The Importance of the Holy Sacrament

ellion said:
this pattern happens in western culture. it is not just with hard drugs. alcohol and cigarettes, prostitution, etc. these are self destructive behaviours that people seek solace in, because their lives have been devalued by the 'oppressive mindset'

d__Exactly, and it breaks your heart to realize it. not only for yourself but for others. the whole scene. when people are made to feel like worthless shit. when told by the same mindest oppressing them they are merely biochemical machines, and there is no meaning to life, what the fku does THAt do to you. it makes you want to escape. many peopel dont want to do the biggie, so they slow suicide.
It's We who put up with this shit. it take s two. the oppressors and the oppressed to tang. If we start wakin up to their game, or the game, we have a CHOICE to really change it

dont know much about native americans though, suppose they turn to the pipe.

i've read they DId have a very strong psychoactive tobacco, yet there were no, if any, cases of cnacer. this is cause the baccy hadn't been commodified by a commercial culture and pushed on people ....they used it in a ritualstic scred manner. not a 60perday manner. whilst shovelin down crappy fatty sugary shit food and juice....and breathin in pollution from industry and traffic...and, the rest of the stress
Medicine Woman said:
ellion: oh come on! be fair, catholics dont have a monopoly on child abuse it happens in christian parishes too. any body any thoughts on why this happens.
M*W: For starters, being a man of the cloth is the perfect cover-up for the perverted tendencies ALREADY in the minds of the perps! That's why they pursue a vocation in the clergy. It really doesn't happen just because a momentary opportunity arises. Perversions are embedded in the soul.

BTW, did anyone watch the expose last night on Michael Jackson? It was definitely incriminating.

their is this freudian theory, not a big fan of freud but the theory makes sense.
try and brief it.
all people have a sexual intsinct, natural urges which need to be expressed. when these instincts are repressed as is the case with religious institutions, the body gets confused messages from the different commands. i.e. 'i want sex'> 'i cant have sex'> 'sex is nice'> 'sex is dirty' >blah >blah >inner dialogue> blah.
this creates an extreme sexual tension which builds up until it finds expression often in a distorted and perverted way. to be fair this is only in the extreme cases some people do have a sensible attitude toward their sexuality, and can find a healthy way to express it. but unfortunately not every one.
duendy said:
i've read they DId have a very strong psychoactive tobacco, yet there were no, if any, cases of cancer. this is cause the baccy hadn't been commodified by a commercial culture and pushed on people ....they used it in a ritualstic scred manner. not a 60perday manner. whilst shovelin down crappy fatty sugary shit food and juice....and breathin in pollution from industry and traffic...and, the rest of the stress

that makes sense. did you ever read carlos castaneda? i'm geussing you would feel right at home with his idea's.
ellion: their is this freudian theory, not a big fan of freud but the theory makes sense. try and brief it. all people have a sexual intsinct, natural urges which need to be expressed. when these instincts are repressed as is the case with religious institutions, the body gets confused messages from the different commands. i.e. 'i want sex'> 'i cant have sex'> 'sex is nice'> 'sex is dirty' >blah >blah >inner dialogue> blah.
this creates an extreme sexual tension which builds up until it finds expression often in a distorted and perverted way. to be fair this is only in the extreme cases some people do have a sensible attitude toward their sexuality, and can find a healthy way to express it. but unfortunately not every one.
M*W: Yes, this is Freud's theory, and I believe his theory has been proven. Thanks.
Well I don't know about Freud! never did read any of his material.

But I can tell you why men of the cloth, or of any religious denomination that happens to be "authoritative" in the parish, church, or congregation. The reason they engage in these sexual perversions is there authoritative persuation, they lie to kids, they lie to the ingnorance of parishners that are young and seduce their minds and body!. They they threaten with "hell" or you think they will believe you?. type of scicho crap.

Anyhow they do it, because they feel they can get away with it, they are allready perverted, like M*W explains they hide behind their cloth, or parish, of authority they have done it for a long time and gotten away with it. The truth is they are deprived of sexual gratification so they seek inosent victims for their gratification.

People like teachers, doctors, preachers, authorative figures of buisnessess or groups tend to have this notion that they can get away with sexual harrasment, rape, or pedophilia. Now I know that all people in these positions dont think like this, but this is were they tend to come aquainted with volnerable victims so the pervs seek these positions as well.

And the most jacked up thing about it is, why can't they just do something they are not permitted to do that is more normal, like have normal sex, or even go have adult homosex, that should be bad enough to them.
This type of abuse is beyond wrong, but i guess we knew that already.
they deny themselves for god's sake. weird, we are created in such a way that things that are good for us are pleasurable. socializing, love, sex, humour, biscuits etc, are all pleasurable things that we need because they are naturally good for us.

i dont think all these people seek positions where they can abuse their power, some do of course. most likely these people find themselves in positions were they believe they have to deny their instincts, the complexes are then created by the denial, repression and distortion of their natural instincts. if they allowed themselves to be human they would be less likely to fall into sin (their own self created hell).
I have read that the Christian cult is THe worst ever for demonizing sexuality.
When you make sex wrong and dirty you fetishize it. look at the Victorian age. they used to cover up the legs of furniture cause it reminded them of limbs--which on people they covered up.

you can see this pattern of behaviour gloabally thoughout patriachal thinking. for example in Indian 'one point awareness' Yoga, Yogis were told not to even LOOK at Nature for fear of enticing them to sexuality. for when you look at trees, hills etc we DO see sensual curves, and shapes that resemble sexual organis, no. so they thought it best to foocus their attention inwardly on one poinnt so as to escape sensuality. crazy but true

with the frocked priest it's the same
but what these belief systems dont accept is DEPTH. that we are NOt just a superfical one-layer, we are fathomless like Nature, and if we dam up energy it WILl out. and in ways that are distorted such as child abuse as has been shown in Christianity's dark side. the one the oficals have tried to cover up and deny, cause it exposes the whole sorry charade
ellion said:
that makes sense. did you ever read carlos castaneda? i'm geussing you would feel right at home with his idea's.

Many years back i was into him. Then i found this book titled The Power and the Allegory, by Richard de Mille, and found out the Castenada show was all a hoax.

It is also misogynistic as the main enmies in his myth are females witches. this prejuedice is shared in male oriented shamanism wayyyy back
duendy said:
.......that we are NOt just a superfical one-layer, we are fathomless like Nature, and if we dam up energy it WILl out......

i think this is it exactly.