The Irrefutable Expansion of Ganymede

Hey OilIsMastery, have you checked the research by Neal Adams? I've been reading about the Earth Expansion Theory over the past 2 months and I can say it definitely makes more sense than the Pangea theory.

The Pangea theory requires "events" for it to make some sense, while the EE explains all the questions I had before. For example, if the gravity of earth was the same now as it was when the dinosaurs roamed, they would have never grown to be so big. And the T-Rex would have been alive because they wouldn't be able to move faster than 10 mph or their necks would brake when turning or stopping. Obviously they had to chase down prey, like lions. But if you accept that gravity was 1/4 of what it is now, because the earth was 1/4 of what it is now, then you can see how a R-rex CAN move like a tiger.
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I thought you believe that's impossible...:rolleyes:


Nowhere have I stated or implied that.

In fact, I have said quite the opposite on a number of occasions, and every time, I have made the point that this is not the same thing you're talking about.

It's a wholly different phenomenom.

I have, however, stated that Ganymede is not expanding in the way you would have everyone believe.

There's no mystical field causing it to (significant) mass and increase in size in the manner suggested by any of your theories.

Nowhere have I stated or implied that.

In fact, I have said quite the opposite on a number of occasions, and every time, I have made the point that this is not the same thing you're talking about.

It's a wholly different phenomenom.

I have, however, stated that Ganymede is not expanding in the way you would have everyone believe.

There's no mystical field causing it to (significant) mass and increase in size in the manner suggested by any of your theories.
Glad to know you now concede Ganymede is expanding. You've come a long way from denial.
Glad to know you now concede Ganymede is expanding. You've come a long way from denial.

Glad to see you're still mis-quoting me.

I do not think that Ganymede is (still) expanding.

Again, what you're talking about is sunbstantially different from the idea that the water that made up ganymede expanded as it froze.


On second thoughts, after checking something, it looks like I was remembering an old model turns out that Ganymede isn't completely frozen after all (I may have been confusing it with Callisto).

Oh well, no cookie for you.
On second thoughts, after checking something, it looks like I was remembering an old model turns out that Ganymede isn't completely frozen after all (I may have been confusing it with Callisto).

Oh well, no cookie for you.
You don't even know what moon I'm talking about because you ignored the hard peer-reviewed science published in Nature, Science, etc., that claim Ganymede is expanding.
The only reason you're still arguing with them is because they ignore evidence, because it questions what they have believed all along. It threatens their value system. That's a side effect of childhood indoctrination.
The only reason you're still arguing with them is because they ignore evidence, because it questions what they have believed all along. It threatens their value system. That's a side effect of childhood indoctrination.

I call sock puppet.
You don't even know what moon I'm talking about because you ignored the hard peer-reviewed science published in Nature, Science, etc., that claim Ganymede is expanding.
And you ignoring the many thousands upon thousands of 'hard peer reviewed science' published in all the scientific journals of the world doesn't make you a hypocrite because.....? You being ignorant of high school science doesn't make you a hypocrite because....? You refusing to do any actual learning doesn't make you a hypocrite because.... ? You continuing to repeat the same lies, deliberately misconstrue Trippy's posts (and everyone elses) doesn't make you a pathetic liar because....? The fact James beat your argument to a pulp using evidence in the debate forum doesn't demonstrate your claims are foundless because....?
And you ignoring the many thousands upon thousands of 'hard peer reviewed science' published in all the scientific journals of the world doesn't make you a hypocrite because.....? You being ignorant of high school science doesn't make you a hypocrite because....? You refusing to do any actual learning doesn't make you a hypocrite because.... ? You continuing to repeat the same lies, deliberately misconstrue Trippy's posts (and everyone elses) doesn't make you a pathetic liar because....? The fact James beat your argument to a pulp using evidence in the debate forum doesn't demonstrate your claims are foundless because....?
What peer-reviewed science demonstrates Ganymede is a fixed size? So far you have failed to provide any. That's because there is none.
Oil, you should possibly look at Tidal Heating and the other Moons orbiting Jupiter. Perhaps if you actually look and trying to see something from a different angle you might actually realise you are looking at things wrong currently.

I sure for instance a Doctorate of Philosophy requires that a person looks not just from one angle with the intension of just seeing what they expect, but to try and explore many angles to try and see something that they never before considered. This often means arguing things from the angle you don't agree with so as to get a better understanding of why others disagree. Perhaps you should try this approach, Argue not that The earth expands but why it doesn't.
Oil, you should possibly look at Tidal Heating and the other Moons orbiting Jupiter. Perhaps if you actually look and trying to see something from a different angle you might actually realise you are looking at things wrong currently.

I sure for instance a Doctorate of Philosophy requires that a person looks not just from one angle with the intension of just seeing what they expect, but to try and explore many angles to try and see something that they never before considered. This often means arguing things from the angle you don't agree with so as to get a better understanding of why others disagree. Perhaps you should try this approach, Argue not that The earth expands but why it doesn't.
For your information, like everyone else here I grew up brainwashed to believe in plate tectonics. I'm quite familiar with the hypothesis and I'm pretty sure I've read more Wegener, Menard, and Oreskes than anyone here since I'm the only person who ever cites them.

Sadly, PT fundamentalists have not been equally literate:

"At a conference on the expanding Earth in Sydney in 1981 Peter Smith did a test survey of people attending: sixty people interviewed expressed disbelief in the hypothesis, but none of them had read Carey's book on the topic." -- Cliff Ollier, geologist, 2005

Still waiting for any peer-reviewed scientific reference claiming Ganymede is a fixed size.

Oh and by the way, Wegener and Oreskes weren't fundamentalists like PT dogmatists today. They would've happily abandoned the hypothesis in light of all the current disconfirming evidence.

"We have to be prepared always for the possibility that each new discovery, no matter which science furnishes it, may modify the conclusions that we draw." -- Alfred L. Wegener, astrophysicist/geoscientist, 1928

"The history of science demonstrates, however, that the scientific truths of yesterday are often viewed as misconceptions, and, conversely, that ideas rejected in the past may now be considered true. History is littered with the discarded beliefs of yesteryear, and the present is populated by epistemic corrections. This realization leads us to the central problem of the history and philosophy of science: How are we to evaluate contemporary sciences's claims to truth given the perishability of past scientific knowledge? ... If the truths of today are the falsehoods of tomorrow, what does this say about the nature of scientific truth?" -- Naomi Oreskes, geologist, 1999
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