The Islamic State - a perfect society?

Although born without original sin, a person is vulnerable to committing sins and becomes accountable for them after the age of reason.​

So, people aren't perfect, even in Islam. Otherwise, there would be no need for laws.

And who is claiming otherwise?
The OP, who seems to think there is a contradiction between Islam's conception of humanity and it's laws.
Ah I see. Personally, I cannot understand why some people think religion is a magical formula and God some guy with an agenda. Or humanity something that should walk in lock step with their ideology. Very surreal.
unlike whitey who learned how to read and write due to arab incursions into europe, indians got nothing except death and destruction

oh yeah
and a stinking tomb called the taj mahal
Another one who has yet to read the Quran, or ignorance is a point of view
A crime free society is one where no human action is considered criminal.
the question is how would we achieve such a society.
the next question is who decides what's criminal.
do we need a starting point? one that said law originated from a "being"?
i believe the "perfect society" will be a marriage of secular and religious.
Human beings as a society are the same everywhere.
humans are indeed the same everywhere but their societies are quite different from one another.
What Islam does is provide a social framework that permits a regulation of human behaviour to the human extent possible.
regulation on human behavior? a set of morals?
the difference between islam and other religions is what?
Since all Islamic societies should be based on social consensus, . . .
a republic seems the best way to go about this.
it is upto the people to decide which acts should be punished in what way.
judges? this in connection with the morals i mentioned above is probably where most of the clashes of religion occur.
religious sects all over the world are in dire need of getting their shit together in this regard.
Islamic laws also give victims' families the option to forgive the criminal if they so choose.
i haven't an answer for this. yet.
leopold said:
the question is how would we achieve such a society

How we always have, by consensus. If people living in a society disagree with its norms, they change it.
How we always have, by consensus. If people living in a society disagree with its norms, they change it.
you seem to be implying a democracy, this isn't the same as a republic.
the major difference in the two is that minority rights are protected in a republic.
even in a republic there are ways of "the man" getting your stuff. the public good is one example.
I did not imply anything. The Romans were overthrown by the barbarians, the Persians by a bunch of Arab horsemen, Alexander when his troops tired of war.
I did not imply anything. The Romans were overthrown by the barbarians, the Persians by a bunch of Arab horsemen, Alexander when his troops tired of war.
i don't see what any of the above has to do with a peaceful/perfect society.

BTW, everything you post here implies something.
I think the same is true of murder insofar as there will always be sociopaths and psychopaths.

Perhaps, one day not, as our technology expands and understanding of the brain grows, there may very well be recognition and prevention of such biological dysfunctions.

Islam goes through periodic fits of redefinition, and as you're such a critic of the faith and its history, I can safely presume you've studied those at least as much as I have.

Hence, my problem, the more I read, the more disturbed I am about Islam and the fate of mankind under it's rule.

How can Islam exist as a religion of peace when it has, for its entire existence, been viewed by Christians as an enemy...?

That should be obvious, and it was Muhammad who made that happen when he created Islam. Clearly, he was sending a message to the Christians by claiming himself a messenger and prophet and declaring Islam to be the final rendition of the Abrahamic god's doctrines.

Do you actually think he didn't know that would be the outcome? It was his intention to undermine Christianity, he had no choice but to do so if he was to gain followers.
Personally, I cannot understand why some people think religion is a magical formula

That is exactly what Islam claims to be, the "magical formula" for perfection. Islam boasts it is a perfect religion that will lead to a perfect life. Muslims have had 14 centuries to demonstrate that and to this day are burdened with pedophiles, rapists, murderers and drug traffickers.

What does that say about Islam's perfection?
Another one who has yet to read the Quran, or ignorance is a point of view

"Islam speaks about ruling the world, as summarized in a phrase: "Allah sent Muhammad with the true religion so that it should rule over all the religions." It is not that the whole world will become Muslim instantly, but that it will eventually be subdued under the rule of Muslims. "Islam is a messianic religion… from the very beginning, it talked about the end of the world." In Islam, "Allah is the king of the end of days."

The Arab-Israeli conflict: "The root of the problem between us [Israelis] and the Arab world is Islam. Islam is not only a religion. It is a culture, politics… a state, Islam is everything. It has been like this, and it will be like this for the foreseeable future," From the Muslim perspective,

Islamic territory was taken away from Islam by Jews. You know by now that this can never be accepted, not even one meter. So everyone who thinks Tel Aviv is safe is making a grave mistake. Territory which at one time was dominated by Islamic rule, now has become non-Muslim. Non-Muslims are independent of Islamic rule and Jews have created their own independent state. It is anathema. Worse, Israel, a non-Muslim state, is ruling over Muslims. It is unthinkable that non-Muslims should rule over Muslims.

