The Irrefutable Expansion of Ganymede

Have you been to other forums? Do you know how real mods act like? Try to be a bit more profressional please.

All your debate points are based on opinions. You don't reference anything, and you assume the plate tectonics theory is "truth" and use that to "disprove" the EET.

Have you been to other forums? Do you know how real mods act?
I want to know how OIM got 2 IP addys I'm thinking he's stealing some wireless from another source so he can keep his and up scy's ass.
Have you been to other forums? Do you know how real mods act?
I have and Ophiolite was recently removed as moderator from the Earth Sciences Forum on TheScienceForum.Com because of his bias, poor behavior, censorship, and ad hominem attacks towards me.

I want to know how OIM got 2 IP addys I'm thinking he's stealing some wireless from another source so he can keep his and up scy's ass.
Divine intervention.
I have and Ophiolite was recently removed as moderator from the Earth Sciences Forum on TheScienceForum.Com because of his bias, poor behavior, censorship, and ad hominem attacks towards me.

More's the pity - that someone that knowledgable would let, well, you get under their skin to that degree.

I imagine that your behaviour there was as... Flawless as your behaviour here.

Just a pity the comment wasn't directed at you in the first place eh?
I have and Ophiolite was recently removed as moderator from the Earth Sciences Forum on TheScienceForum.Com because of his bias, poor behavior, censorship, and ad hominem attacks towards me..
Incorrect. Once again. You are not very good at this, are you?
I was not removed for bias. I displayed none.
I was not removed for poor behaviour. I engaged in none.
I was most certainly not excluded for censorship, since I practiced none and one of the site owner's minor annoyances with me appears to be that I chose not to censor you.
I was specifically removed for insulting you in breach of the forum guidelines.
Do try to be more accurate in future.
Incorrect. Once again. You are not very good at this, are you?
I was not removed for bias. I displayed none.
I was not removed for poor behaviour. I engaged in none.
I was most certainly not excluded for censorship, since I practiced none and one of the site owner's minor annoyances with me appears to be that I chose not to censor you.
I was specifically removed for insulting you in breach of the forum guidelines.
Do try to be more accurate in future.

Sorry, Oph, but the concept of accuracy is totally foreign to him. He can survive only in a world of half-truths, distortions and outright lies. That's his whole makeup.
Dude Oil the world would have been a much better place if your parents had just used a jimmy.