The Mayan Long Count System?

Gee...maybe they just got tired of counting!!! Who the hell gave some poor Mayan that shitty day-job? You know, the guy probably got to 2012 and was just like 'fuck this...I'm out'...hence prophecies of doom spring eternal!
im mormon, so my theory is that the second coming of christ will probably be near that time

If your Mormon then you should be aware of a Mormon prophecy (by Smith or Young) that the second coming would not take place untill a temple to the Lord was built in every country on earth.
A while back, I was looking through the "Big Book of the Unexplained" when I saw the story about the Mayans and their counting systems. The interesting one is their Long Count system, where they accurately predict when the seasonal solstices will be, and what will be in what position in the sky at the time. All incredibly interesting and swaying. Until the very end.

That's when I read up last night on the subject, and left my friend's house frightened. Litterally shaking.

The Mayan Long Count calendar ends in the year 2012 A.D.. There is nothing past it. December 21st, to be exact. That's not even the scariest part, either! Their incredible accuracy IS.

It is said they spent hundreds of years perfecting it, and finally got it right by 325 A.D. or so, and after that, they calculated dates thousands of years past, but only forward until 2012 A.D.

I need to know...what does everyone here think of the mayan system, and their prediction that the world will end after that date? Are they religious fanatics? Are they reliable? Tell me what you guys think.


If that upsets you as you stated you better stay away from Nostradamus and Revalations.
Most of all, they did not state that the world would end. We in our time have stated that. 2012 is just when they stopped counting into the future. Don't you think they could have went stoped at 1912 or 4012?
The end of the calander simply represents the beginning of a new age. not the end of the world... It IS a wheel calander, which in effect, it has NO end. it simply restarts... I would paste a link of a picture of the calendar up here, but for whatever reason, the asshats that run this page wont let you post links till youve commented 20 times.. good job guys.. way to slow down the progress of understanding...
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The end of the calander simply represents the beginning of a new age. not the end of the world... It IS a wheel calander, which in effect, it has NO end. it simply restarts... I would paste a link of a picture of the calendar up here, but for whatever reason, the asshats that run this page wont let you post links till youve commented 20 times.. good job guys.. way to slow down the progress of understanding...

Is this it?
I would paste a link of a picture of the calendar up here, but for whatever reason, the asshats that run this page wont let you post links till youve commented 20 times.. good job guys.. way to slow down the progress of understanding...

You don't know the reason and you didn't bother asking to find out before you criticised the policy. There is a good reason why we require 20 posts before posting links or sending private messages but I won't bother telling you what it is.

Nothing prevents you posting a web address, and if it is useful a moderator would be quite likely to link it on your behalf, as it happens.

Maybe instead of jumping to conclusions you might find out something about what you're criticising in future. Also, please learn some basic manners and try to apply them in future when you join websites.

Welcome to sciforums.
Thats really funny. Whats even more funny is that after thier WHOLE society discovered the what would happen( and I say happen because we dont know if its an idea or an actual end to the world. People think it just means an end to our way of life not nessisarily death) but anyway, they all killed themselves! haha Thats scary as hell.
Whatever they thought was going to happen was so scary, they all killed themselves. The Peruvians that we know today are decendants of those people, but almost all mayan people killed themselves. haha thats messed up
What a selfless act predicting the end of the world for the rest of us would be.

If only they'd predicted the demise of their own civilisation, and avoided it, .....

Good point.

I wonder what actually happened to them, what with all the abandoned cities and all.

If your Mormon then you should be aware of a Mormon prophecy (by Smith or Young) that the second coming would not take place untill a temple to the Lord was built in every country on earth.

They're getting pretty close. They've even got one in China by way of the assimilation of Hong Kong.
And when and if the Lord comes, he would like what the humans have done in his name? What happens if Lord is a Female with PMS?
Say whaa..??

What it REALLY means:

One day the Dean of the Mayan University checks his grant applications and list of tenures for the coming academic year, and sees that this one guy has been drawing a salary for several years, but he can't recall who he is or what he does - so he goes to see him.

"So what are you researching then?"

"I'm getting all the calendars worked out for the years to come"

"That's Great! - how are you doing so far?"