~~ Moshe Sharon

"O believers, what is amiss with you, that when it is said to you: ‘Go forth in the way of Allah,’ you sink down heavily to the ground? Are you so content with this present life, rather than the world to come? Yet the enjoyment of this present life, compared with the world to come, is a little thing."

(Qur`an, Sura 9 Verse 38)

"Go forth light and heavy! Struggle in Allah’s way with your possessions and your selves; that is better for you, if you know."

(Qur`an Sura 9 Verse 41)
That is exactly what Islam claims to be, the "magical formula" for perfection. Islam boasts it is a perfect religion that will lead to a perfect life. Muslims have had 14 centuries to demonstrate that and to this day are burdened with pedophiles, rapists, murderers and drug traffickers.

What does that say about Islam's perfection?

That it's about even with Christianity's 'perfection'? I've been a muslim, never heard of this perfection deal. Just that it considers itself the best religion, just like all the rest.

Actually, I generally prefer christianity on the whole, though I don't consider myself to be christian either. But then, christianity is generally associated with western societies; that is, with the haves, not the have nots. I believe that as a general rule, the have nots are going to have harsher religions; they are constantly aware of the fact that in terms of their economy, military and education (the most important of the 3 in my view), they're outclassed.

So what to do? I think the answer is to create a harsher society. I may be critiqued by many people here and that's fine. I'm just trying to answer the question for myself; to try to figure out why it is that islam has such violent things in it. Now I can easily imagine that S.A.M. will say that the U.S. has its weapons of mass destruction and all and I'd agree; but while the U.S. may employ those weapons against foreigners, it rarely does so against its own population; and for a long time, when it does so, it does so in secret (for those who want to learn more of western society's history of this, feel free to read wikipedia's Strategy of Tension).

But we know that Saddam gassed his own people and Afghanistan has been at war for quite some time. I keep on thinking that it has to do with education; that and the humiliation of being seen as second best to western society. I'm also thinking of western society and how, in many ways, it's quite similar to Roman society. And then I think of how roman society was splintered up and the dark ages began, only to come up again in the Rennaisance.

I think that Rome definitely had a lot of things going for it to last so long. But it also had its flaws, which eventually brought it down. I guess it's primary flaw was that it focused far too much on the troubles at the oustkirts of its empire and far too little at the rot within.

One thing that I feel absolutely certain will end is this whole immigration issue; as in so many people wanting to get to western societies and much of western society wanting to lessen the flow. It reminds me of Rome's end; the barbarians seeking shelter in Rome from harsher barbarians, Romans treating them badly, then they get back at the romans.. anyway, I definitely believe there is a lot of corruption at the top. But while I see that, I also think that the only solution to our problems here is that the U.N. is strengthened and that ultimately we do indeed have a one world government, where people can travel to wherever they like. Whether this is done peacefully, or whether it happens more violently (think the barbarians eventually splintering up the Roman empire leading to the dark/middle ages), I think that there really is no alternative.
That is exactly what Islam claims to be, the "magical formula" for perfection. Islam boasts it is a perfect religion that will lead to a perfect life. Muslims have had 14 centuries to demonstrate that and to this day are burdened with pedophiles, rapists, murderers and drug traffickers.

What does that say about Islam's perfection?

Where does "Islam" claim all this? Could you show me the source?

"Islam blah blah blah"

Moshe Sharon blah blah

Sura 9 blah blah

Who is Moshe Sharon? What is sura 9 about?

Hence, my problem, the more I read, the more disturbed I am about Islam and the fate of mankind under it's rule.

Now you sound like these people:

'Proud Hungarians must prepare for war against the Jews'

I suggest you get selective with your reading material.
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You re-interpret what they wrote aka "we, the people" magically includes black people

Actually at the time it did incude quite a number of black people who were already freeman. Not every black on this continent was a slave.

In fact we have documentation that Washington would buy slaves, pay them and allow them to save up to buy their freedom. He would also buy peoples debts and indenture them under similair condition so their debt would be paid off. This was back in the days when we still believed in debtors prison.

However i will point out that the US was not the last nation to abolish slavery. In fact there are many nations that still allow slavery today.