

but the subscriber puts value on it and it dictates there thoughts and then action like the one above by posting on a science forum . It caused them to educate us on there new belief system . So it has sprung a life of its own by the gullible that buy it . Just like any product for sale . The ideas believed go on out side of the original scammed . A life of its own and they may even write a book , start a health care club or what ever business venture . Buying into the myth and giving it more validity . Not that it is in the real world , but hey people like to escape reality . Get away from the daily grind .

There are lots of businesses like this . They only exist cause we buy into them . Hell all of the monetary system is based on a believe that a bottom line on a piece of paper says it is worth x amount .

I get it your mad cause they don't say it is fiction . Like ah Orson Wells.

Consider this ! When you read fiction do it stir something in you when it is good and you like it . Captivated ! And how much more when it is believable?

Maybe your silver spoon has spoiled you were you find it difficult to find something to believe in ? Stark reality in your face . I don't know and I don't presume to know , but trying to understand you I do like that . I try . It is fun"" to tell you the truth and I better not say it yet ? Yeah I believe something about you that I don't think I will say right now . Mull it over some more as I get to your personality analysis in more depth
but the subscriber puts value on it and it dictates there thoughts and then action like the one above by posting on a science forum
And what actual "value" is there in following a known liar/ scam artist/ crank?
It deflects from learning (in fact it actively hinders it).

And how much more when it is believable?
Believable? This is the problem, it's only believable to the uneducated, and hinders them learning anything real. Next thing you know you end up with another Heaven's Gate mass suicide.

Maybe your silver spoon has spoiled you were you find it difficult to find something to believe in ?
If you're referring to my post a while back in another thread where I mentioned "silver spoon" please remember that I said it was in comparison.

Mull it over some more as I get to your personality analysis in more depth
Good luck with that.
And what actual "value" is there in following a known liar/ scam artist/ crank?
It deflects from learning (in fact it actively hinders it).

Believable? This is the problem, it's only believable to the uneducated, and hinders them learning anything real. Next thing you know you end up with another Heaven's Gate mass suicide.

If you're referring to my post a while back in another thread where I mentioned "silver spoon" please remember that I said it was in comparison.

Good luck with that.

The silver spoon was in reference of being educated as education if wealth . The wealth of your education . You have eaten lots of books so to speak and that in it self spoiled your ability to believe something trivial to you but monumental to some one else because they don't have your level of wealth ( education to say , or ability to comprehend)

And I am not talking about you buying the myths but as an an observed as to how the person bought into the myth . Maybe you don't care , but I find it very intriguing and something unrealized in human nature could be gained . A new understanding into the Animal called human. They are tricky little bastards and do the damnedest things if you have not noticed
The silver spoon was in reference of being educated as education if wealth . The wealth of your education . You have eaten lots of books so to speak
But I ate them voluntarily.
I read FAR more books than I was "supposed" to, so it's not a "silver spoon" at all - in that regard I'm entirely self-made (Meh, okay, my parents taught me to read at a very early age, but after that...)

but I find it very intriguing
And I find it worrying and disturbing.
But I ate them voluntarily.
I read FAR more books than I was "supposed" to, so it's not a "silver spoon" at all - in that regard I'm entirely self-made (Meh, okay, my parents taught me to read at a very early age, but after that...)

And I find it worrying and disturbing.

I know that . Most gifted people do . They like to read . My son loves to read thank god . The silver spoon is what you gained not like some one payed your way for you . You are the richer for educating your self . The silver spoon is from knowing . Because you did the work you are rewarded with knowing . The spring of knowledge and the knowledge it self is the wealth . Like eating veggies . We know there good for us , but not everybody eats there vegetables and if they don't they don't get the benefit of eating them . You got to eat your vegetables to get the benefits of eating vegetables

I did not mean to imply someone payed your way
Everyone that has predicted doomsday has thus far been wrong. It is only in my trend-following nature to logically categorize doomsayers as incorrect, until one is proven right. In that case we will never know, and the question has become more or less meaningless in any case.

It is unsettling that any doomsday prediction has one shaken considering that 100% that can be proven have been proven wrong.