"I'm up to about 4,000 years in the future"

"Errm ok, thanks for that - we'll let you know about your next grant application in a few weeks"

Weak. ...Verrry weak.
2012 just ends the 13th (I think) bakatun.
I can't quite remember, I did some searching into this a year ago.
So, anyone seen that giant red planet, Nibiru yet? By now it ought to be visible with the naked eye, at least you should be able to find it on telescopes at your local science center. I thought I saw Nibiru the other day, then it turned out I was just looking close up at a basketball. Maybe next time, though.

As for Nostradamus: I hear he predicted the Mel Gibson wife beatings too- only problem was he was off in detail, the wife was supposed to be Greek, not Russian. Does anyone have his predictions for today's lotto numbers? He was soooooo close last week, just a couple digits off.
There is a problem calculating the end date, currently 21 Dec 2012,
a research scientist from UCSB says it could be out by up to 100
years. The problem is you have to be an astronomer AND and archaeologist
to figure it out. It seems most of us have taken it on trust
the the 2012 is correct, but this may not be the case. see for yourself:
Mayan Long count calendar, a different theory

What if the Mayans did not originate on Earth? What if, thousands of years ago, we did not live here? It is suggested that in 2012 the planets and other stars will line up. There is one star that we think life may exist in and that is VEGA. So, what if, I know this is a big if, what if we originated from VEGA and the MAYAN long count calendar is our sentence. In the past, something happened when we were in space and we were, for whatever reason, sent into exile.
We are now the distant relatives of the exiles and at the end of the Mayan Colander, we will return home to the bosom of our family. If the fact that the Earth lines up through the celestial equator with VEGA, then it might be that we will be taken home via Translight speed to VEGA and join our relatives in space.
Surely someone else has realised that for 2000 years we have slowly advanced and although we have had wars, it is only in the last hundred years and the last fifty years that we have advanced at a phenomenal rate that should have shown us that something was holding us back in the past. Think about the Egyptians and how far they advanced. The Romans with their wars, the Spanish and then the Catholic Church came to power and who do you think is holding us back. What did the Pope and Catholic Church do? They withheld science and persecuted astronomers. I wonder why? Did they find something and withheld our forward momentum?
They are still trying to do it even now and still hold secrets of our past and we have very famous scientists who should have advanced us to the stars by now. By that I mean we should have been in space a thousand years ago. Why now did we invent electricity and space travel? Look at the IPod, I phone, computers, to STAR TREK flat screens in a matter of a few years. We are now at a panicle for certain advancements, but space travel is yet to come. Maybe in 2012, we get to travel home and meet our relatives.
When we are sent to prison, how many prisoners count down the days? The Mayan calendar may be a long count to the end of our exile and this was their way of showing us what was to be. No doubt in the next few months, we will see what the calendar really means.
ago, we did not live here. It is suggested that
What if you'd had a proper education as opposed to reading crank books and websites?
Is there one single shred of evidence to support this inane supposition?
Gee...maybe they just got tired of counting!!! Who the hell gave some poor Mayan that shitty day-job? You know, the guy probably got to 2012 and was just like 'fuck this...I'm out'...hence prophecies of doom spring eternal!

some one who understands me .
Is there one single shred of evidence to support this inane supposition?

it is not unlike religion you know . In fact I think it is like a reaching for ? The dream stays the same and it is predetermined by control factors of indoctrination. The way that person is acting is what I am talking about . The information spouting could be just about anything in the Sinter Claus world of communication . Jives prods and pokes so to speak yet controlled by indoctrination.

I mean come on all ready . Don't you get tired of the same old rhetoric . You are smart enough to analysis the predictable out come of the crank influenced mind . The rhetoric is build one on the other after all .

Is there a consistent base in the message ? Be it the reverse of science as more based in hope . You know the reason a person believe in anything so that we don't just lay down an die. Nothing to live for 1. Hope of a better day . You got to believe it will get better , or not , and what crawl in a hole ? be miserable . Have no hope and be all joyful there is no hope . La de Da no hope and I am so happy about that I could shit my self . I don't think it works like that ?
it is not unlike religion you know
Actually it's worse than religion, since the books this sort of crap is based on are written by known liars, cranks and idiots.

Is there a consistent base in the message ? Be it the reverse of science as more based in hope
No, it's based on scam artists looking to make a quick few bucks from the gullible by inventing crap and getting it published.